J. - ---r - - -alu . Pal-Wau1ee aiort from St. Peters- burg, Fia., on November 20 in bis new Fairchild cabin plane. Accom- panying bini was Wally Bishop wide- ly known cartoonist. They reported an unusually fast trip. Leaving St. Petersburg at 7 'a. m., Chicago time, they arived at Pal- Waukee. at 3 o'clock in. the afternoon, This total time for, the trip, eight, bours, in- cluded two stops, one a t Atlanta, Ga., aild .:another at Murphresboro,. Tenn.ý The last 300 miles. was nego- tiated in continuous rain Mr. Young- husband - has be 1en flying since- 1916. During the war be was an instruëtor in the Canadian air, corps. Abandons Altitude Hop Here; Goes to Oklahoma Driven away, by continuous bad' weather Wiley Post, tounid-tbe-world flyer, left Curtiss airport last, Sat- urday noon in bis 'globe circling plane, the "Winnie Mac of Okla- hioma." Peogt Ixwd ptanmed to makej an attempt over Curtiss field. to set a new altitude mark for 'airplanes, using the same ship that carried him. to fame on two record-breaking ' flights around the world. Cloudy and, rainy weather in the Chicago area repeatedly prevented such a flight and now Post has shifted his activ- ities to bis native state of Oklahoma. He hopes to set a new altitute record at Bartlesville, Okla., at which place lie arrived oh Sunday. .IEncounter Bad Weather o1 Tnip to Bloomington Herbert Anderson, vice-preside nt of the Chicago Aviation corporation, operators. of Curtiss airport, and E. C. "Ace" Moore, cliief- mechanic at the airpont, ftew to Bloo mington, Ill., early last week. The purpose, of the trip was to make. some ad jutitents on, a few Stinson pur- chased recently f romn the aviationc corporation by Davis Merwin of the5 Bloomington Pantograph., Anderson,, students interested in aviation is or- gaalizing a flying club to lie composed of students and alumni of the uni- versity. A Winnetka youth, Ballard Bradley, of the. Phi Kappa Psi bouse, bas been elected president of the club, and C. Smitb of the Foster bouse bas, been named, secretary and treas-' urer. Although inmbership in the. or- ganization is 'limited-to students and alumni of. Nortbwestern, the group, is flot sponsored by -the universityr and is flot functioning as a universitjy activity, it is pointed ot. Curtiss, airport will be* the bead- * quarters for the club's' fl ying .activi- .ties.. It is understood that the group plans to use an Aeronca. Arrangements are being made to bave speakers 'of experience and prominence in. the field of aviation làddress. the club at varions times on aeronautical subjects. Chester Faust Buys a Travelair Open Plane Chester Faust bas purchased a two-place open T'ravelair .from the Aviation Country club, of *'Whiçhb'he is. a member, at PaI-Wau kee, air- port., Mr. Faust recently took de- livery on a new Fairchild. He went to the Fairchild factory at Hagers-, town ' Md., got the ship and on the way back to Cbicago stopped at an airpont at Toledo. There another sb,,p taxied into his plane, daniaging onie wing. Tbe resuit was that an- other buyer -bonght Faust's Fair- child and Mn. Faust 'purchased t he Travelair. Use Aerial Photography to Survey Crop Control Aerial pbotography bas been found to be the best method, and the cheapest, to icbeck wbheat p>roduictioný conitrol meisures instituted in tbe states of Wasbington and Oregon by the AAA. Survey of the plant- ing condition f rom tbe air bas been, 7 I o wMADISON ST. *ENflRE FOURTI4 FLOOR *CEN. 47- oa buies rp.H 'Aviatonl Country 1Club in his Stinson. A. C. Lindgren, International Har- vester company engineer bas become LEAVE TO UNT UCKS a member of tbe Aviation Country club, located at Pal- Waukee air- Dean Owsley left Curtiss airport in pont, on Milwaukee avenue at Pal- bis Stinson R last Fniday afternoon. atine road. Mr. Lindgren owns a 'He was bound for the Illinois river Verville two-place open sbip. He and a week-end of duck bunting. bas been flying fori some time. P I j i