Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1934, p. 51

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Novmbe 2., 134 7Iii C.ru I.1rr fiLuiavBr Ap Y- rAp* W.th the AueetSeee J&M.usmen -b TWO THEATERS ATTRACT FANS Wilmette and Teatro del Lugo 011cr Vmriety of Interesting Films to North Shore Clientele The Wilmette theater and its companion, the Teatro del Lago, are presenting an interesting and varied program for the approval of the many north shore residents who find these theaters not only conveniently located but also right up to the minute in entertainment. Here's a previewv tour of \Vilmette theater offerings: Thursday and Friday of this wveek. the W ilIme t te presents "WVhen Strangers Meet." a film cleverl% ai)- îlving tlhe Grand Hotel idea to a bungalow court. Alnme jutdge, daughter' of the court crunk, and Richard Cromwell. son of the ras- callv lan<lor(l, are ini love. Thie tand- lord committs murder. and things have an indigo tinge for the twvo lovers until . . . Well, it's worth sec- ing how~ this aIl eventuates. Coluinnist Exterminated "Take the Stand," a first rate mur- der mystery. will provide thrills for wilinette patrons this Sattirda,,. ,Vhile hroadcasting in a locked roomi. notorious columnist jack LaRue is mur(Iere(l. The murder takes place just l)efore he **spillcdl the h)eanis,' as lie had said hie would do. \'<ho did the exterminating - Thelmai Todd. Gail Patrick. \ince Barnett. Leslie Fenton, Russell 1-opton? Suinday and Monday.. Novciiiler 25 anid 26. tlîroli vtl a wvar storv.1 -Crinmsoi Romianice," full of action sulpllie(l j)y good flviing andI air coin- b)at scenles. Twvo pals, Blsllgfen I.von (an Amierican) and idealistic james Bush (a Germial). joi the air corps of the Germiarmy. anîd hothl faîl il, love ,vith Sari N".I aitza. anm ambu)tlanlce driver. Teatro Has Fine Prngram The Teatro (tell Lago al.so lias s0îfl filins that -%vill hiold iliterest all thie w a v A story of thie licari break, pathos. andI the 'hutman (irama tîmat L9OC5 011.1 belind the curtains of the vaudeville stage. amjId in the private lives Of i vaudeville folk. Paranîouint's "You, Bclong to Nie."', ill show at the Teatro (ICI Lago tis F-riday and Sat urda v. Headi ng the castof 'You Belongi to Me" are Lee Tracy, Helen Mack. Helen Morgan, and the1 latest juvenile, star, David Hoît, aged six. whio make s bis debut in this picture. ivLne Over- man and Arthur Pierson appear .ini the supporting cast. Heires& Tests Suitors Cloaking one's identity to discover what another thinks of one is the plan which furnishes the theme of "Tbe Richest Girl in the WOrld," comedy-drama at the Teatro on Sun-; day. Monday and Tuesday, Nove mber 25-27. Miriam Hopkins, starred in the title. role, depicts Dorotby Hunteir wbo, determines to discoverif she or h er money is the attraction for suitOrs- She bides ber real identity by trading positions witb bier secretary, Joel McCrea plays the leading maie role as Tony.. Fay Wray, Henry Stepbenson and Reginaîd Denny have other parts. Wednesday, November 28, tbe Teatro wilI show a truly remarkable. film, "Crimne Witbout Passion," that A rliss Picture at Varsity Has Surprise Twist Refreshing, wholesome enterta-- ment for ail ages is off ered bv "The Last Gentlemani," featuring George Arliss and showing at the Varsity theater for four days starting Friday of thi; we ek. This film 's a fascin.,ting and i n s t r u c t i ve chara cet e r studv of an ec- centric old mai, (George Arliss > wvho can't de- ride on his heir GeogeArias and is forever figiting with daughters. iEdna May Oliver and Janet Beecher. and rascally son, Donald Meek. Not only' is the story "true to life."