October 18, 1934 WILMETTIE.LIFE suitable for èither smal rlageicoe SITUATION WANTIEgb-MALE UIT. WTD.-MALE ANDFEA. EXPERIENCED HELPGER-MAýNCOujPLE 3YEARS' RF WE *SPECIALIZE IN HIGH- GRADE chge. to Emp. Ail nationalities. dumestie help, ail nationalities. No JOHNSON'$ EMPL. AGENCY' charge tu employers. References In- 1428 Wilmette Ave. WiI. 4144 vestigated. Under State supervision. 70LTN24-lte Reinhart's Empi. Agency 1 HELP WANTED--FEIMALE 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 68LN25tfc Pauline's-Wilmette GIRL, WHITE, GENERAL HotLSE- Expreienced doniestic help wanted. work. Likes cikiren. Reliable. NolI REGISTER NOW Iaundry. City referejice. $8 a week., NO REGISTRATION FEE Catholie. P-hone Winnetka 1854. Gen. inaids, :seconds, cooks, couples. 68LTN24-î t1' Puin)Enn Mnx GOVERNESS-N L:ES Eb. oUK R-IN S r A enc private home. Wî%ili tuachi elementary 4th and Linden, Wilmette, Opp. "L" Ter. subjects and French. Praetical nursing. ____________________________ ('ompetent. - Befer. tfurn. Ph. (lenve! 1T2-t 595. 68LT.N24-1t,(. COMPETENT WHIITE HELP WANTED DAY VORI $ .75 ER AY; ART with good references.. Apply in person. tables specialty; 40e hour; refer. Ex-6 ALLVerno LOMe. T SEVCoE25 perienced. Ph. pref. after 5. University 66 ero Ae LeNco-e1 6608. _____iSTN24-1tp7LT1tf A CMPEENTWOMN WSHE TOCAP. YOUNU WHITE WOMAN FOR ; cok and serve d1iines unhoW gen. hswk., cooking and cleaning. No weddind spre Mrslun hone ldry. Attractive room. 388 EIder Lane, wedipries 3. M 68lTusn24PheWinnetka. Phone Winn. 712. Wilmtte1733 68TN224tý71LTN24-ltp) EXP. COO0K WANTS COOKING AND XEIN I)GROV 2,E- servng y apoinment Suday in- eral hswk., cooking. 2 adults, 2 chil- ners s4peeialty. Refs. Phone Glencoe drn Poe eilrt53. 1004. 6SL24-t 71LTN24-Ite LAUNRES WANS DY ~3ORKSALESLADY FOR HOUS-EHOLD AND of any kind. North Shore-"rer. Cal gift section, Suburban store. State lece1004. 68LTN24-ltp age, experience, salary, etc. Write B-6, GOO UOK GEERL OLUSE- Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. 71LTN24-ltp work. North Shore reler. Cal Juniper -__FO 662k 6SLN24dtp~EXPERIENCED WHITE MAIDFO 6625.__________________ general housework. Give references and state wages expected. Write B-5, SITUATION WANTED.-MALE Box 40,'Wilmette, 111. 71LTN24-ltc GERMAN BUTLER. 28 YRS. NORTH GiENE.RAL MAIl). 1UST BE GOOl) Shore and European ref. Expert on plain cook and fond of children. Ex- appetizers, salads and drinks. perience as maid flot necessary. Win- Reihat'sEmi A enV netka 426. 71LTN24-ltp ,4X lm S. - WANTED-WHITE MAID FOR GEN- 648_____ St.LTnn.43399 erai housework. Must be good cook.3 69LN24IteNo laundry. Winnetka 2873. 1 EXPERIENCEl) CHAUFFEUR, GARD-_____ 71LTN24-ltc ENER. GOOD)MECHANIC. WHITE. CAALIROEN.EA MARRIED. BEST NORTH SHORE CAPABLk'ExE R FOR emnenAL REFERENCES HIGHLAND PARK houewk Experenced Permnen-t, Wi3ne9a 179. 71LT24-it CH3UF. UR69LAN4YtpWANTED-WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST ' CHAFFER -HOSEMN. N viwth ousework; home nlghts. $6 per kind of odd 2jobs by day or week. e.PhnWinte58.7TN12-t5 North Shore references. Phone Wilmette wek hn irete52 1T2-t 2726. 69LTN24-lttp YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL t SH Housework. References recîuired. EXPERIENCEl) WHITE MAN WISH- Phone Winnetka 3683. 