e n, Social ice BuJAjTEN B1ROECK Radio' Stars in CZhildren's Plays at Woman's Cdu Many of the boys and gir -who appear in the production, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which t] jack and Jili Players are pr senting at the Woman's Club Wilnmette on Saturday afte noon, November' 3. are w( known radio stars. Jay Merrick, who piays. Georl Sbelby, Dan Berman, who pla: Haley; Billy McCullough, who Marks in the play,,and Dolores An, erson have ail appeared frequeni on "Skippy" whicb is heard on tl Columbia. station WBBM everv a ternoon except Saturday and Sui day at 5. Dan Berman plays Somei set on the radio program; Billy Mi Cullough plays Hecky: Dolores An( erson, Gussie; and Jay Merrick var ous extra characters, particularl any tougb boys that are written int the script. The name part of the Jack an jili play, Uncle Tom, is playfed. b Seymour Kaplan. 11e appeared c "The Devil Bird" ail last year, an bas been on "Jack Armstrong" few times. Carl Boyer played th iead in "Doggie Dinner"r prograr from WBBM ail last winter. .The Phineas. Fletcher of "Unci Tom's'Cabin" bas been on so man different radio programs, and ha played sncb a wide variety of partf that it is really very bard to nam, thém ail. They include, however the lead of Wally in "Tip-Toi Circus". and roles in. "Rin-Tin-Tini "Nortberners"* "Helen T r e n t "Frank Merriwell", "Jack Armn strong", "Lumn and Abner", an( "Orpban Annie." James Stolp bas aiso bad-a widi 'xperience as a radio personality H1e was on "Skippy" wben it firsi started several years ago,-but as ht grew too old for that program b( worked on varions otl'er ones; On( of tbe main parts he bas taken waf that of the young villain, Nick, or ,"Tip-Top Circus" ,wbicb was bear< ail Iast winter on WGN. You will see ail of these young radio stars in persor -in the play "Uncle Tom's Cabin", and, any o1 them-will be very glad to autograph programsý after the show. 1Mrs. H. A. Storms is, chairman of the Cbildren's plays and Mrs. Frank Adams is co-chairman. Other mem- bers of the committee include Mes- dames Harry A. Finneéy, A. E. Hall, Clifford Ives, Carl Lovgren, J. N. Macalister, J. Robert McClure, R. D. ,Oilar,, Leonard Parsons,. L. D. Snorfj Enocb Steen, R. D. Taylor, Otto vori der Hoff. Tickets may be securecl fromn any member of the committee. -L. M. C. is Mary Crane, Hostess The Kenilworth chapter of the Mary Crane league will meet with Mrs. George F. Salisbury, 229 Essex road,, Kenilworth,, on Friday, October 26. Mrs. W. H. Hollis will be as- sisting. hostess. Trolh Announced IV Carlos Photo to A-t a sinail tea Sutttrda3y, Mi-S. Frederick P, Luther of Ezanisto;n id alillowicedl the, betrothal of her )y daughter, Ruth Ann, Iv Harrv% L. n Stopte 0of T-iiiiette. id a mNamne Cormmftee for le PIilanthropy Benefit 1 For its community-wide dessert ý bride on Wednesday, October 31, the ie philanthropy department of the XVo- matman's Club of Wilmette lists» the r, mnmers of its comrnittee. lt Headed by Mrs. Knight Blanchard, chairman, wilth Mrs. Alvin L. Beirnes, co-chairman, it includes officers of ýd the department, Mrs. Earl G. I.ow, chairman; Mrs. Ray Warren, vice- le chairman; Mrs James F. Rowey R. Hall, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. ýe *Willian A. Durgin, luncheon chair- ýe man; Mrs. R. M. Campbell, chair- e nan of cooperation with ex-service, men; the chairmen ini charge of the various sewing days: Mrs. O. F. n Kampmeier, Mrs. E. B. Knudtson, d.Miss La ura Davy, Mrs. A. F. Hoop- er., Mrs. Perry L. Smithers, Mrs. SWalter Gougb, Mrs. G.' B. Knepper, y'Mrs.. W. F. Shaw, Mrs. O. E. Thaleg, Mrs. W. C. Huggins, Mrs. John Bartholomew, Mrs. Frederic . 0 Ebeling, Mrs. H. A. Storms, Mrs. f Ernest H. Freeman, and Mrs. James C. Crossley. - It is comipleted by Mrs. David Davis, Mrs. Eugene.Arms, Mrs. Wal- *ted Hf.- Hildebrand, Mrs. Clarence B. Burpee, Mrs. J. McL. Camelon,. *Mrs, F. R. Eccles, Mrs. George Red- iding. Mrs. Arthur Hall, Mrs. H oward IRingholm, Mrs. James Rowley, Mrs. IRoy Marqxuardt, Mrs. W,, C. Hedge. cck, Mrs. W. McKnight. Mrs. Mar.