New. Open .a.t F1,14 'as Evangen Stai Tinkiing and sparkling and buzzing-a gay, colorful wonderland of the things that' make up a child's world. Here is the very spirit of Cbristmas---.captured so that children won't miss, one bit of the fun of the Holidays. The new Toy Section on the Second Floor is the gayest, spot in' the store-and Saturday will, find our phiampfriendy old ýSanta Clausarving to greet bis friends or, the North Shore.,Mother,. Dad, -everon-don't is the Second Floor of iField's Evanston Store. TlYPICAL.'TOY VALUES CET ýTHE SEASON OFF TO A: FLYINC START 1. DoI1 and trùiak, theý doil 12 inches bigh. The trunk contains 5-piece wardrobe and r ouer skates ...........$2.95 z DoiJ howe..wvit h 5 rooms, sturdily made of fiber board, with cellu- loid windows. and at- tacbed garage..$2M5 3.,,DoII carring., roomy English coach style with metal body, lO-in., rub- ber tired wheels and folding hood ....$695 *.. S. DBmdd L trucks, con- structed e nt ir e 1y of strong steel. With rub- ber, tires, lights; sevéral, types ...... a. 27..isoIm 1"1witlm bi b4icompoition arms and legs, closing eyes and "mamma" v o ice. Completely dreused, $M1 7. union Pa"e .StroMis nu"me - &À frin with 3 cars and oval track .......... $ffl & dlfii pote,> Other setsc uitwe... Ion fur. to $1 2 Gift Ideas: frým the Girls' motel tb-risone, large and strong enough for the mat chiid to ride: oýn. Engine,. tender and express car. ..P ON THE 2ND FLOOR il. Hulei, 'the Al American football game that amuses equally hoth children and aduits. Up.. to-date football rules, $1 'a re ýi