Noemer22 134w aLa. amMW a LaPM Business, Prof essilonal, Women Hâve -Busy W ek On Sunday, N ovember 'l11 eight1 members of the Business and Proies-. sional Women's club of Wjlmhette drove to Rockford, to attend a Dis- trict meeting.of the Illinois Federa- tion of ýBusiness and Professional Women's Clubs. The meeting ýwas_ held in the Nelson botel. Varioils phases of the work of the club were discussed including the work of corn- mittees on finance, legisiation, public relations, international relations, pro- gram, membership and education. Arnong the leaders was Miss Jessie Sentney of New Trier Higb school wbo is. the state chairman of inter-1 national relations.9 The regular dinner meeting of the local club was beld on Monday, No- vember 12, at St. Augustine's Parish bouse. Mrs. jeannette Kling, a lec- turer trom tbe Chicago School of Expression, Institute of Cultural Arts, gave an interesting and instructive talk on the "Importance of Person- ality.", The welfare activity of the club wasi discussed and it was decided to carry on the Christmas work of giving toys and candy to. unfortunate children in Wilmette, as bas beendone for sev- cral years by the club. 1Tliree members of the club, Miss Ruth Slown;- Miss Irene Fritch, and Mr. Florence Freund, attended a dinner at the Blackstone bote! in Chi- cago on Friday evening. November 16.. The occasion was the twelftb birtb- day of the Chicago Alliance of Busi- ness and Prof essional Women. Among tbe guests of bonor were Mfiss Helen McMackin of Salem, Ill., state president; Miss Jane Magan of Chicago, first vice-president of tbe state. and Miss Jessie Sentney of E,ý- aiiston. The speaker of tbe evening, m-as Miss Emily Kne ububl of New, York. executive secretary of the Na-1 tional Federation of Business and Proiessional Women's Clubs. Her subject was, "Womens Part, in Gov- erninent." The néect meeting of the Business and' Profe ~sional Women's Club of Wihinette. will hé held at the bomne of Miss, Bertha Davy, 427 Ninth street, at 8, o'clock. The members of the club will spend the evening making preparations for their Christmas work for the children of Wilmette. Ail business or professional women are invited to attend the meetings of the club. Hear Morley Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNel Burns, 614 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained at dinner Monday, after- wards taking their guests to bear Christopher Morley talk on "Stream- lines in Literature" at the Neigbbors of Kenilwerth Men's N~ight program. Guests of Honor Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hawxhurst, 618 Essex road,' Kenilwortb, enter- tained at dinner Wednesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Richards of Forest His, N. Y., formerly of Kenilworth, who are staying at the Drake. White Elephant Sale *The ways and means coinniittee of Woman's Club of Wilmnette, of which Mrs. Cifton L. Darling is chairman, schedules a White Elephant sale for \V'ednesday, December 12. Mrs. Charles P. Evans is chairman of the sale.. Seliim Tidernan, Jr.,. 1025 Linden avenue. who attends tbe University of Illinois, will spen d Tbanksgiving week-end witb bis. family . Let EDINCER-SPENCER Do t When yau put if up to Edinger-Spencer you can fo rget your heating problems. They will keep your tank filled. Back of them are al the resources 'of the SHELL PETROLlEUM CORPORATION a n d i t s wonderful re- search department. Just the right ail that will get the most heat out of your oil burner is selected, and your tank is always kept supplied with that same ail. Many of yaur neighbars are aur satis- fied custormers. SPENCER, PETROLEUM CO. Petroleum 9ldg. Chicago Phone Ha. 5121 61.6 S. Michigan. Ave. Principal Northi Shore Plant, 3630 Lake Ave., Wilmette C. W. Edinger, Mgr. Phone Wilmette 2,385 or University 5035 Serving the entire North Shore from Evanston to Lake Forest Ev.ning Group Dinnor The Eveaing group of the Chicago Wellesley, club met for dinner at Le Petit Gourmet on Wednesday of this %week. This group, which is open to any alumna occupied, in business or professioni, or continuin>g education, will have four meetings during. -the- winter. Ta Attend Lecture Miss, Dorelle moulton, 235 Ralegh rad, Kenilworth, who is.a freshmin at SaaEawrenoe oliege, w-ill 'spend Thaniksgivittg with, Mise Hickey Lan- sing of . Englewood,- N. J., f omerly of Evanston. Miss M*ilton wiIl be a guest at the Lawrnovll rom on th rdy after Thanksgivmg, and on, the- folloing' 'Satwdmr héiF 3Wh guest. of Fred Raker at the Àrmy aud Navy gaine. Chlocolate Nougat A Chewy Noeugat vCoted wt 111mb EJbo..1BtO .. ......... Both tbe Kenilworth Garden club and the junior Garden club of Kenil- worth, will attend the ail-day meeting and luncheon at the Orrington hotel Monday, at whicb Mrs. Francis King 714 v.lmn t, Wnek lU will give the lectures. s00 (entrai Ave,iglgband Ph. M. P. 1117 *T te. a Vassarette b -gîve> you that glorioluly Iyouthfül bustline. The shapely sections lift, divideJSud accentuats (but you cau adjust them .asily if you don%' tàn you're the. "UPli type"). Wear the. uilpover Vassarette Bandeau with a Lip. aliusning ittie Gde ... or tuck youwnlf into the. Formai Vaisarette. Foundation that'. dedicated t. dancing but practical cnough ior day duty.a a vausArettes are ight, supple and reikrluO, -sud tiiey actually improve with. washini- VASSARETTE FOUNDA TIONS First Floor EDGAIR A. -STEVENS E VA N STN0 0 1 5 q - -wPE C E WILMETTE LIPE Nove.mber 22, 1934