ia e Miss R~uth Suekoif,' 819 Chestnut avenue, will entertain at a >f ormnai dinner p arty Saturday in honor of, Miss Lorraine Meister of Wilmette and Alfred Lowy of Winnetka, whose marriage is an évent of early Deceni- ber. WEEKS' Dining Room WJelcomes Yon for DINNER 85e Celerv ;and Olives Fresh1 Shrirnp Cocktail or Oyster Bisquie CIIOICE 0F Brollecd Fresh W'hiteishi with Tartar Sauce Weeks' Special Steak Roast Turkey with Dressinig, Cranherry Sauce Escalloped or Candied Sveet Potati' New Spinach or Diced Rutahagi Sherbet ROUîS .Cranhberr), Pear Salad H-ot Mincenicat Pie. Punpkin Pic Steamed. Date Pudding with Hard Sauce Rutterscotch Sundae Ice Crearn: Pecan Toffee, Vanilla, Peppermint Stick and Cake Roquefort Cheese and Crackers Coffe Tea Milk Buttermilk (Ahove Dinner for Chldreti Under 12, 6oc) 1129 Central Ave. Wilmette 5360 ECONOMY SHOP NEED.S Economy Shop is in need of any. kind of warm ciothing for inen, womena or childireh. Garments that bave been outgrown, that are flot quite ini the present style, that are worn but stili have warmnth in them, wili be most welcorne now that rinter Must soon be upon -us. Caps, gloves. mnittens, scarfs and socks are in demnand as well, as overcoats, trousers, suits and shoes. Economy Shop is open six days in the week from 9 until 5 o'clock. -Mrs. A. L. Grinneil, chairman. Note: Econorny Shop is conducted Dy the Wonian's Club of Wilmett.e. Mrs. E. John Hicks 241 Melrose avenue, KenilN%,orth. ill be luncheon hostess to her sewing club) Friday. For THANKSGIIVI NG Enjoy a Genuin, FREDERIC or DUART Permanent Wav. Specal Thanksgiving $4 Permanent Wave af ....... SPECIALS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Skainpoo, set, Manicure, Tain or Arcli A.y 2 for 75C MONDAY ONLY MARCEL. .... 50c Wed.-Fri. Erenings by Appointment Phone Wilmnette 2802 Beauty :hop ELEANOR WINNIF 400 Lmden Avenue A bove Lyman. Pharmacy Ice Cream Pumpkin 'Pies Turkeys, Pumpkins and Fruit Molds. Order Nowl Ths Wee&'s Special 4 Chocolate Lime Ice and Vaiia .Quart45C. PEACOCIVtS (CE CREAN 413 Unden Avenue Wilmefte 4 120 Fer TIIANJSGJVING WE DELI VER West End Florit Near Westmoreland Golf Club Glenview Road, Wilmette Phone WiI., 1943 RECREATION NEWSI SPORTCLNA Monday,, Noveanber 26 7:00 p. in.-Meeting for practice. Al Star girls' bas'ketball team. Stolp gymnasium. 7:30 p. m.-Men's volieybail. Pick Ups vs. Methodist I. Howard gymnasium. 8 :30 p. m.-Men's voIleyball. Baptist 1 vs. Methodist II. Howard gymnasium. 8:30 p. m.-Men's. volleyball. Baptist II vs. Howard P. T. A. Howard gymnasium. Tuesday. November 27 7 :00 p. in.-Girls' basketball. "A" league. Stolp gvmnasium. 7:0)1p. ni-Men's l)asketbail. 6"B" league. Hoffmann Florists vs. Y. P. C. Hloward gym- nasi1u m. 8 :00 p. ni.-M en's basketball. "ýB" leagtîe. Wînberg Driîgs vs.Wîlmette Confection- erv. Howard gvmnasium. 9:0X) p. m-Mn' asketball. 4"B"p league. Uniknoinsi vs. Chambers. Howard gym- nas atm. Wednesday, November 28 7: :0P. r.Mns basketball,..C" lea'gue. Flashes vs. Hen - rekson. Stolp gymnasium. 7 :00 p. îi.-Men's basketball. "4C" league. Freshmen' vs. Panthers. Stolp gymnas- îum. 8 :00 p. mn.-Men's baskethall. "A'" league. St. Francis vs. \Vilmette Batterv. Howard gvmniasium. 81:A p, în.-M\fen's baskctball. "C" league. Las Cucarachas vs. Wacker A. C. Stoip gymnasiuni. 9 :00 p.n. -Men's-,basketball. *'A'e leagve. 