* lw<t. i tl ]()(- lo ai rutail .< 'lit fl (. t rIli . (,)ta lly Pr'"iiîct ,. c lt\itlur toncrn bla> bceîî iM Ilhc grot ery Ilîssin vasti or *49 > ears, fouîr Ycars mi its present Io- aî,ai524I)is treopit t lt Si th Sorç hott'I, aiid 4.5 ta r, ,ri, 'r to tlat at:K07 I)ais.stret.ýt lumakîn1g thbe ;tnhîîncint ij ëc(r lnd fark thetlw Ç;<orgt 1 ~Vn rcmnccrii places em1)ias i l; cilithbefacut t bat !t vill "imainti ii fic b1iigli stanîdartds of ,scrvIcû to wiih ilistotuers of that store have bteiui ac- t'IIsto'fl)Vl........id \%11vifo1 '" tli, p4licy t bat uvery itei . of 1 bulC cst (1alitV, prli&:ed as Ynear ç(*ýt a 'o - SIÉE MAGICIAN Thbe Sundav Ev.%eniiig Yug 1t'p cluid 1110 at ()> 3,0 at itue »I\ulorth * iiîtqî t'lurch. N n. ar'N ssaî irs,. Artîtîr ut. wcrc lil clîare i_ iirc frushmîtl(Its. Fourtcuiiguuests afl * I>"Vs. Sîni 'ettrtaiuuid t hei. A *<si's 1 1cIti 1)b' N b'i)tînînin ald 1 1, Nit I avn' u th ik Haett FBroken? Then soiled? Picture Framed Todoy!ê Hcalteman's Photo Shops 1 Il 4a < ;rvuillei'a fA \. tnue \N iillelt tê 164 Her'e it Ls.. Thneret goes.* THE- "6400" speeds.ýe through Nor th Shore! 4 é 0 And receive the proper vî u. in CASH or Lord's mt chni4s4;4. LORD'S-First Floor. 4. 4