71LTN24-ltp es housework, gardening, window cleanîng or any odd jobs. N. S. refer. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST Ph. Wilmette 3254. 69LTN24-ltip withhswk. Stay nights, famnly of 3.1, GERMN CHUFFUR, 7 X~. 7$5.Phone Wînnetka 2604. 71LTN24-ltc ytars' xervct.North Shore ref- erences. HELP WANTED-MALEP Reinhart's Enipi. Agýçenlcy Lincoln National Life 748 Elni St. ý%i . 391 INSU UANCE Co0. HAS OPENING ON 69LN24ltc iNorth Shore for men desirous of get- IN FILII'NOHOUE BOY--200. FORing ini business for themselves. Highest 1ý_1LIP FORconnu. and, renewals; experience not g. private faniilv ; honest, good refer. -; neessa«rv. Free trainilg course. Rm. p reasonable salary. 'Write Ames, 1 1467, 222 West. Adams St., Chicago. Windsor Ave., Chicago. 69LTN24-ltp: 72LTN24-ltc EXPERIENCEI) MAN WAINTS HOUSE __ ___ or garden work; will do window wash-i FOR SALE-AUTOS îng. North Shore~ ret'er. Calil 'iI- 1929 Hudson, A-i cond........ $2 mette. 30 73. ____ 69LTN24-ltp 1iL6 Huînniotbiie. First-class cond. ..$65 cc C7APABýLE. EXI'ERIENCED CHAUF- WINNETKA AUTO SERVICE Cý feur, houseman, gardener. German. $06 Oai< -jt. Winnetka 30 y cars old. Single. _N. S. references.! 77LTN24-Itp Glencoe 734. 69LTN24-ltp LAE190INFR FORD COUPE. LT 90I E FIS-CLASs C'HA U FF EU RAND' .e, L shalpe. eý75. 4iti.E. àýailroad Ave., mnechanie. Married. No children. Best Wilmette. _________ 77LTN24-ltp of references. Phone Winnetka 2880. -- . 69LTN24-itp FOR fRENT-ROOMS Bi SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE FRED'S EMPL. AGENCY Highland Park - Over Walgreen'.s 1 Finnish couple, 6 yrs. one place. 1Boeian ouple, yrs. N. . pr Begian couple, 5 yrs. N. S. ex)er. 1 Swdis coule,3 yr. -N. S. exper. 2 Caétaërs 6 &11 rs.N. S. exper. Also nursemnaids,. practical and trained nurses, housekeepprs, chauffeurs with excellent N. S. refs. H. E. ALSUP GLENCOE 160 70LTN24rltc' INEXPERIENCED HELP IS. NOT ECONOMICAL OR A COMFORT IN YOUR HOME. We have available A-i gen. maids, cook-s and couples. Pauline's Emp. Agency. 4th and Linden, Wilmette, Opp. "L" Ter. 70LTN?4-lte German, 27-27, 3 years last place. Swedish, 36-28, 2 years last place. German, 34-26, 5 years' experience. Finnish, 34-35, 4 yearis' experietice. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elmn St. Winnetka 3399 70LTN24-ltc PLEASANT ROOM WITH RtAi)lu o-verlooking garden. East side. N.eai transp. Light housekeeping or board, if desired. Phone Wilmette 1253. _____________________82LTN24-ltp WARM, WELL FURNISHEl)6 FRONT Èoomi in prîv. ramily. Gentleman oi tenulerate habits preferred. 3 blks. to train and N. S. stations. Phone Wil-' mette - 2z84. 82LTN24-ltp ATTRACTIVE LARGE FRONT ROOM suitable for 1 or 2. Private honme, meals optional; 2 blks. "L."- Phone wilinette 2624. 82LTN24-ltc ATTRACTIVE FPURNISHIED .ROOM . ncluding fireplace and lav. Central location. -Phone Wilmette 2M99 or 2427. 82LTN22-4tp ROQ-M AND BATH $5 A WEEK OR $20 a mo. Near town and transp. No other roomers. Phone Winnetka 3528. 82LtN24-ltc HOUSEKEEPING ROOMs FOR couple or sinall fainily. E. Wilimette. Phone Wil. 965-R- between .1 and 7 P. M. ________82LTN24-lte ONE OR TWO ROOMS, BATH AND garage. Business people preferred. Wilinette 4908. 82LTN24-îtp PLEASANT SLEEPING ROOM $9 PER month. 729 llth St., phone Wiîmette 5056. 