~uwu uinr-ru w mu November 8, 19$4 51) W A~.AV8~ £ 8 a ~aa a.. - i HOME MODEIUNIZATION, SECTION.'0 I s Theme of Alfred K. Stern At the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Hunter, 2307 Harrison street, Evanston. Alfred K. Stern.' chairman of the Illinois State Housing boa rd and vic e-president of the National Association of Housing OfficiaIs, con- ducted a discussion on '*Housing" with a group of interested guests Frida y, November 2. after a buffet supper. Among the guests were: Mrs. Alfred K. Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred S. Reynolds. executive sec- retary of the Illinois Emergency-Re- lief commission, Mr. and Mrs. Le o M. Lyons. directorof relief for Cook county, Miss Amelia Sears, County commissioner, Miss Elizabeth Wood, executive director of the Metropoli- tan Housing council: Miss Leah Taylor. director of Chicago Com- mons; Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Daw- son , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Gold- smith, Mrs. Clea Kemble. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Price. and Mr. Everett Lotbrop. Mr. Hunter is superintendent of the United Chari- ties. MORTOAGE LOANS We ame in the uuarket for conser-vative first mort- -gage louis on residences, apartunents and office INC. 1 N. La Salle st, Chicago Central 0227 1571 Shermnan Ave, Evanston University 2M0 CHECK HOUSE. OVER FOR NEEDED WORK Mony Homes May be Resto .red to Beauty and Eficiency Through Simpbe Mode'nization There are f ew bous es that cannot be improved through some alteratiwn or repair job. Thie average house could be made truch more livable by certain changes. In many cases, serions dam- age can be averted only by immediate repairing. . The mere removal of 'gingerbread" often gives an entirely new appearance to an old house. A slight alteration in the roof line, a new and more ef- fective chimney, an old porch converted into a conservatory, or a new wing to provide additional space, is often al that is necessary to give the home à modernized appearance. Check Roof Metal When the roof covering, flashings, gutters or downspouts f ail, serious dam- age to the interior results. They should be checked before winter weather makes arrluous demands upon them. Insulation of side walbs and roui' might also be done at this- time. Win- dowrs and doors should be weather- stripped for added comfort and fuel economy, and inefficient windows and doors repaired or- replaced. Casement windows or French doors may add greatly to the aspect of both exterior and interior. Shutters often improve the appearance of the exterior. The outer walls may require onby a new coat of paint to put them ini tip- top condition. Any boose clapboards or shingles must be tightened or replaced first, and the painting should, be done before freezing weather. Some walls rnay be greatly improved with a new siding of clapboard, shingles or ma- sonry. Any cracks ini masonry side walls or foundations should be sealed. and the foundations made termite- prou f with concrete or metal. Repair Porches Reîairs to porch floors, columns, railings, steps and supports will mini- mnize the danger of personal injury and add to the exterior appearance. If the porch is out-of-date, it may be altered. IiàEATINGSERVICE Co* 01,1 Ruiner Servie ALI MAKES II Wneea375 aurIh OLIVýER HANS EN li EmLECTRIC WIRING i Base plugs save aci deiits to corda, fix- tures and lampe. We instali them inexpen- sively, n ea tl1y and quicklyI WE REPAIR Radios Washers Vacuums Irons, etc. ~UD8Eletile£frIUmPhone Wilmette 100 holp sZ4th st, wihnette çonverted into a room or removed. If inadequate,. it may be enlarged.. Partitions, preferably of fireproof material, built around 'the f urnace and coal bins will render the rest of the baseinent more useful for laundry, food storage, work shop or recreation pur- poses. Brightly painted and well equipped with shelves and built-in tables, tlie baseinent will become a more pleasant place in wbich to work. Addi- tional windows wibl add to its bright- ness and utility, and a new outside entrance will contribute to its conveni- ence. A ceiling wiIl add to the appear- ance and help to keep dust f rom the upstairs, rooms. If a basement is lack- ing, one may bc dug, concreted and finished according to the above sug- gestions. General improvements upstairs tnighit include new floors and trim, a fireplace, book and knick-knack shelves, windcw