Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1934, p. 43

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WlL»MET TELI 43 Northi Shore" W~II 'Tc Hold Reception for Be Given Lecture .Neèw Members of League on Max Rein h rdt _A .recptof for the seventeenne membes ofthe, North Shore Catholic Mrs. Williami P. Sidlev of 739 XXomani's league will be held at the Humbldt venu, Wiuetkisnext regular nieëting of that organ- Humold avnu, Wnneka,15ization. Tuesday,. November 13, at opening -ler home next 'Mondav the Xinnetka Womnan's club. A board evenîng for- a col)lI1na meeti îgý is to tàke place at *i1o'clock. . with the program at 12, a current events lecture on "Max Reinhardt. M\'an talk entitled, "Around the World ini and( Producer," and on Rein- Forty-Five Minutes." Mrs. Mauric-c hardt's spectacle, "A M'Nidsumii- Lieber of Winnetka is to be the speak - *s er. Music and a social hour will follow ner Niglt's l)reaim," ivhiclii her talk, the hostesses. being Mrs. coinhng to the Auditorium the- Harry W. Roberts of Xinnetka an't" ater on Noveinber 15. NIrs. *Frederick Albrechit of Nortli- Mr. and NMrs. lDouglas Macillait l'el. iia por iaragdb and George Seaberg, of Xinnetka. 'h uia rga raîe ) and Mfiss: Rtheda L, Pretzel w~ill be the program chairmnan. M rs. Harrison the hiosts and hostesses for the îec I later, to follow Mfrs. Uieber's talk, turc. whiiclî is to l)c given bv Victoria Svil oiSitof eleis 1w FSvkra Powell, an Eniglishwiomian of inter- S iooclis. Mr.Skr national repute iin the tlîcater. 1111.1S as formierly a inemibe? of fie- Ciii Powell i said to speak with autlior- cinnati Symphlouy3 orchestra, solo itv an(l charîii on lZeinuhardt and(l1 o cellîst witli tle Americanl Opera coin- the comîing production. Shie -was the1 pan,, and first 'cellist with the Chi- offi ciaI lecturer for RZeînhardt's s c cago Philhiarmionic orchestra. At the tacle, **The Miracle-, and she lias present timie Mr. Sykora is a member becti a guest of the l)r(Uucer 'i l' of the Artists' facult%, of the Sherwood 1 I Music school. castie home iin Austria, and a fre- <luent vîsîtor to Salzbuîrg and Vien- The league's new menîbers are: niis Mrs. Walter Baumhogger and Mrs. feFrank M. Folsam, of Wý\ilmette; Mrs. Thr sto l)e no admission eRb tF opPii rf but silice there must he a lîmit to RoetF cpl I, rs. Pi pJ. rf the numiber of guests w~ho inax' 1) fin, Mrs. D. S. Pickrell, Mrs. Walter accommodated, reservations inav beG. Smithî, and Mrs. Daniel A. Wilcox, mad at te \iiiieka oiiinli1tN of Winiuetka; Mrs. B. N. Brockman. flousle attheWNnis>Petzea ColiastyMrs. Oliver G., Eder, M rs. Albert Flousedvthe Mlect re e, --o ias Egellîardt, and M\rs. XW alter Rooney. **A Midsumimer Nighit's I)rean" %virsf Gencoe; and, from Highland Park, begîven under Max' Reinhardt', ls J. L. Crane, M.\rs. H. Denzel, Mrs. pesna upriso, n.t4Cli James H. Duffy, Mrs. M. E. Kopp, cagso casuprisiton, santheall ti Mrs. Clarence A. Larson, and Mrs. ,cag cat i tobe sbstntillytlC John McCaffrey. sanie as the one of the Californlia produc 'tion. The spectacle has run on1e thousand nights in succession iu Europe and is the recognized highi- lighit of the .Salzburg, festivals ever. Brdge Lessons Popular, year. This is the first year it isl b heonrc big lsos ie ing seen in this country. Th.otatbig e..n ie The theatrical wizardrv of Reinîoda fenon ndFia hardt will convert the Auditoriumi evenîngs at the Wilmette Womnan's theater into a forest, which will oî>îî- club under the direction of Frank E. terate al semblance of stage or Bourget are being enthusiastically re- theater, becoming the very wood of ceived. Mr. Bourget is a nationally Shakespeares imagination, where 'il- known expert on1 contract bidding tania reignied and Puck performed under both the Culbertson and Sims bis imnpish pranks, where Bottoni systems and bas written severai di- brayed, and loyers sighed. gests on the subject. Mrs. Roy R. Travel TaIk Planned for Juniors Nov. 15 The junior auxiliary of the Wo- man 's Club of Wilmette willhold its next meeting Thursday, November 15. A. E. Willamson, of the Norwegian Amie rican Line, will show pictures in. illustration of his travel talk on -Norway." The program bas been arranged through the courtesy of the North Shore Travel Service affiliated with the State Ba-mk and Trust Com- pany of Evanston. Miss Edna, True of Wilmette, well known world traveler, is director of the North Shore Tr avel service. Dinner will be served at 6:45. o'clock and Mr. Willamson will begin bis talk at 8 o'clock. Marquardt is chairman in charge of these lessons and advises that it is flot yet too late to join for the major part of the, course if anyone wishes to brush up on contract form. SPORTS SU UITS. and DRESSES I)c!%gned aýnd Knitted toyour M'easuoe Instruction graciously given to those who wish to knit their own. THE SCOTCH WOOL SHOP Room 246 The Chureh Street Building 708 Chu«rrh St., Evaniston UiJu. 7070 The dellghtful a.nd charmifli hou- pltallty of Cove fHouse Tes Boom, Evaflstofls rendezvous for festive din crs. LUNCHEONS 30e and. 40c DINNERS, desily ~l f- and UNbA. 5cond60eFlage tofle Court CovE HousE. TEA, RooM 1618 Chicago Ave. HAJtoLD KiNO, Mgr. GRE. 9311 I g' DIAMON DS SET IN PLATINUM L ong noted as the house for fine jewels-you wiII flnd per- fection, of detail and beautiful design in. every ring of the Spaulding-Gorham collection. in Platinum wth Diamonds ENGACEMENT RINGS $50 ta $500 and upward WEDDING RINGS $2950 to $350 ond upward SPAU LDING-GORHAM EVANSTON 1636 Orrington Avenue CHICAGO OAK PARK k à, Novcýmber, 8, 1934

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