UIIIM TTÉ' I-iFENvme ,13 ----- -- To Show'C atholic Club ."How Women 's Club Should Be Run" The fine arts departmnent of the Wo- man's Catholic Club of Wilmette is having a programi Friday afternoon of this week at 2 o'clock, in the lounige of the Woman's club. "How a Wo- man's Club Should Be Ruai" is the name of the littie sketch to be given by the parliamentary procedure class under the direction of Mrs. Theodore Barrett, civics chairman. Selections pertaining to "Home" and "Mother" will be sung by Mrs. Frank Kaye.. Mrs. Harry Sherwin, literature chair- man, bas arranged a symposium, "Mothers in Modern Fiction," with Mrs. George Beaudin. Mrs. John Taylor, and Mrs.. Frederick Clarke participating. Mrs. Louis Reich, Mrs. F. Douglass Wilson'and Mrs. Russell Flood are hostesses for the afternoon. Mrs. P. J. Joyce, chairman of the philanthropy department of the Wo- man's Catholic club bas submitted the following report of the summer work: "Results of Rummage sale, $231 cleared." "We have flfty liftte dresses for St. Vincent's. Anyone wanting to make one or two to help us out, leave your name and l'Il deliver the dress to be made. We are making outing fiannel gowns for the Crippled Chil- dren's home, sewing for them on Tuesday, November 6, at Mrs. Leroy McCaffreys. We have on display some of the comforters we have made. We have finished. eight and will have that many more by Christ- mas time. "Ail pieces suitable for nîakmng quilts or comforters are quite accep- table. If any of'you have good cloth- ing and want to selI it. paying a com- mission for the sale, we will do that also. We have many families who would be only too glad to buy. "Remember our canned goods shower for November. Every little thing you do helps us along-keeps us going. "Thanks a lot for your old clothes for the sale." Discuss Big Sisiers Benefit af Tea Here Plans for the Big Sisters' Charity dinner dance to bc held Saturday, November 10, at the Palmer House. were discussed at a tea in Wilmette last. Friday for which Mrs. Marshall Kearney opened ber home at 905 Greenwood avenue, Friday. November 2. Mrs. Leo P. Finn, vice-chairman of the committee , and Mrs. J. Ray- mond Casey presided at the tea and coffee urus. Among the others pres:: eut were Mrs. George V. McIntyre, president of the Big Sisters, Mrs. James' W. Egan, chairman of the dance committee, and Miss Virginia Russell, publicity chairman. Miss Edith Clerk of Ludlow, Mass., formerly of Winnetka, is the guest of Miss Ruth Johnston, 321 .Meirose avenue, Kenilworth. Hostess et -Te. Mrs. Marshall Kearncy of IVil- ieffeecnfcrfaincd tivencn 1v niebers of thec dance commiitticeofflhc Biýq Sisters ai ica at her homie, 905 Grccnzvood avcni e. Fridav. wahe plans zwcrc Pcrfectcd for flhe Big isiers' Charity dinner danice Noc-z,;i ber 10, ai lite Palmer flouse. Fortnighty Club Has Firsi Dance Nov. 24 Starting its fourth year, the Northi Shore Fortnightly club, composed of young north shore people, this season will have four dances instead of the customary six. The dates when they will occur are November 24, Decem- lier 15, January .19, and February 16.. Invitations to them go out this we.This year there will be only. invitations to young married couples and to single men, instead of the membership including single girls as it bas îin the past. The chairman ofthe committee of, patrons and patroniesses is Arthur Bingham SeiboldJr., of Glencoe. The vice-chairman and se c ret a ry is Eleanor: Welles Lippincott of W il- mette, the treasurer, John W. Cullen, Jr.. also of Wilmett.e. The rest of the committee consists of Mr.. and, Mrs. Robert T. Porter, Mr. and. Mis. Gjeorge. Henry S chulz. Mrs. -Arthur B. Seiboldi Jr., Miss Julianna Holmes, Carlton Johnson, Chester N. Goltra, Robert' Badger. and John Hokey. Jr. Milis -Club fo Meet The Milîs College club wilI nieet Friday, November 9, at the home of Mrs. Herbert H. Matthews, 897 Ver- non avenue, Glencoe, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Edwin Voigt of Evanston will preside. 'Mrs. C.- P. Dubbs Is Chairman of club E Mrs. Carbon P. Dubbs is of the WVilmet.te Xonan'.s party which will be given ci ning of N"ýovember. 