ittee tora under the >s, due to a uis- understanding of the provisions of the National Housing- Act as they, apply. to b orne repair and modern- ization, is* beleved to be. theireason why Chicago's prograrn for' better. housing has lagged behind some of ber. neigbboring cities, according, to MORTOACE Wlë. re in the marlot for cousert- vative Is ot 1«»e - son residmnces, apartmeuats mnid office IN(C. 1 X. La é, CIiffl un**"j mi UT A~V.. EvamwtOm sity 2S Records show, Miss Seai that 90 per cent of ail rep modernization of h4omes noN cairried, on in: this, country1 cided and directed, by.,houi .Tberefore unless organized, get back: of, the -local camp cannot1 succeed, she declared. In order that wornen's clu organizationis of ,ail kinds:r better iniformed on. the - Housingý Act and, also to191 petus to'the, local housing cal Miss Sears,. assisted by a lai ecutivre commiittee of women in civic, church, political soc educational, groups, staged day, better housing forum' Iv December 3, at the Hotiel. Si Jrominent speakers, men - and: qualified to answer perpiexinî tions pertaining, to the N Hlousing Act, appeared on tf gram, W. C. HUGGINS BILDING SERVICE 100 131h Stret, Ph. Wilmett. Generai Contrector ýPalnlIna -, Decoratinm':RMd lng pro- xniiews Duirouii Housixug No home is complete-no borne is sdtruly up-to-date, if the kitchen and rs :bdStbro are colorless and "dingy" pair and Iooking. For color plays just as m ow ,lbeing p ortant. a part here as it does in the d-lving rcom and bedroom.- Probablyý sewives. more so, -for an old,and run-down wornen kitchen or. batbroom 'stampà the Paigli it wbole'bouse as "'old and out-of-date." And there is no reasoni why any ubs and home bas to, do without a, colorful rnay. be:a'd attractive bath or kitchen when National it *is so« easy,"and costs so little 'to rive lm- modernize them with asbestos wains- LmPalgn,, coting-ý-tbe asbestos-cernent shéet rget ex- "tile." ledes This' amazing new material can be :a and- applied by any carpenter, right over a ai-the ôld.,walls, withoutfuss or bother, ~4nadirt or mess. Iît can, be used'either àermn.-as wainse .oting or to fu .Il- ceiling. [:women hlei.ght. And-very important-the ig ques- cost of installation is now lower thani National ever, because.the cap, base anid sheet hle pro- are now madee , al in oeepiece. A special baked-on finish provides * a glossy, bard surface which is tough, I colorful and wear-resisting, and is easy to keep spotless witb a damp cloth or plain soap and water. And 355 there are no cernent joints to looseii -no smail pieces to fail out. IeImgPAINT UNDER PORCH r The under side of a porch floor ~'*'1should be included. in every etro. >Financial Aid in, Home Modernizing Advice to the householder as, to the correct procedure i obtaining ,financial assistance for,.much needed home repairsis contained in the fol-ý iowingý: 'Al vyou ùeedý to do is «te seclirc a coniplete, estimate of the total anîount of, the property unîprovenient you desire to, Make and. arraüge the paytnent out of. your _regular iii. corne. The National, Housing àAct has easéd the> machîne.ry eot credit s that you, may conveniently pay. for property impirovemients witbout cash *outlay or dowin payme .nt *.*..and l without burdening you with financial costs at'excessive. interest.. YQu may arrange for a low cost long paynient boan and you may spread it over a period as long as three years. You need not own your proper:v. free and elere in--rýe to take, ad- varitage of this Act . . . and, pay- ments wilI be 'planned so that they do ixot necessitate any sacrifices on your part whatsoever . . . but, you rnust choose quality inaterials ini planning these repairs. The lending agencies will cast à fishy eye on any estirnate that specifies substitute materials that cannot be expected to give lasting satisfaction. ý»swek fer MIS-SING hase Plut»,beceums.we. eau lastal them nematy, quuiclly andi at sm11 cost. WASHERS VACUUMS MOTORS9 etc. op u-ahL Se, Wilntte ý ý l ý 1 1 - I Il ý 1 . 1 ý ý 1 . 1 . . m L ' THOMAS DFCORATJNGce. Painting aund Decorating 1033 MAIN STREET Wilmette 2378 .1 and apartmnent flouses, the authors ùt the Federal .Hoùsing Act wrote into it provisions for. supplying rnoney for' this needed work. If you bave any sort of buildings, business or resi- denitial, it will pay . you to find out the full details.o o you can finance painting anid repairing at: arnazingly easy termns. FIX UP RESORT COTTAGES UNlversity 0283 ROGers Park 0271 1564 Sherman Avenue, Evanston recovered for Xmas? H.,G. LINDWALL ESTABLISHED 1s98 89J8 Oak St. Winuietka 145 Clashing vie% ious w oreu's j [A ds~a i 1 ý