YOU ADVANCE FASHION FACTS I)ont wait until you get there to hind out what's new at the smnart places in the. SoÙth! ...W" have a specializeýci collection at il' 1i'vanst Soe-ow htflosý the, latest fash ion infôrmnation for, those f ollowing- the stin., Be comipletely set, bef ore you go with i.ppai el and accésso(ries 'fashionsfonFel's Fourth'Floor.. 121 irc~ h latwo rd iii f a s 11 ài. inen. suit, with patch pock- ets ari figulr ed linen blous.e., In, na lrlor iviiite, sizes 12 to 18 (left) $29 .75 And f orý the lilnet, suit. a Uine r crash hat 'with an adjustable tied crown and tailoired trimn in contrasting col1- or. Rust, broyn-, citron 'green- lhp- '.tidi red or ptels :$595 THE, CCESSORUES TO COMPLEMENT TH4E COSTU<MEý 'l'le 111111U tic bt ùkshioe is tile perfuct aànswer to ,;pectatnr q)prtý we ar. This l-as a' soid1 leather heel l* oratieor- >PeCtator sor 1-0nvelty . ite fabric ! bag with bone frame-a grand bag for a11 typés of F or the ultra smanzrt prs%-- llitte alligator grain bag at aI nunusuai drpfatnigbeloNw left ) .$850 And your outfit can't be coni- plete without a pair. 'of Alex- ander doeskin gloves. Mhite, eggshiell, beige or gray, (be- low) .. ..... 4S *....r.-.; ,ù~1 454 'r ...b 'l'lie niatcal touch -- padle or anchior pin wjth. b)right Iacejuered string~ !riti 11 i1loveï $1 I -xx p JANUARY '10, 1935 Il'- N l'1ii~ <ir ..trI..~ t J 1'*~ y j a ci b ~ct cxx 'i &