use of the Gault 'l'eletactoýr, tn' teachies the deaf-blind to learu languiagc throtigh the skii, oni'l'îîe'- daY e'Cintg, aàiiiarý 22, at the hoinc of Mr. andi Mrs. Morton Me(rgeti- thélin. 1258 Scott avenue, 1I lphba;râ Wo ofls.The iprogrami. wh iclî i under tble direCtio)n of R1theda . Pre tzel, vil Conchî1iid C'.i th- a .short, TI le Gault teh'îactor waï~u\lbti in tlcH'I all of Science at theXtti' Fair' both inl 1933 and1 1934; andi thec b),Ooth wereit xvas shown ,%as Xne, Of- thelieiost. poiulàr <htot lî' III th1u Hall, ittractiiig doctors, -cdluca torr, and laien fronail oxertliccotia trvr '. hc Tveiactttr k an ulct rca x iîrt insthlat corrusîîtîîil ht() ul (in~i, te.': aregreati ;mnlil d i ct)i 'tvevv< i t( the fh agurts \ ti t" resoiii) a t ihritîîr. '[liici-'î aîî îai nîav lc uiýt, and ioex ir11 I vair iin t is case a fïucî t b trgx C touch lM theç fier. _u i x ()'rd, arc lîe, t ic max' kv . i'i it 'xu"Of C'cdi 'wr(I, just aý oia am îi an aîple, for insta nce,(. 1. 11' ' pr t î t î ~if r ; It iti etl t'iitýl" u t- n t'r> dr:îiiîîî ii;tm':tî'L'î' l li it' a'r ;ii2iii the King eternal, lîrîtortali;nviîsible. r:U'aijit i. ra'iIt, . A I I 1MU"' " "Talc tr 4"4l *II )S the 01113' wise (od, bu honiîr anîd ~>î< 'itrei'~anîd thirxatOW,. xxi] brtire sbjeeofiRabbi ClIar1tes Iglory for cver and e ('ur" <I i itjlx ul, îl iiitachîiig %\.Iibuli hed at t-i-' E.Vh, ma ' erCllti Iat N rt Short. I:17). ln'î nîîu. n at 12 :30. .J011i tdgeato sracl temple in Ge I luIh ut Cfthi i'giNsrn o ueiCO t i nutav I.ornilig, Ia ay 13, it Anton111g the ct\\n vi ci ' I l]xxii iît'd 11w discu;SIMn. I chtk. i .,t ernn 1 f' o 1) r is e'dthe lesso,(n-sýermnomI)fxxa, ~tht . -t la' a î\ ('l h 1f.ioiî 11 cît 1wa rigur iolloxxiiig from xt ie il c"î ttî'a u .'vtu vl i'a ruiignetm, lie k ,clothld ithî nîajesty :Water IroducrsHOJ 0:~~ the Lord k t' lotlhcd xitb 'trîîthî, C nf ýnc i iiMilmnettc 'e oar xx'h'rexî liebu at h ciruetl h linsel f lie. wvoild aiso isestallsliu(l, i liai l i \'t'i i n1 \atr I rodicr: ii'hî,S' u4na tal)lislletl of, Oid thon art frotif ex ur- il vt'o t) i nniiîciltal'ties îîc th' ies st r - "zîi 1'su'4Iid~îîsin tri lasting (Psaîns 93 1,2). ' à akuNIichligan and iii in I litnois lIatx' N'zItîtai'i"Ii'oî t~~ 1l wn rii' i hitin turulI;t\ A large iiilmîtr d thé nivin- d'dý Sciuîîce tc \,tilu îok 'Sciu îce' anid I leýaî'îL ariîi \'- r'ut. \ :( h' 1 'l' tH t.iîl l "" With Xüv'toibv tlait Bakucr Edx )d'Gal ki îi ic rloi'eal , Suîil 1 1 'imi-c j Lie. [ e. "în t 1. 1 i\o ' l t i E- m 0 Fil Roehester Alunmiii 1I Ic Hall the NewN Prusident \la(îi ('listr V let a , 33'x'taî'i Ii - îatn of P)riuntn i i t' Naie nu i ' atn"dt at xcu. tt}t 'iIld tt.i i v r, moiîu h1()(J of'I'lu vi ii Iiiiit t fu ir \' c rît milu tu a carit a ndliL iti c ricli', i i is m-t t xxu 1irçiv of ' ii lt xiii aff air..