'Nelson I.aundry vs. McIethodist. Howardl gymnasium. Offer Women's Swimming Class as New Activity A wvomen'-s swimming class is be- ng offere d by the Playground and Recreatiomi board asa new activity for the month of I)ecemnber. The class wiIl start on Decemlber 6 and will be held at 10 o'clock in the mnorning at the North Shore School of Phiysîcal Developrncnt, 1700) Cen- tral street, Evanstoni. Beginning and advanced* swinîiners will l)e accoininodated iii the class and each division will be givenl one-haîf hour of inistruction at eachi class mneet- ing, withi the privilege of practicingi strokes or swimming for enjoyment during the remainder of the class period. A nominal sum for the course ofg twelve weeks will be charged, with1 an average cost of thirty cents per tesson. Iformation ýrègarding the ciass and registration may be obtain- ed at the Recreation office, 914 Cen- tral *avenue, or by communicating with the staff members of the Play- gr ound -and Recreation board. SUSPEND ACTIVITIES Because of the Thanksgiving vaca- tion and the fact that the Stolp gym- nasium wiil not be availabie tonight (Thursday) ýthe girls' "B" basketba1l league of the Playground and Rec- reation board will suspend its ac- tivities for two weeks. Play wi11 be resumed on December 6, at which tume the first round robin schedie wili start. Teams Start on' Long, Hard Road to Ckam>ionshib, Regular competitive schedules have been issued for ail leagues sponsored by the Playground and Recreation board and the teams enrolled in the varlous leagues started play for the championships this week. .The North Shore league starts its play this evening (Thursday) at 7 o'clock at the H-oward gymnasinni, al- though its first evening's schedule was flot available for publication. The men's volley 1hall league beganr play last Monday evening and the "A," "'B," and "C" leagues also started their regular play this wveek, the "B" league meeting on Tuesday evening and the "A" and "C" leagues on Thursday evening. The girls' "B" basketball teanis were schedtîled to start its first round robin this evening but because the gymnasitîm will l)e in use at Stolp to- night and the fact'that Thanksgiving falis on the regular night of play next wveek. the league will openl its first round TYhursday, December 6. The girls' "A" league schedulc beg-ins Tuesday evening, November 27. AIl of the leagues bave the full ros- ter of team membership. The "C' league of basketball for men has the largest team enroîlment of its historv and is using the first hour of I-oward gvmnasiuim on Wednesday evenling to hold the overflow gaine. Baptist Champions Become Two Teams A, chanîpionship teani tliat field its title for eighit consecutive years wvas broken up this year w~heni the Bap- tist team, whiclh bas been playing iii the Recreation board's leagues since the board w~as organizcd, (ivided its roster and vill icnceforth Iplay as tWvo teams. Althougli the iinovte -lviII streingtheni competition considerablv and niake the league far more interesting for other competitors, mnembers of the Recreation staff lhave regarded the team as an institution and regret seeing it divided. At the sanie time thev welcome the move as a means of 'strenigthiening the league. The Methodist teamn, which finish- cd far 'up in the. conipetition last year, also divided this year and will henccforth be known as Methodist 1 and Nfethodist Il. Tliese four Meth- odist and Baptist teanis. ith the ad- dition of the Pick-Up team, so named because the players had nieyer plaved together before, or, iii many cases. had neyer met prior to the opening of the season on November 5, and the Howard P. T. A.. another aggrega- tion that has kept the same roster over a long period of vears. comprise the league membership. I SCHED ULES MEÉ's BASKETB'ALL eî'" Tengie Ail gaines played at the Howard gym- nasiurin, on Wednesday nights. Novemiber 21 8 P. m.-St. Francis' vs. Wilmette Bat- tery. 9 p. mi.-Methodists vs. NelsonIaundry. November 28 8 p. m.-St. Francis' vs. Nelson laun- dry. 9 P. m.-Methodists vs., Wilmette Bat- tery. December à 8 P. ni.-Nelson laundry vs. Wilmette Battery. 9 p. mi.-St. Francis' vs. Methodists. November 22, 1934 WILMETTE',LIPE