82LTN24-Itp FOR RENT-ROONS VERY REASONABLE ROOM WITH or, without ight housekeeping priv~- ileges. Phone Winnetka 2844. 82LTN24ltp ROOM FOR RENT; REASONABLE rent. Garage free. 2307 Lake Ave., Wilmette. 82LTN24-Itp PLEASANT ROO)M FOR SINGLE GEN- tlemnan; east side; 3 lines, transi). Phone Wilmette 1543. 82LTN24-lte BOARD AND Boom KENILWORTj-jINN offers you dlean, hornelike rooms, suite;ý with bath. Excellent meais. Reason- able. 315 Cumnor Rd., Kenilworth 5491. 86LTN23-1t-- FOR RENT-APARTMENTSa THE LINDEN MANOR HUBBARD WOODS 4-6 Room apartment8; tle bath, re- frig., roll-a-way bed. Reas. prices. FRANK .REID 964 Linden, H-ubbard Woods Wlnn. 1300 UNE Ur' iRE LOVELIEST 4 ROOII apt., in the Linden Crest Building. Available now. Ail large outslde rooms. KROLL& SMITH AGENTS 424 Linden Ave. Wllmette 600 92LTN21-tLfe 5 RM. 2ND FLOOR FLAT, WITHI yard; i blk. fromn Wilmette station; hot water heat; reasonable rent. Phone A. C. Wolff, Wilmette 1724. 92LTN24-ltp VERT ATTRACTIVEI UNFURNISHED apartments, 3 and 4 rooms. Hlumphrey Bldg., Winnetka. Aloo well locatsd office. Phone Wlnnetka 97 or Winnetka $328. 92LTN4-tfe MODERN 6 ROOM1 APT., HEATED; INc 1West Wilmette, rent reasonable. See% Mr. Schafer, 1200 Central Ave., Wilmette.t 92LTN24-ite FURN. OR UNFURN. 2 ROOMS; C fkitchenette and bath; heat, gas and light supplied; private entrance. Phone Wilmette 24. 92LTN24-ltp8 5 OR 6 ROOMS. GAS RANGE ANDU coal stoves furnished. Garage. Near transp. $25.00. Phone Wilmette 1407. 92LTN24-ltp FOR nRENT--FUUNIBSH APT&. MODERN 1 TO 4 ROOM FURNISHED or unfurn. apartiment, newly dec-& orated. Central location. Reasonable. Phone Wiimette 2399 or 2427. 93LTN22-4tpS VANTED IN WINNETKA BY COUPLE without children-apt. or cottage with garage. Not more than $30. Write to P. O. Box 244, Winnetka, 111. 94LTN24-ltp) ____HOUSES TOSHARE____ VVANTEl) - COULE OR 26 LADIES to shave home. For Sale-Boy's leather oat and sweater, size 12. cheap. 1416 Gregory Ave., Wilmette, 96LN24-ltp FOR ENT-H"OUoES NORTH SHORE RENTAL BARGAINS Brick and stone, 3 bedroon-s, 2 baths and extra lavatory, H. W. beat ....... $90 Brick, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath and extra lavator-y, H. W. heat, 2-car gar. . ý$85 tone and Timber, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths ,and extra lavatory, 2-car garage. $100 raine Colonial,.5 bedroonms, 3 baths, 2- car garage, sleeping jporch. . . $125 [o14der-n English, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, -î,leel)ingporch...............$2 R. B. WHITAKER CO. 4l Elun StU Winnetka ,3250 WINNETKA Open.Week Daes 9 to 9. 97LTN24-îtc TTRACTIVE 9 RM. COLONIAIL, LIV. rm. 28, ft. solarium -off din. rn., slp. porch,2 baths, 2-car gar.,' oil heat. Beautiful corner lot. Bargaîn at $90. Mrs. A. K. Smuith. BAIRD & WARNER 522 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON 'reenleaf 1855 1-ollyeourt 1855 SUBLEASE-ENGLISH COTTAGE. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Oil heat. Att. gar. East Winn., 2 blocks Elm St. transp. Large fenced yard. No. agents. Winnetka 3392. 