seats, radiator covers, wallpaper' or paint, and an expansion of the elec- trical system. New partitions or the removal of old ones often adds to -the utility of a house. If additional closets are needed, thev may be built in cor- ners. A large, unused closet may be transformed into a bathroom, bedroon- sewing room, den or nursery. AIl spacýê should bc well utilized. Examine Phunbing Kitchens and batbrooms need 'par- ticular attention, especially with re- gard to plumbing and convenience. Ob- solete fixtures should be replaced witbi modern sanitary mnes. The floors and wabls may be done over to harmonize witii the n-ew fixtures. The kitchen ni.ight offer greater convenience if ar- ranged differently. A big kitchen, awk- wardby planned, may ie 'made much more compact and satisfactory if part of the floor space were given over to a breakfast nook and the remainder of the wall space covered with shelvcs and cupboards. Additional window.s might ease housekeeping tasks. The attic should. not go to waste.i It may be possible to transformi it into0 a room. Insulating material will make the attic ivable and at the same time enhance the comfort of the rest of the house. A new garage, or imiprovements to the old one, mav also be advisable. New drives, walks, terraces and shrubberv would make a splendid finishing toucli1 for the home modernization *projet CENTER LIGHTING BACK With new development s in attractive shaded ceiling fixtures.replacing old- fashioned equipment that sheds a colc' barren light, center ceiling lighting is becoming popubar again. General illum- ination from an over-h ead fixture is the logical solution to the problem of the fairly high intensity necessary on many occasions. WEATH ERSTRI P ID NU-METAL'ALL COPPER for Yearu of Wear SEnasily Instaed Milieu Hardware Co. lai9 Wilmette Ave. Wli. U "Housing" TaIk by Colors Determine .Room 's Appearance To be backgrounds of beauty, walls cannot he chosen-lhapbazardly. Tbey determine the effectiveness of the en.- tire room. Backgrounds for furniture and drapes,. they should be beautifu? but inconspicuous, and selected to meeb the most specific needs of each rooin. There is warmth in buif and light brown, for' instance, for rooms that lack sunshine. Delicate and dainty furnishings are perfect against pink an(l pale blue. Green is cool and refresh- ing f or a room that is flooded with sunshine. Off-white and gray have dignity and are just neutral enough to go in many different types of rooms. Cream is softer and much more in- teresting on a wall than dead-white. and will barmonize with almost ans' color in the spectrum. %Valls are easily repainted or re- papered with the help of the Federal Housing Administration, which niakes attractive boans possible for home- owners who would. otherw.se he un- able to do this work ât present. MODERNIZE TOURIST CAMPS Roadside tourist camps can be made more profitable through improvements that add to the com fort of guests- such as hot and cold running water in each cahin; modern toilets, sho,,verý, and tub baths. Additional cabins are always advisable in a weil-kept tourist camp to provide for the large volume of business enjoyed by the better class ot camps. KITCHENS GET ATTENTION Now that the Federal Housi'ng Act has started owners looking more critically at their homes the kitchen is coming in for a good -deal of attention. A kitchen that is hot and stuffy, hard to dlean, is rapidly giving wvay tô the nmodern cheerful one. GOOD-BYE, DISHRAGS The modern kitchen sink is built for efficiency. No longer is it necessary to use a dishpan or a dish rag. The eight- inch, deep conipartment is satisfactory for w7ashing dishes. A combination stopper and strainer keeps the watcr in the basin. PAINT THE OUTI.ETS Convenience ou tiets p laced 24 inches al)ove the floor and painted to match the wall are more convenient. and at- tractive than unpainited outlets, located near the floor. NEED BASE,ÉLUGS Possibilities for the rearrangemen,- of fumniture are liniited, unless an ade- quate number of electrical convenienct. outlets i'S provided on every side of the room. BETTER WEAR RESISTANCE Wear-resisting colored waxes and Iiquid polishes for plain and, colored concrete, tjile and terrazzo floors have been perfected. BUILD LILY POND Improve the appearance of your yard with a concrete lily pond or gold .fish pond. Th ese need not be large to bc effective. November. 8,.1934 lir -vif u P -r--r P-'