* but there is also a surprising twist after the main character bas died-an orig- inal angle that only the picture itself can adequately convey. j oseph Cawthorni, as the inister. lias for its theme the workings of an unscrupulous mi. Claude Rains inasterfully portrays the criminal at- torney who permits his subtle. brain to dominate his better nature. The tory bv' Charles 'MacArthur an(l Ben Hecht maintains suspense tbrough- -ut everv foot of the film. Door s open Sat.-Sun. -Holidays at .1:30> P.m. Show at 2 P.m. (Cont n ous) Doors Open Week Days at 6--3o0P. M. Show at 7 P-.M PRICES AT ALL TIMES Aduits, 25c - ChuIdren, 1lOc Thursday, Friday November 22, 23 Richard Cromwell -Arln'e Judgc Saturday, November 24, Jack LaRue, Thelma Todd - Vînce Barnet Sunday, Monday November 25-26 ROMANCE" Ben Lyon Sari Maritza - Enric Von Stroheim i contributes one of the most, bilarions- bits.ever seen. Ralpb Morgan, Char-: lotte Henry, Frank Albertson and Ed'- ward Ellis do fine wo-k. Skilful di- rection and clever dialog round out the great picture. "The Fountain,", filmization of a beautiful contemplative novel.' will show at the Varsity theater Tuesdav a nd Wednesdav, November 27 and 28. The photographiy is exquisite, and the portrayals bv' the stars are master- pieces of -restraint and power. The 'torv «and dialog have overtones that thrill loyers of literature. Ann Hardinz is the English girl married to PaulI Lukas, a German offi- cer. Along comes Brian Aherne and the story moves into great drama. Every character bias the calihe- fo- interpreting this so--tî one oi the best portrayals ;q, oiven by jean Hersholt as the old Dutch baron. THAT POPULAR MAN Joel McCrea. often rated HoIly- wood's most popular leading film player, as gauged by tbe volume of mail received by bis studio froni feminine admirers. is currently the fcatured lead for Miriam Hopkins in "The Richest Girl in the World,," RKO-Radio Picture. MAY DO A UHAMLET"~ While in England, John Barrymore mav do a moi eson of "Hanm- let," announces Cal Yrfmu correspondent for Photoplay mag.- azine. Barrymore is accepted as the best Hamlet alive, says York. Teatro Gel Lago Actes of Free Parking S pace in "No Man's Land" Phones: Wilmette- Winnetka 390 c' MATINEES SATURDAYS. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Doors Open 1:30 Show Starts at 2 P. m., Continuous Evenings During Week Doors Open 6:3 o-Show Starts 7 P. M. Last lime Thurs.. Nov. 22 **Life of Vergîe Winters- Friday, Saturday November 23 -24 "&YOU BELONG TO UME"1 Lee Tracy- Helen Mack David Hoit Sunday, Monday, Tuesday November 25, 26, 27 "Riohléeat Gil la tii. World Miriam Hopkins - Joel McCrea Extra-"Dionne Quintuplets" Wednesday, November 28 "CRIME WITHOUT PASSION" Claude Rains-Star of "Invisible Man" On ail maRkes Prompt Service4 Giaranteed W.rkmanshlp * s àdio So 1122 Central A ve. ,Wllmette SM COMMUNITY rke.tre Fri. and Sat. Nobv. 82 WAYNE '"The Big Stampeden Mat. sat. $:Se Tues. sud Wed. N ov. 27-28 SHIBLEY TEMPLE UBabY Take 1a Bow" witb Jas. Duan The Gr amd Smeeser ft-n lim Eus et Rdmehilrd (I EDNA MAY OLIVER »JANET IBECHER CHARLOTrEHENRY RAIH MORGAN. I Doors Open SSatuday, t 1230 p. Tues, Wed., Noir. 27-28 ANN HARDING in "THEFOUNTAIN» Read the Want Ads 1 Today (Thurs.) Lust Day JANET GAYNOR in "SERVANTS ENTRANCE" Startimg Fri&y fosr 4 <laye THE FIRST GENTLEMAN4 0F THE SCREEN November 22, 1934 «lumetais

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