October 18 .1934 Vote for Bond Issue or Take Boost' in Ta.i Douglas Sutherland,. executive sec- retary of the Civic federation and Bu-. reau of Public- Efficiency, Chicago, in an'address this week before the City Club of Chicago cited the reasons why voters in the state of Illinois should approve the $30,000,000 relief bond is- sue which will be 'voted upon at the November 6 election. A synopsis of Mr. Sutherland's remarks follows. Just one is sue-either: (a) Approve bonds and spread pay- nients over 20-year period, by withhold- îng a small percentage of gas tax allot- ted each year to state, county and muni- cipal highway work, in Proportion to the funds each county and municipallty got for relief this year; which Is fair to everybody; or, (b) Do flot approve bonds, and thus be compelled to pay next year an addi- tional 63 cents per $100 assessed Value on everything you own-real estate, auto- mobile, truck, ail personal property-on top of your regular 1934 taxes no matter where you live or whether your county and town got a dime for relief. The amount diverted from the gas tax allotments in any one year would not total four and one-haîf millions at the peak for the entire state cf Illinois, and this wotild be subdivided into $3,502,000 from the counties and $985,- 000 from the towns. After 1944, wliei the 1932 bonds are retired, the counl- tics and municipalities %vill meet the annual requirements equally. There- fore, silice the maximum diversion for these bonds in any one year would be four and a haif million, there will re-- main at least $24,OO,000-less perhaps two millions. which Chicago now apparently has for its schools-that will be available each year for the h ighways. .In any event, whatever may be ones objections in priniciple to gas tax diver- sions, it is a practical situation and flot a theory that we have to meet. Theý practical facts are that the bonds will retire the notes on which 1934 relief funds were issued, and will save the state's credit. The equity behind these notes. is the special tax of $38.- 000,000 amounting to 63 cents per $100 of assessed value, levied by the legisla- ture and collectal)le next vear. Eithier the bonds must pass, or the tax must lie collected, to save the credit of the state. The noteholders can go to court and force the collection of the tax. It is imnpossib)le to pay these nlotes from other state revenues. So, avoid the heavy special tax by votiflg "Yes" for the bonds. on November 6. Open Social Season at Mallinckrodt Nov. 9 The first social activity cf The Mal- linckrodt Mothers' club this season lias been scheduled for. Friday even- ing, November 9, at 8 o'clock, in the school auditorium. Many interesting features are being planned for the occasion. Besides -the card games, the combined efforts of the dramatic, gym, music, and vocal departmenits will provide for ample entertainment. Refreshments will, be' served after the games. A large attendance of Mal- linckrodt friends is expected at this the. opening activity ofthe'season. PLEDGED TO FRATERNITIES Four Wilmette men were pledgedl te social fraternities at Northwestern university this faîl, rushing chairmen announced last week. In aIl, over 306 men were pledged te seventeen fraternities. Foliowing is the list.cf Wilmette people who pledged: Beta Theta Pi: ,Angus Steven, Jr., 124 Broadway; Phi Delta Theta: Ed Thomas, 1136 Chestnut avenue; Wranglers: Ken Shearon, 403 Wash- ington avenue; Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon: Robert Kiel, 911 Greenwood ave- nue. WILMETTiELF ano ther Nelson Laundry 1210 Central Avenue, Wilinette Phne Wilmeue 1800 1 French Laundry 806 Dempiter Street, Evanston Ph... University 2776 Rellable Leudw Northa Shoge Laundbw 618 N. Green Day Road, Highland Park 566 Cheutnut Street, Winnetka Ph... Higlaland Park 177 Ph,,, Winnetka 602 Qualty Lauudair Nelson Boms.LaundbM 1709 Darrow Avenue, gvanston 1014 Davis Street, Evanston Ph... University 4620, Phn. University 0112 r Ob There's no doubt about iti North Shore women who stop and figure the cost of home wasbing arrive invarably at this conclusion: They cannot AFFORD to do this most trying household task when there is a member of the North Shore Çuality Laundries in their community offering popular Iaundry services at "bargaini prices." Yes. any service 'wiII ACTUALLY SAVE YOU MONEYI And more . . . your clothes are washed beautifully, immacu- Iately dlean in a modern sunlit laundry. They last longer. You are relieved of the labor and mental sdrain which isalways a part of home washing. Do you want economy7 Do you wanl leisure? Do you want peace-of-mind and freedom from wash dey drudgery? 0Of course you dol And you'lI get them al by sending your Iaundry to the member in your community. That member wiII actually PROVE UT, if you WiI but use one of these "bargain .piced," services for a week or two. Telephone the mem- ber to caîl for next weeks bundle. *A i hd sescond of a septe: of .ulveriisemn. le pa.lhd i ooP"aaon wfth a national causpaigu fp~oirod &y te Amria, udry MachMo"rComnpany, The hubia adzertisonent oft hir campeign apparodi n Thé Sauro Ev énhg Post, ru. et October z3. NORTU SIORE LAUN-DRIES NOTHSHORE WOMANý.q sedait t.thlunr Mrs. Hudson is cictually SAVINO MONEY with Thrifty-Hydro Service' Recd what she says... ""I can't understand hou> any woman will wash at home and imagine she is saving money. When she considers' equipment, 'washing supplies and her time the laundry is far more economical and satisr factory with their low 'bargain Prices.' A nd a lau,,- dress makes home washing even more expensive. 1 use Thrifty Service and it costs me about $1.35 a week for far better work than 1 could do and at rnuch less cost."- Mrs. R. K. Hudson 811 Seward Street Evanston., Illinois