manager, flew the inew Fairchild cabiinI plant belonging to Mrs. RZuth Kit<thell Wakenian of. Oak Park to:Coldwater. Mich., last -week. Mrs. Wakeimaîî hiad gonie to the Mlichigani townt several davs earlier to visit relatives. Next monitlîCotîdif ývi1lI flv the saine plàane. to Califorhia. Mrs. Wakema la done cotîsideraidle Pal-Wau- kee since takiingý delivery on her* new ship about two înonths ago..She is a transport pilot. During 1935 she ex- *pects to be ini California most of the tinie, S'ince, lier husband. W. H. WTaema, hs bentransferred to that tate. Palu-Waukece Pilots Have a. Reunion in Florida Gus Palmquis t, former Pa l-WÀ,aukee airport pilot, writes- from 'orida tl'at *he plans to visit the north shore about the mniddle of January. Palmquist is pilot for Milt Reynolds at Ifianîi. Ait- other Pal-Waukee pilot of a i ew 3years igo, Harod Johnson, also is in Flotrida, Palmquist reports. Ini addition to tliese two pilots, the eintire crews of the two Goodyear blimips which were storéd at PaI-Waukee during-the -World'S' fair period, now are at Miami %vitlî the tw%%o ships. as well as Major Frank Ormisby, chief pilot ili the Pal-WVaukee Sikorsky operation at the fair. and hisý partner, Lieutenant Sewell. Former Curtiss Mechaniet With Bran if Air Unes iHunter brothers of endurance fliglit iame, returiied to Çurtiss airport last wveek from Oklahoma City, Okla., whiere lie was pilot of a refueling ship 011' ait uisuccessful attemlpt oftw womne Ilto set a nie%% endurance flight record for th eir sex. The women, jean La Reste anîd Henirietta Sunîniers, re- niainied iii the air eighit days, six hîours and thirteen mîinutes, failing to break te wolmen's .old nmark of iiine days twenty-three' lîours ,and fortv-five, minutes 'held by' Helen .Ritchie and Frances, Marsalis. Huniter lIew hack to Curtiss field ]ni the refuteling sIp, a Stinson. He then returned to Oklahoma Cit y to get the endurance ship, .a: Curtiss, Thruslî mnoplane called "The Lotie ,tar. It' is the saine, platie in. wich. Miss La Resteait.d atiofher* partnier, Mary Owens, made several unsuccessful at- tempts at Cur tiss. field and elsewlhere last suminer to set a new endurance flight record~ for women. Hunter's cornpanion in the re4uelùr1g ship. Êarî Ortniani, a racing pilot, is renîaining in Oklahoma City. He1 is connected with the Strawn Aircraft corporation of, that city, which is . building a two-place ship using- a V-8 a tito.nîobile engine. Fly fromf Cu >rtiss to St. Louis in Stinson Herbert Anderson, vice-president of Mr. Kaszab is survived by his, widow, Mrs. Ethiel Kaszab, two daughters, Mrs. 'Margaret Degian of Elmhurst and Mrs. Ethiel Jourdan. of Wimette, and a son, joseph Kaszab, Jr.,.<of Chicago. Until his Iiealth began. failing1 a fe w years ago Mr. kaszab had been active iii Masonry. HRe was. a Shriier. The futieral services, lheld .W~ednesday afternoon, from ýhis late. residence, wereunder, Masonic au spi ces. The Rev. David R. Kabele of the Wil- mette Englishi Lutheran church was the officiating minister. -Burial took place. at Memorial Park cemetery. Pneumnonia, Fatal tol George G. Lawson George G. Lawsoul, 1218 F orest' ave- nue, died Sunday niorning at his home of piueuioniia. He had b)eeni'ii silice the previoiis Tuesdav. Mr. Lawson was retired. He fornierly wa ice-p esideit and general sutper- intendent 'of the Xorthwestern Terra Cotta company ini Chicago. For the past twelve years lie h lad been ,a resident of W~ilmnette. Surviving him are Iiis, idoiv. Mrs., Helen Stewart Lawson. a son, George Stewart Lawsoni of Xinîette, and a, daughter, Miss Barbara Lawson, also of Wilmette. The fiineral serv-ices, were held are a daughter, Patricia Jean, a fresh-. mani at New, Trier High school, Mrs. Grover's mother, Mrs. Charles Over- hue of Chicago, a sister, MXiss Ethel L. Overbue of Chicago, and an atit, Miss Lottie Thomison. a1so of. Chica- go. The' futieral services were lheld Wednesday afternoon at Scott's funeral homne. 1118 Greenleaf avenue, Wilrnette, with the Rev. Henry Hep- burn, pastor of the Buena, M emorial- Preshyterian chur-Ch iii uptown Clhi- cago, oficiatîng. Tlhe Rev. Mr. Hep- burn inarried Dr. and «\frs. Grover. Burial took 1'place at M.fenio-rial Park. cemetery. VISITS IN FLORIDA Williamn H. Cage, son of M r. and Mërs. Stanley. K. Gage, of 932 Elm- wood avenue, did not. rettîrn for the holidays, :but is spieidilig thei in St. Petersburg. Fia. William .is, tak- ing his first vear ini law school at Yale. Mr. anid Mrs. Xilliain Moultoni, 235 kaleigh road, Kenilm-ortlî. entertailied a gfroup of Chicago friends at din-. nier Sunday. Xedniesday afternon at the reI*- dience, with the Rev. James T. Vene-. kiasen of the First Presby3.terian' church of Wilniette officiating. Büri- ai w~as at Rosehili cemeterv. -p WJilh the nranîrr Air l'mes at the Chi- lieuIo n Cow %'vinzîpns. i.enn., Dut cage municipal airport. He came back atrhaigrprsa t oi to Chicago réeently from Florida, that bad weather ivas on the wvay where lie Aad been for $oMeý timne' they headed back to Chicago. r Dick's twin 1)1rother,,Harold, bas been Williamns',regù lar pilot, Bill Mitchell, emiployed as a ïechanic -at Curtis went, toefigh Point, N. C., t pn feld for the past vear. -tlie holidays, with relatives. Air Assoiates Give Bob Kenty Promotion Bob Kentv, former storekeeper at Pali Waukee Competes Traveair, Paint Job A Warner-powered Travelair be- longiuig to the Wet and Dry Fly rom- Wonder if the Kidi There wilI bei about it-if Br, PASSENGER FROM DETROIT A Stinson owned by Maycock Fly- ers, mc, of Detroit arrived at Curtiss airport recently bringing a passenger' from'the automobile city. C. F. De L Commerce i airport hast F new Fairchild a number of si conditions no by students. p HO0 NE tests weie taken PHIL H. BRAÂUN W ILIWE T T E ROBT. F,,DOEPEL CÂRLL Le BRAUN no qiuestion .Co.