'NEW P. O., SeelPQssibility.of Construction by Next Spring.,on West Side Structure Announicenýiie lt is. mde by the United,. State-, treasury department, ,procuremàen' t division, public works brancb. Washingtoin. D. C., that sealed, bid wttbepulilvopened in that office on February 4. 19353, for supply- iiig ail niaterial andI lal)or required in, the construction of a. United States post offi ce hu.11(iliig:;t Wilintette. The site for the ne%%-post office; acquired s everal mnofiubs.ago, fronts 240 feet on Centr al av enuie and 200 feet on PIark avenue. considered lby. goverumiient authorities to be' nearest th.e center (if population of the Yij- lage --f any gronnd available. Plan,, for the huildig. estiniiated to cost $1000.were completed several iintths.azo bv Benjamin H. Marsbiall, >architect, 612 Sheridan road. It i L understood. however, that these plans, have been changed by the treasury de- partinent to p)rovide for a smialler building th an originally proposed, though niot 1neceýssarily a less expert- sive one. *The announicemient inakes- it en- tirely prob)able that the opening of spring will sec construction under way. And it puts to rest atNy rumors ta different location for the inew Post Office. ,Mildred and L_,orna Tidemnan Saili Abroad M.issý Milred Tideman. wbo bas heen hiere f romi Berrn, Switzýertanid, visitini berfamlv:the S. N.-Tidemans of 1025 Linden avenue. spoke Tniesdav even- 'ing. Deceniber 11, at Harris bhal, *Northwestern university. on "Foreign ,Service.". Miss ,Tideman. who is asso-. *Thank You, Readers! Possiblyounr mental miakeup is different than that of other people, but we often think that it is well, wheii at the tbresfiold'oTi. new year, to pause and take a "backlook" at the year just passing. For, in a "backlook" * we see realitie. \Ve are going to do just that thiig. Take a "backlook",at 1934. For. 52 weeks we've gottenout a n ewspaper. We'&ve been told that wëve .did a good job. Certainly we have trieéd to tùake-, our efforts mieasure.,up ýto the higli standards of- theé. comm unities, which wve serve., .\We've written copy. staëck type, read, proofs and printed, paper., \Vhat for?. * To supply a definite dcmand for, newys anid advertising m~ade possible lV -you. our readers. Yes, t.he ultîmnate re,;its of our labors.were delivered ec week by. mail to your doors because yon wanted theni. It was you... your, doings and ideas .. that lhelped us get' out a paper each week. If it ,vere not for You vonr iuiterest and subscriptioni *..there would be 110 WTiL.\ET.r£ LirË. Looking.back we realizethis. In the final atîalvsis ;t is Nvour friendships which'we nmost higbly Iprize. For your friudships and goodwill we say "thank you" .. and niaV thie new yar- give \ on and yours a f ullimeasur.e of good fortune.. -THE PUBLISHERS. E.pidemie of Colds Cuts Attendance at Sehools The \\Ininette Pubic schools re- ported that last \veek. the final \veek of school before the Christmias vaca- tion, there \vere an unusually large nuniber 'of absences. Prevalence of colds and influenza was thougbt to be tbe chief., reason. At New Trier High sechool last ,veek the absence list was froint two to tbree tintes above normal for. tbis season of the year. Ilhiess of inany students and the fact that a certain number of. people are ont of town for the holiday season .added to the norixial absence list. Nathan Milsteifl Gives Recital Here January 28 Nathan Milstein, world renowned vio- inist, will give tbe fourtb o! this sea- 11.O.O.F. .Completes '* Election of Officers At its regular meeting Thursday of last week A. T. Sherman Lodge No. 892, . I. .0. F. completed election of officers by reelecting Homer G. Cazel secretary, and Henry Lange. treasurer.- The following directors were also elected: Frank Tucker, Fred Radiner, W. J. Schatz, Richard M. Burns and A. E. Wolff. The officers elected at the regular election on De- cýember 6, were William G. Doberty, noble grand; B. B. Udell, vice grand, and Charles Knobel, financial secre- tary. *Tbe installation ceremonies, to be conducted by the Evanstonî lodge, %viIl be held Tbursday eveninig. janu- ary 10. On Monday evening, january 7, A. T. .Sherman, lodge wil1 instal officers of the Evanston lo*dge., HIT BY CAR rof last week ÀT AT 4 LU Gxs Anderson, Just Returned f rom1 Land ýof the Nazis, WiII be ýHea-rd December 30 Gus Anderson, attorney and widely. known, traveler, will be. the, speaker at the Wihnette Sunday Evening club December 30 in the. First Congrega- t ionral churcb. Mr. Anderson *ill give his impressions of Germany gaýined fil an extended sojo urn there from hihhe bas just returned, Mr. Anderson, patrons* of the Sun- day club 'ill recal. lectured on Rus- sia last season, exhibiting uncensorcd films depicting tif e under the Soviet régime. His lecture attracted one of the 1ai'gest Saudience. inthe history ofi the club'. Miss Helen Gunsaulus, wbo it wau announced would be the speaker next Sunday, will be unable to fil her en- gagement at this tinte because of seri- ous illness in ber family. She will speak before tbe club làter in tbe sea- son.. Tbe Paulist Choir of- one hundred voices has been re-scheduled and will be beard at tbe Sunday' Evening club on january'. 13. Because of the great popularity of this organization the club will meet at New Trier High sch001 that evetiing. World Pair Marionettes Are Coming to Wilmete, A Century of Progress marionettes wl give two performances in Wil-' mette nextý month,: one at the Cèen- tra,.'school o,' Tbhursday, January 10, and another at the Howard school on Friday, January 11. The play to bc given at both performances is "Ali ,Baba and. the Forty Thieves" and- a ents. * Junior Life............. - CETEMET~<ÀR? Music................i21 The next meeting of. the North ai saeSeto...1 Shore Garden Center, .whicb meets inIl Recr.ation ........... 14 .Winnetka Commuflity House. wiMl be Sociey ]pages....... . .28-32 Mrs. A. L. Grinneli, diairman. Note : Ec onm bop is conductedI by th&' Woman's Çlub of Wilmnette. cd last weec,ic] -n poseven tbree each of sc nila and two of.