Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1934, p. 36

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36 w à V = m - m.A.a- a - -. = -r Kenilworth Barutone Ili n Lght0Opera 11111 'Announces Art.sts for Un Shawnee Program League Benefîit Party Charles Baron Fleischmann of Kenilwortb, young baritone, will be the artist at the next Hour of Music program at Shawnee Country club Sunday afternoon, Novemb er 11, at 3 :30 o'clock. Tea will f ollow as usual ini the lounge. Accompanying the singer will be Aima Wallace Randall, pianist. Mr. Fleischmann made bis first public appearance in Chicago last june at the Ford Gardens at A Cenitury of Progress when hie sang as soloist witli the Woman's Symphony orchestra bel ore an audi- ence of over four thousand. He bas made guest appearances over radio stations in Detroit and Cleveland, over the Columbia network, and on Rudy Vallee's program. Recently Mr. Fleischmann sang with great suc- * cess at the opening meeting of the Renaissance club at the Blackstone botel,. and among bis coin- ing appearances will be one witb the Twentieth Century club of Osbkosb, Wis. His pr<gram on Sunldav will be as follows: * Love Me ')r Not ... ......................... Secehi Sigli No More, Ladies ...... Williami Arnis Fixher (from Much Ado About Nothing) Bendemeer's Stream....................... Old Irisli Off to Philadelphia ............. ....... ý... Old Irish Tannhausen-O i<ju iniin1 zueignung Minnelled .......... La danse Macabre Had a Hor-se ..... Homne on the Range.. Long Ago in Alcala May, the Maiden. Tbe. Americans Corne holder Abendstern ... Wagner ... ... - ... ... .. Straus ... .. ... .. . 1 m Brahm s Saint Saen.; Korbay Guion Massage] ('arpenter Fay Fosteî Swedush Contralto In N. S. Concert Sigrid Onegin, world-famous contralto, will giVe the next concert in the Artist-Re.cital series oit Monday evening, November 26, in the New Trier Higb school auditorium. This will be the second concert inî this season's series. which are sponsore(l by the NVinnetka' Music club. TPeerless- and "Ilncomparable" are only two of the innumerable praise-fraught adjectives that have been called f orth by the glowing art of Mme. Onegin. Al1tbough ber first success came to lier ini opera, and she is today the star guest artist of . ropean opera bouses, Mnme. Onegin's true field, and the one.for for which she confesses her greater love, is the, concert platform. Her voice bas the full range of three octaves. Her higb C is one that any soprano might envy, and she encompasses wit.h ease the lowest note written for contralto. Jeritza W1,11 Open opera on Saturday "'rurandot- with Maria Jeritza ini the title role wdll open the coming season of the Chicago Grand Opera :comrpany on Saturday, evening, November 0.The opera- is by Giacomo Puccini and will be sung in Italian., Thé cast is announced as follows: riuesTuraadot.. ......MNaria Jeritza The Einperor Altoum..... Clement Lahkowsky Tlniur , . . . Chase Baromeo Calaf .. . ..'Frederick Jagel (début) Liu .... .. Hilda Burke Plng ...... ...... . Claudlo F'rigerio Pang ........ -Giuseppe Cavadore Poig ....... Lodovico Oliviero A Mandarin................ Arthur Perrow (début) The Prince of Persia .... Sally Louise Kirtley Artlstic Director ............. Paul Longone Musical Director ... GENNARO PAPI Technical Director .... Harry W. Beatty Stage Diirector ... . Isaac VanGrove Chorus Master ......... Dino Bigalli Photo by Russell I)r. William H. kisch, bass-baritone, forînerly of J'ilctt e, zviIl have one of the Ieads ini "Tire Gondoliers" to lie Presented bv flhe Lake Shîort, Opera Pla vers on Ncvenber 14-17 ait te Or- ringlon school ini Evanston. For vCO's i)r. kitsch lî<s b'cn a freqîu'nt sol oist in Wilmeitte and oiptes- iortil shlore . tiierîn, cli rclîcs. Reinhardt Prod uction Among the artists appearing in the floor, show, of the Mary Crane league's Specialty Nigbt on Sat- urday, November 10, at the Evanston Woman's club is the popular young radio