November 8, 1,934 WIL.METTEI LIrFE U? NW ~g*~ The Centrai-Laurel Parent-Te 1ac her association wili have Jili 'Edwards as its speaker Tuesday, November 20, at 2:30 o'ciock. Miss * Edwards is a noted radio star of the ".Personality Pointers." She will present "The Valiant Life,".'a Lecture recital. In addition there will he a song recital by Mrs. Dorothy Cortz,. so- prano, accompanied by Ernau Akely. For the convenience of the mothers attending tbe afternoon meeting of the P. T. A. the Girl Scouts will be in the kindergarten room (Centrai avenue) to take charge of and en- tertain tbe children left in their care. We hope ail mothers xiii avail them- selves of this opportunity and attend and enjoy. the delightfuliv interesting' and educational programis off ered this season. The room having the largest attendance at each meeting will re- ceive a blooming plant as a rew.ard. .We announce with regret the re sig- nation of our program chairman, 'Mrs. Wallace Behnke, who bas moved to Beverly His, Chicago. 'Mrs. Frank Adams is the newiy appointed chair- man. lRioom Teas Room teas schcduied for this month are: November 13-Sixth grade; 'Miss Scott, M\rs. Julian, Miss Brown and Miss Johannsen. November 27-Seventh grade: Miss Persing and Miss Vernion. The hour lias been set at 2:15 o'clock at which time the mothers are invited tovisit the ciass rooms. This is followed by the social hour in the kindergarten' room during which mothers may discuss their prol)lems and become better acquainted with the teachers and eaci'î other. Attention Do flot forget the date-Nov eniber 13-first lecture of a series of four to be given by Dr. William S. Sadier, eminent child psychologist, at XiI- mette Woman's club, Tentli street and Greenleaf avenue, at 10 n'clock. The new lunch room opened 011 Monday of this week. It is very at- tractive with its pretty green curtains, c omfortable tables and chairs, and, best of ail, delicious sandwiches, hot soups and "specials.' This should solve the problem of parents on rainy days and in severe weather. Drop in at your convenience and in- spect this new addition to our scbool equipped witb ail modern improve- ments. Raymond Hustons Are Dinner Guests Tonigbt Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Maston, 223 Seventeenth street, wiii have as their dinner guests tonight Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Huston ofMarysville, Calif. Dr. Huston a short time, ago was pastor of the Second Presbytérian church in Evanston for five years. He is here attending the Fiftieth Anniver- sary ceiebration of the founding of, the Evanstùn church, which is being held ail this week.,Mrs. Huston, who is better known as Irene Wilde Hus-. ton, is a churcb soprano of note. Last Sunday she sang in the choir of the Second Preshyterian cburch and this Friday she will take part 'in the pageant of the bistory of the churcb which is being.given under the di- rection of Miss Dorotby Proesclh. The pageant was written by Miss Proesch with thie assistance of two women of the church. DINNER GUEST Prof. Oscar Dustheimer was a din- ner guest Sunday, of Dr. and Mrs. A. *B. Spach, 228 Leicester road,. Kenilwortb. Dr. Dustheimer is pro- fessor of mathematics and astronomy at Baldwin-Waliace college, Berca, Ohio, and bas beeti lecturing at the Planetarium. 11e is on bis' way to Mt. Wilson, Calif., for'researeh %work. The C. A. Benteis, 940 Seneca road, moved Wednesday to Chicago. VISIT DAUGHTER RETURNS PROM FAST Mr. and Mes. Richard C. Johnston, Mr. and Mes. A.,F. Beirnes, 9?7 321 Meirose avenue, Keniilwortb, Ramona rartre odyfo motored to Cliampaign last Week-end, a ten-day motor trip to New York, to visit their daughter, Virginia,a where Mir. went on business. fresbman. at the University of Illinois, and to sée, the Army-Illinois ganie UPWA Virginia nmade the hockey teani at Ilii" ç O K I Rudoipb Ostermann, 234 Warwick road, Kenilwortb, returned on Tues- day of last weck from a monthi's trip through the west. n'mua W W uu.u d uUITaà 'eeT EELPS ME GET e u/u-t-et An extension telephone in your kitchen will help you have your dinner ready on time - it will "ru n errands for littie thins necessary for a perfect dinn'erthat, you may have foýrgotten' to buy. And. in many other ways this con- venient telephone will save your E LLE mN0.à 0BE LL /2e4 c~t e 7' une time and steps. You will find it very handy for making or answer. ing, calis ini the midst of preparing difficuit dishes. Yet with al ihese vraluableuses its cost is surpris- inglysmall. Just oel our Business Office'or any telephone employee will help you place. your order. vu LEP-ROSE 000 November 8. ý934 Ur ir ir si im gr -r im v ir le m