November 8, 1934 WILMBTTE LIF~ 13 Evanston ..Road Widening Aids N S.- Motorists A $500,000 program for straighten- ing, widening. and paving the remain- ing link of West Railroad avenue, Ev- anston, was dcfinitely launched last week, witb prospects that contracts will be let soon and the, work brought to early completion. The improvement will materially benefit motorists who are accustomed to using. the through, north shore highway paralleling the North West- ern railway as a direct route into the Evanston business section silice several so-called bottle-necks will have been eliminated by the widen- ing project. Negotiations for buying the right- of-way were begun Monday of last week when Major George Quinlan, counity highwvay engineer, mailcd of- 'fers to the property owners whose land1 is desired. The of fers. were based on appraisals made recently l)y the counity's agents. It is flot be- ieved there ivill be any difficulty ini connection with acquiring the right- of-way, svhich amounits roughly to a 20-foot strip along the present street. Suggest Uniform Name Major Quinlan's office also sug- gested that Evanston -change the iiame of 'West Railroad avenue to Green Bay road and that other -north shore towns follow Ilhe same pro- cedure so that this oue continuons highwav may have one name. At present the highway changes its namne seven times in the stretch from thé Evanston section to the original Greeni Bay road north of Glencoe. rie improvement. it wvas exl) lainec( this week, will be insialled at no direct cost to E vanston taxpayers or l)rol)erty owners, b)ut xi be financcd entirely by state and coutnty road funds derived from the gas tax., The section of We7st Railroad Vro bc improved extends f rom Emerson street north to M.\cCormick road. This xii be idened to 51 feet. 'lihe present dangerous curves and i)en(1s will be. takeii out of it, and it %vili be improved with a modenm èoncrete pavement designed to carry heavy traffic. Relocate Vîacluct One North Western viaduct, near Simpson street, will hie relocated andl rebuilt in order to -eliminate the pres- cnt S-curvc. A new bridge xiii i>e built across the drainage canal just south of McCormick road.. The South end of West Railroad, where it joins Emer- son street and Ridge avenue, will be widened and given a more gradua] curve so as to eliminate the present **bottie neck." The work will be carried on under direction of Major Quinlan 1 and Ken- drick Harger, state highway enguneer for this district. ,The right-of-way is expected to cost in the neighborhoo d of $80,000. Widening, straightening and. paviuný wili cost an estimated $450,000. Duae to Mayors Efforts The> advancement of the West Raiiroad program bas :been brought about lar.gely by 'the continued ef- forts of Mayor Charles H. Bartlett. He brought the improvement to the point, of drawing up plans and ob- taining the approval of county and, state authorities two ycars, ago. According to the orginal plan, the city was to buy. the right-of-way. and the cost of installing the curb and a part of the paving was to be defrayed by special ?Lssess- ment against abutting property own- crsc The progyram was eventually uêiii.751 A.nversry, MEDIUM S17ZE FANCY SHRIMP TINO 1 OC a 0 a 0 ARMOUR'S STAR SLICED BACON.. PIMENTO OR STANDARD PABST-ETr 2 * * -LB. i4 6V, fi *2 9 PKGSC SAWYER'S SALTINES OR DATED GRAHAM CRACKERS 2I Kc. 25c ANN PAGE GRAPE OR QUINCE ANN PAGE BAKING POWDER* TIN 15c TOILET SOAP PALMOLIVE 6 CAKES LEMON, VANILLA OR ALMOND EXTRACTS 15z.l.c VAN CAMPS OMATO 5AN c *EST FOODS BREAD &B13UTTER PICKLES JR 1 7c FINE QUALIT PUMPKIN 2. ~CA:i15C 20 MULE TEAM BOR"X 2,,,,, 2.7c __ M CHOCOLTE LOG CARIN is-23C Syrup. ..... 25e Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. IDAHO. POTATO ES 15-L.~ c PECK 2 SPINACH.. lb. 5o CAKE FLOUR..........pK*- AKERS BOX. Efl. RE onIUN......CK J .11. Dessert3 mesS. 17cMxw.l OUSE 33 Amoiversary 1NDER, JUICY STEAKS Porterhouse Sirloin Round lb. 25e IL 21c IL 19C ROAST PORK LOIN WHOLIE OR HALF IL 141/C Spring Leg Of 'Lamb Ib.1 8½/c MILK FED ROASTINGO CH ICKENS Ib.13C Beef Tenderloin WHOLE OR HALF Ib.25C CHCKROA&ST CHOICE0C ÔrCUTS IL 14c ARMOURS STMAR RULICKP Ba conc 2 8-oz. pkgs. 28c GENUINE CALVES' Sweetbreads lfb.. 33c GENUINE CALVE Lver lb. 29eý LOIN LAMID Chops IL 27e 1 , IèA A SI () R 1 % 1 November, & 1934 WILME'TT£ýLIF9 13