blues singer, Miss Geordie Young. Miss Young has just completed an engagement in New York and will be remem- hered by many admirers as the winîier of the Columbia prize on the Vicks program. Michele Gamboni, has won an enviable reputai- ion both as a painter and as an interpreter of the dance of various lands., He has been engaged fur Specialty Nigbt, and plans to give sorne Mexicai. dances. Mr. Gamboni is the principal danseus of Lithwanian ballet. Several other radio favorites are on the prograni. among thern being the "Four B's" frorn WcrI. and Doris Lorraine, soprano, Columbia star. Those who remember Ani Port's performance witb Mary Wigmann are looking forward to tlhe artistic treat in store when Miss Port otiers her two dances which. she created especially for t1hîs show: -Red Rhythm" and "Velvet Sbadows. Different acts will he put on at intervals, througli- out the evening so- that guests wvho mnay b at a critical place in a bridge game or reluctant to leave the keno tables while one performance is on, rnay- see it at aniother time. Jack Chapmau. whose or- chestra will provide dancing, will be master ut ceremonies. In large part responsible for the interesting flour show in prospect is Mrs. H. E. Zipprodt of Kenil- worth, co-chairman of the prograni committee of the League. 1Mrs. Cotiger Reynolds (À Keîîilwvorth is chairmanl. Comung on November 13 Chamber Music Croup %A/Al 1 Max Reinhardt will personally direct bis pro-. duction of Slîakespeare's comedy -A Midsumnmer Night's Dream," wvhen it comes to Chicago on Thursday. November 15, for a two weeks' engage- ment. It is said to he the inost inspiring and allur- ing of theatrical productions of ail time, and is being accornpanied throughout by Mendelssohn music. lu Europe the production ran for a thousand suc- cessive nighits. lu Chicago it will be given at the Auditoriutlî teatre under the direction of Grace Denton. ÂoeeriCdin PidiiNt Dalies Frantz of Denîver, Colo. wil apcear as soloist ziith the Chicago SivnsPho;zv orchestra this Friday affernoon, play'ing thle Beethoven Concerto No. 1. Hec madé his iniitial appeara>ice With the orchestra last season., 1 vuoeU ~pen on rNov. *Il Th'le thirteenth season oif the North Shore Chan - ber 'Music association will open this Sunday alter- nGon with a concert by the ,Philharmonic String quarte. The members of the quartet are John Weicher. violin: Robert Quick, violin; Walter Han- cock, viola. and Richard Wagner, violoîîcello. Mir- iam, Ulrich %will be at the piano. The program, which will be held ini the Kenilworth Assembly hall at 4 o'clock, is announced as follow s. uartet ini 1) Major, Opus 64, No..5 1la vdi Allegro moderato Adagio canta bile MNenuetto Finale - iPresto Serunade ...... ..........:. ... ....-ugo> Wolf Quintet in F Nliiioi, Opus 34 .. ...... Brahins Allegro no)n trolipo Andante, un pioco Adagio Scherzo-Aler Pûco sostenueto- Allegro non troppo Uudley French Wîll1 Give Unique Concert A well-rounded program of recordings of orches- tral music will be played WVednesday evening, No- veniber 14, at the Dudley K. French bouse, 503 Hawthorne lane, Winnetka. Mr. French will opent this concert, made up of selections to.be played on tbe following, week-end, by the Chicago Syni- phony orchestra, with Bach's concerto No. 6, writ- ten, for string orchestra. He will f ollow the con- certo witb Mozarts symphony in G minor and Bee- thoven's concerto for violin, concluding witb excerpts f ro 'm Act' III of Seigfried. The prograni begiiis at. 8 :15,. and* Mr. French says he will be glad tu wvelcome ail music loyers of the north shore. No charge is made for the concerts, but those planning to attend are asked to telephone Mr. Frenîch before the concert. Wrutes Negro. Opera Duke Ellington has ivritten a fulil 1ength negro opera. tracing the life of the colored race f roui the jungle to, Harleni. It will be produced at Radin City. . IT, UPTTP Li WP November 8, 1934 à 9

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