Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1934, p. 3

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* Since its organizaticu the North Shore' Congregation, Israel Lecture Forum has aimed te present speakers cf unusual attainmeuts and wkle rep- nutatien-those Who appear seldoni on the -lecture platform and even more rarely in this vicinity. Such is.Rich- ard -Washburn Child, the next speaker on its program, Who will be heard Tuesday, December 4. at. the temple building, Lincoin and Vernon avenuee, Glencoe. An international, figure, numerous times United States representativ e at important conferences, a former am- bassador, Mr. Child hardly needs:,an introduction to the public. As noveliet, *jourualist and. diplomat, he is *Well. ..knewn beth here and abréagi.. His forthcoming lecture will deal with the *result cf his, observations c f the European scene duriing this past sum- mer, when as special envoy cf the ad- ministration and *"economic advisor te te th'e Staite flepà1tmiett,» lie met many of. the men Wbo are controlling the destinies cf Europe today. During this mission Mr. Child visited E-'ng- land, France, Germany, Austria, Italy and Belgium ; le conferred personally with von Neurath, MacDonald, Masa- ryk, Mussolini, de Valera, Lloyd George. the King of Italy, and the late King of the Belgiaus, Barthou a nd Dollfuss; h. met with important industrialists. statesmen, econoinists, in *the writing et nis autobîgraphy; he is the intimate fricend cf many Ital- ian and Eurepean dignitaries; bis lack cf officiai diplomnatic status in Euirope this sumnier enabled hlim te make fndings of immense significance te thiinking .Americanis. * Author of Mauy Works' In addition te having been Amei-, can ambassador te Italy duning the Wilson administration, having served, It is only by voluntary giving and receiving that the nation will grow spiritually; in these spiritual ituponderables lies the true seed of ciiiza- tion. Notbing but the personal service of thousands of devoted men and women can accomplish the upbuilding of health, of stamina and of char- acter.in these Iess-chance children of thenation. These devoted groups of men.and woffen'represent US- they -represent our social obligations-they MUST be maintained in their tasks. We can- noDt retreat f rom, these. obligations that WE have established. One cern- muiy nur sepreventà more crime than a, doen, policemen-eBy Scout troop will prevent more evil a dozen years from now than twenty ýpqlice courts.* ~These*,wards of the nation's heart-those who are hapidicapped at the beginning, those who meet misfortune or become diséouraged,on the. journey, are not the only beneficiaries of your help., Their's is the glad- nes fa hac ti if ,bt nTHEIR upbuilding the whole nation i :s strengthened. And, over -ail thisi,there, is a great spiritual return to those:,wýho H1ELP,, but of a thankful heart, that the burden ulpon the heavy laden may be.,ightened; that the feet of children may be set..uon th,! sure paths ofbealthi, of self-reliance and of happiness. In this giving, and receiving the nation grows stronger and its. face is set toward a brighter future. To you who are able and have not been left on the wayside-.to you we say that. your T1iink-sgiviflg this year will be far happier when you have said to yourself; "What is the MOST that I can contribute during the yeartotethe charitable an'd -soeial srvice a5gencies ha&t ake niy home town cf Wilmette and my nationl a better place in which to live?" -HENRY FOWLER, President, WILMETTE COMMUNITY CHEST, Ine. New County WiII Be Discussed at Cham ber Session Mrs. Edward J. Fleming cf Evans- held Monday noon, December 3, m theý dining--reen cf First Congrega- tional church. Thie meeting wil be- gin at 12 o'clock. The subject cf Mrs. Fleming's ad- dress will b. "University County,", the new ceunty which it is proposed t carve eut of the townships lying north of Chicago and extendîng te the state line. Mrs. Fleming wil peint eut the lielplessness cf the five country town menibers of the Ceunty YOUNG PEOPLE MEET The Young People's Sunday Even- ing club met November 25, at the Union church. Twenty-six guests en- jeyed a delicieus supper, cf which Mrs. J.; L. Wilds and Mrs. Harry K<enlworth Union church., NEW CONTAGION CASES Six new cases cf ch icken pox and four new cases cf whoopihg cough iii Wilmette were reported by theý local Health department for the week ending November 24.- The' depart- ment aise reported that there was one tuberculosis suspect. Today ushers in the annual sale of Christmas seals-those bright, cheery, attractive harbingers of health that travel under ,nany aliases such as a valuable ineiber of a stamp collector's stock and added decoration for, Christmas packagres and -letters. tinder« the auspices c f Wî'lmette Health Center, which is, afflliated with the: Chicago .,Tuberculosis Inistitucte, the: sale. will be continuied .from Trhanksgiving day until Christmas in order .to give everyone an. opportun- ity to share in the réclamation -work among tubercular- vI'ctimis that is, made1 possible by these briglit little stickers. WOM.M Cmt Driv The campaign will be carried on, by a group of Wilmette women who a re intensely interested in the Wil- mette Health tenter, Ywhich is doing so inuch for the unfortunate people of the community who cannot afford ragular courses of 1teat*ient i h05- pitals and expensive sanitariuins. Mrs. Terrell Stapp, 1711. Elmwood aventve, chairman cf the Christmas Seals -comm mittee, emphasizes the fact that every dollar secured through the campaign here will be spent for the relief cf local sufferers from the great white plague. This year, more than ever bef ore, it is said, funds are necessary for the care and. comfort cf an increas- ing number of the victims cf malnu- sale to the greatest possible extent. Originated la Denuurk Fer the benefit cf those who areý unfamiliar with the history cf the Christnias Seal, it is mentioned that the idea originated with one Einar Holboell, a clerk in the post office at Copenhagen, Denmark. While watchiug the huge flood cf Christmas mail pass through bis hands and wondering how mcnev migeht be by burglars early and a quantity of Entrance was ef basemetit window. t, The Chamber cf Commerce states, d that the. meeting is open to the pub- ýg, lic, and that wornen are especially n. invited., Reservations are to be madé a at once by calling the office cf thie Chamberý,:Wilmette 863. phoniig- g WILMETTE 4300 have' PARK, 1Ciunor noved to

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