ý ley Halvorsen, and Mrs. Charles W.. Moody. Tickets may be ob tained f rom any of the committee members. Bridge Dnner Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Law, Jr., 417 Warwick road, Kenitworth,, will entertain at a bridge dinnier Satur- day. Miss Jane Roberts Is Fefed Before Marriage The past two weeks bave brought a number of pre-nuctial parties for Miss Jane Roberts of Wilmette, wvho is to be married on Wednesday eve- ning, October 24, to Frederick Browvn Hanson of Evanston. Tuesday afternoon of this week Miss Medora Bright of Wilmette was hostess at a pantry shower. On Octo- ber 12, Mrs. Walter D. Lawrence and Miss Dorothy, Lawrence of Wood- stock gave a luncheon and handker- chief shower. Tuesday, Octoher 9, Mrs. Charles deBerard and ber daugbter. Mrs. William Pheris, Jr., of Hinsdale, entertained at a kitchen shower. Miss Medora -Bright wvas hostess at a cocktail party followed by a dinner and miscellaneous show- er given by Mrs. Austin Eîniore of Wilmette on Monday, October 8. M ir. and Mrs. Louis A. deBerard of Gleti- coe gave a dinner party on October 6, also 0o1 October 6, there wvas a recep- tion and tea with the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Tbeodore Hanson, and Mrs. Philip H. Kinsley of Evanston as hostesses. Tomorrow Miss Elizabeth Wing of Evanston, Miss Roberts' bridesmaid, will be hostess at a bosiery shower. Miss Roberts' parents, Mr. and M,\rs. Roscoe Linscott* Roberts o f 808 Greenwood avenue, will give, the bridaI dininer for fourteen at Shaw- nee Country club next Mfonday. Have Steak Fry A group of "Young Mlarrieds" liad a dutch treat Steak f ry Tuesday of, last week, at the Forest preserve near Glenview. They met at the honme of the 'Wendell Clarks. 711 Kent road. Kenilwortb. In 'Sisier' Act Malcolm Balfoure Photo Mrs. Donald Loterie, with another Junior lea puer, is rehearsing for thc deSister" act site zuill do when. the Evasaston league presen ts ifs Junior League Follie.ç the evenings of Novenber 1, 2, and 3, in Glencot,. CatIiolic Club to Cive Bridge for Ail Its Members Jnistea d of a regular prograin for the meéeting of October 26, of the Wonian's Catholic Club) of Wilmiette, the prograni chair- plan, Mrs. Robert Fonthamn, as- sisted biwlber commrittee, iVrs. Charles Broad an(l Mrs. Theo- dore. Barrett, has arranged a complimentary b)ridge for .ail Iinl)ers of the club for that afternooni. The prizes wvill include one for each table. Refreshments will be served l)y the social chairînan. MIrs. W\il- Iiam Leary and ber committee. Members. of. the club are urge(l to join the Parliamentary law~ and Pub- lic Speaking class which meets every Wednesday at 10 o'clock at the borne of the chairman, Mrs. Theodore Bar- rett. 1231 Greenwood avenue. The Book Study ciass meets every first and third Tuesday of the m'-,nth at the home of the chairman Mrs. Harry Sherwin, 1029 Greenwood ave- nue. Mrs. Fontham will bie the prograrn chairman of the Wornain's Catholic club for this season and next.. Re- cordiniz secretary for tivo vears. wav%-s and means chairman for-two ,,ears. and courtesy chairman for the .sanie length of time, she bas been artivelv identified witb, the exectiion of club) affairs.. In addition tco that slhf, bas taken part in club (lramatici; and nro- vrarns. Charni ind ahility Piid a siîîoîing voice. wvell train-d.. ri,,1i. and warrn are biers. ',he stifflied v'oice for mai ~ -'-icvars unider Chatincev Farl B rvan t. P.,f', Ann Luflier' 6 Fiancée of Harry Stone The engagementeof Miss Ruth Atin Luther, datugbter of Mrs. Frederick P. Luther of the Orringtfon hotel. to Harrv L. Stone, son of Mr. and-Mrs. ju'dson F. Stone of 1234 Ashland avenue, was announced at a small tea wbich thle bride's mother gave Saturday. Miss Luther, was a student at Northwestern unive rsity a nd a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mr. Stone was gradu- ated from Dartmouth and is a member of Phi Kappa Psi. The wedding wvill take nlace in the later autumfn. Gala Day at Shawnee, The women's luncheon and pivot bridge last Monday at Shawnee Coun- try club was attended by nearly ninety- five members and guests. The affair was quite a festive one, and it is hoped ý' at the following women's luncheons on M4ondays will te just as well attended. A long table in the dining roomn provid- ed places for some of the members, while others with guests were seated at smaller tables. An unusual spirit of ociability. and cooprration pervaded s0 that the winter season portends to bie abappy one. ,October 18, 034 WILMETTE LIfE