17, as a means benefit for the butll( Her assisting commîtte Ii follo,«Iing : \esdamies Heni Joi Brashears, \V. C. Bue Geringer, A. V. G ruhn, Hai \IV. C. Huggins, XVllani George Lamb, Edward George Williams, Roger W C. Youngberg. Mrs. A. E is club) president and Mrs. D)arling general chairman of means activities. This promises to bc a aif air and refreshiments Nvill 1 1 here will be prizes for tîhe1 ers. And, by the way, these pri ing to bec vorth competil they have been donated by \Vilmette business houses, bers who always support tures splendidly. One of1 is a handsome hand-made and there are others wvell -but come and be convinc These club benefit parties to non-members at a ver3 fee and the committee sugi it would be an excellent ci for individual hostessess to their bridge-playing friend ma>, be secure(l from an-, il the committee. Reading of "Folks" Helps Infant WeIfe "Another treat is offeii Welfare members and f ri Mrs. Carl Johnson of Winw 'Folks' by Ruth Suckow, November 12, at 10 o'clcq morning at the home of 1 Hale, 105 1 Ramona road, I estates," the Wilmette cer, Infant Welfare Society o announces. .Reservations made with the hostess. Ti ýenefit s chairînan Club card n the eve- tways and ding fiind. icludes the iry Beach, ethc, Miles rry Hemib, KixMiller, Lilien field, 'illiams, A. V.Kunuder Clifton L. f mravs and delight fui 1l)e served. Women of Rotary Plan Bene.fit for Crippled Children. The Wonien of the Rotary Club o 'f Chicago's annual car(l l)arty for the Crippled Childrenî's h0s1ital. w,.iII be held in the Eng- lish roomi of Marshall Fielcl's State street store Noveinber 21, at 12'o'clock. Luncheon, with music and a fashion sho-w, wvil1 be followed by cards. Table I)rizes will be uniform, and other beautiful prizes have been se- cured. izes are ~ already have been sold for the bene- îig for as fit, and the committee expects to sel ay em-ou as mnany more. For several years the alud men- club bas given $600 to the hospital. the p rizes Members of the Women of the silk qujIt. Rotary Club of Chicago are wives worthwhile of Chicago Rotarians and hold a ced. luncheon meeting with a program ýs are openl once a month, at the Sherman hotel, -y nominal to facilitate the more intimate task ,gests that of sewing for charity. pportunity The membership is divided into oentertain regional, or neighborhood groups. Is. Tickets Ten groups are sewing at the present member of time' for the Cook County hospital- One of the largest of the groups -L. MI C- takes in Highland Park, Glencoe, l-ubbard Woods, Winnetka, Kenil- worth, Wilmette and Evanston. Thousands, of garments for babies will be tua-ned in to Cook Countv hospital and the Red Cross. are Tickets for the card party may be secured from Mirs. Frank D. Fulton, fed Infant 884 Hill.road, Winnetka; Mrs. Pres- ends when ton Williams, 599 Woodlawn avenue. ietka reads Glencoe, Mrs. Leo D. McSbane, 5.56 7,Mondav, Earlston road, Kenilworth; Mrs. ick in the Clarence Burpee, 815 Linden avenue, Mvrs. M. J. Wilmette, and Mrs. James P. Haynes, Indian Hill 1515 Hinman avenue, Evanston, the ater of the committee in charge of cards on the Df Chicago north shore. Mrs. Fulton is president are to be of the Women of the Rotary Club of ie donation Chicago. for the reading is nominal. This is one means of raising the yearly quota of the Wilmette center which helps support the Alice H. Wood Infant Welfare station at 1968 Halsted street, Chicago. Infant Welfare also calîs attention to the luncheon and musicale to be given for its members and guests on Monday, November 19, at 12:30- o'clock. "This will be one of the best luncheons for its price,' and en- tertainment yout have had the privilege of attending for seime time." the, committee announfces, as it sug- gests, "plan for this 'special treat, for yourself and guests., The. ways and means departmnent is anxious' for every member tg attend." Halloween Party Betty j ordan, daughter of the How- ard Jordans of 320 Cumnberland ave- nue, Kenilworth, and Catherine Marx, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marx of 522 Essex road, Kenilworth, gave a H-allowe'en party Wednesday at the home of the Jordans. Dorcas Home, Benefiis by Nextf Sewing Day Sewing for Dorcas home. will be doue at the Woman's Club of Wil- mette Friday, November 16, under auspices of the philanthropy depart- ment of the Woman's Club of Wil- mette. The sewing day is not just for members of the club however, but.is for al women of the -village interested in plying their needies, for those less privileged than they. 1Mrs.. William Agnew, superinten- dent of Dorcas home, which. is situ- ated on Deerfield road just west of Highland'Park, will be the luncheon s-peaker. Mrs. Perry L. Smithers is chairman for the day,, Mrs. J. Mc- Leod Camelon is lunicheonchairman. Mr. and* Mrs. Thoimas Coyne. 240) Melrose avenue, Kenilworth enter- tained at dinner last Saturday after, the Northwestern-Wisconsin game. 6 tvites in Social Circle ý,i#JPNTEN BRoECK -Ir 42 November 8, 1934