97L24-ltp SMALL BUNGALOW ON SCOTT AVE- nue. Hot water beat. Garage. Win- netka 3669.., 97LTN24-ltp 84 A' FOR ItENT-H4OUSES MODERN ENGLISH GLENCOE, CHARMING HSE. 2-STOÈY living rmi., 4 bedrms., 3 col. tile batbs, 2nd fi. sitting rm., oil heat, Incinerator, living rooin lined drapes, stove, carpet, weather-stripping, 2-car garage. Sub- lease, $135 a nio. BAUMANN & COOK REAL ESTATE SERVICE 553 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3450 97LTN24-lte 8 n. 3 bs., sun pch., sîp. pcb., 2-c, g. $12 7 ris., 2 bs., H. W. H. (oil), 2-c, g.. $100 7 Mis., 2 bls., sI». pcb., sun pcb., 2-c, g. $75 6 rmns., 2 bis., H. W. H., 1-c, g..... $70 jrnms., 2 bls., sI». pcb., H.W.H., 2-c, g. $60 dris., z bs., sun pcb., H.A.H., 2-c, g. $60 6 rms., 1 b., giz. pch., H.A.H., 1-c, g. $40 Other good values, furn. and unfurn. AIl sizes B. H., BARNETT 526 Center St. Wlnnetka 965 97LTN24-ltp SUPERIOR LOC-ATION- Recentiy redecorated, unfurn. bouse. 5 hdrnis., 3 batbs, extra lav., att. heated gar., oil burner - reas. heat. cost, 5 porches, 2 heated. Back stairs, butler's pantry stove & ice box if desired. Rent radically reduced by owner to $95. Key at 814 Grove St., Glencoe. Ph. Glencoe 592. 97LT24-ltp NEAR1 SCHOOL AND TRANSP; MOD- ern brick; 6 good sized sunny rms., 1% tile batbs, att. gar., Il. w. heat. Price was $85-now want offer. ýMrs. Fuller.& Wm. Pickard 746 Elni St. Winnetka 3603 97L24-lte G EOR G IA N BRICK - COLONIAL practically new. 4 bedrms., 3 baths, oul bt. 2-car gar. In excellent east Winnetkaý location, close to school and transp. $175,per mo. Mrs. Mead. THE BILLS REALTY. INC., Evanston. Greenleaf 1166. Wllmette 3740 97LTN24-ltc 6 rm. modemn brick bouse..........$0 8 rm. bouse, garage, transp ......... $69 6 rm. heated apt., decorated .... $40 C. H. BRETHOLD W il. 65 97LTN24-ltp PEACH 0F A 5 RiM. BRICK BUNGA- low; nearly new; hot water heat; conv. location. $27.50 per montb, Kroll & Smith, phone Wllmette 500. 97LTN24-lte SMALL HOUSE IN WILMETTE; LGE. lot with fruit trees. .2 porches; stove heat. $2. Phone Wilmette 4418 or 3693. 97LTN24-lte >-ROOM BUNGALOW IN. NORTH-ý field. Furnace beat. Glazed front porch. Garage. Phone Wlnnetka 797. 97LTN22-4tp SIX ROOM HOUSE, 1025 WILLOW. Road. H. W. heat, oil. Extra lav. on irst floor. 2-car garage. Phone Win- 6 ROOM COTTAGE 650 PRO VIDENqT ave., Winnetka. Telephone Winnetka 3309, 97L24-ltp WANTIED TrO RENT-HOUBIM HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FAMILY of 4,from N. Y. wlsh to rent coL. hse. 4 or 5 bedrms., 3 bs. Automatie heat. Evanston or Winnetka. Maximum rent $160. Might conisider furn. hse. Phone Mises McCabe, Wilmette 730. 99LTN24-ltc WANTED 4 OR 5 BEDROOM FURN. bouse on or near lake, with pipe organ or grand piano. Phone, Wilmette 192. 1OLTN24-ltp FOR RENTr--SToRESAND ÔFFICES BARBER SHOP IN FINE 1 MGH CLASS building in, busineuss ection. Near tranisp. 2 chairs and. otiier modern equlpment. Kroll & Smith, Agents, 424 I4nden Ave. Phone Wilmette 500. 14LTrN2-tfc BEST BUY ON THE NORTH SHORE-! Brick house, 4 years old, 4 bedrms. 2% bths. Screen pch. Lge. recreation rm. ivith fireplace. AIl rooms large. 011 ht. 2- car gar. Nr. high and grammar schools, transp., lake., 317,000. Wlnnetka 269. l11L24-ltp SOUTHEAST WINNETKA, STUCCO residence containing 5 bedrms., and 3 baths, modern ln every respect, o11 hê at, 2-car gar. Taken over on a fore- closure. Offered at mortgage plus taxes -$1,3,500. Ask- for Mr. McLa«ughlin. The Bills Realty, Inc., 718 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 777. 1IlLTN24-ltp F wAswirED TO RENT-APARTMIENTë 1 ý wANirzD iro ituNT--punN. Hous» FOR SALE-Hous»