ý. . """ k-t raCutbioso y triw IKappa direct the afar rd'revert)antgh f Graut chapter 'Uf QCicago, which 2151 Shernman avenue, Evarîston ; Fu- 11,11 900 tiembiters ,ýon ;ts roster iromi -enc' .IeKieffer of '2218 Central sti'e:et, 'lia> and si0lurbs. 'I'l is w'ihl close I',vanstorn, and John and' Peter Sluîu- tu c cn1vetiî'fL. wa' ojf 1605 FHinman avenue.,vntî, ~ ' t'iîatv idaun arc- truembelrs of the comiiiittetc on ar- *îijnbers t t i raternîty iniicate that ranrgemnts. XVade NichiolsofCîctt , tlten(lance will be approxitnately 5 00. anîd ,Stanley iencderson, h r-sifi'î - oî the' No)rtliwestern 'chaptet', xxl ut 'spekr dtucneto il prmnn n-11 1r . h rt5iy 'i '. ti; Olean, N. Y., and John Hcardll, JJr îiei ehun1i i rtriy wla sé îia mus ýhave lit .vet heun -an - .ridrtof the Chicago chaptci', a ru û. îî"l tîntte"i raternîtx' wxill atteiti are George Section 101 of Phi -Gamma Dvlta ini- SnyIer of \Wasliiitoiî, 1D. C., national inudes thec chapters at NorthwNetet-iî; "preý,i0unt Lotuis, F.. 1,everyîe of the c1hicag>, Visconsin, Illinois, b iti1 I raklit .1te4, ('hlicago, xliatioîîal ti-cas- Illino tS is evaiî, 'nd Minnesta. '1'xxý irer :C cc'ii j. \\'lk'insî i, înationîal ;luItgaies from ecach of the chajîtt'r' xiii -sýecr&tt r on'Nxv 'tD. Baketr tif (lev'e- tiI tii Illeu uconventOiii'b atil -lanîd, ( >, a oî'nbî f the board '1t o zoo C) r> * 'I i k * o z n qi U2 r~.'~: 4> k di "fig eu 4>" *> ~di g, ~ k ~ 8u~I@ :.~ o' ~..< Q ~Y~ÇiI~ o; ~ - PI k k~ M w 'I .- SI g, 4, Eu' k -m 04, iSU WIw £4 : *~ ;~ lu >645 >0 U c4~ E, I ~gu NU o ;.> iuu £4' 'di lu 1> ES e- di k lu ~1 >0 U - g di o 3 oe2 ~ ~* o.: '-N UU uuô NO tW g, .4, di çIu~ <4 GUESTFROMBOSTO : 0 Happ road returned la:t Monday Robent Richardson, son of the, froin a miotor trip through the south. G. A. Richardýons, of 145 Mdelrose: The 'vsited M\rs. Foxs nother at avenuie, Keiiilvortih, was a guest ove'rf St. Petersburg and stopp-ed at Miamni Chiitina's of lu~s pareiîts He has I3ea0i and New Orleans., a position in, Boston,, havirîg .ben tnan 1s*fered lthiere froru Akron, Ohio.: Barbara Burch, daughter of Mr.* IHis si'ster, Nartha, a senior at ýS irn' and i Mrs. Clayton B. Burch, 163 Ab- îîin,.unlegu ýiii Bostoni, ef aura ngdoôn avenue, Keihlvorth, enter- afier ilhe.lohidax' vacation. Laidthlirty guests at a dinner dance Friday, Iecember 28, a Sawnee j Cdountr\' club, DFTURnNS T1O 0IiDlIP \\"illiirn Sinvthe, Jr.,.43 Ktrxilxx'î trth avenute. Keilxvo»(rth, left Sund ay' la rus~ ~ ~~a fut P~tde h urdsî a iter t li li didayvacati fIi 'u 1ksse' )trot h v, xvboatter'idsth Fan mn i'. "ltitl at iuît Ca ' i, t,' w w' ..1 'z ~1' USE I t~4 e- w" ".4 M 'z Lii 'J2 -t w' v 'z e' '4. Mn. aird Nirs. Robert Lee Megowen, 197 Oxford road, Keniiworth, enter- tained fifteen guests at an appetizer îlarty on December 31, preceding the 'ew Y"-ar's eve dân.ce. at the a 'z 't w' * - Lit 'M M M w Lt M Lit o o 'n 'I> 41 mi- WE -1; o c us lA c V. ' umbr of iNe%\,iTrien 11'irg 11 chîool aluintiri re' thult' .î-' xersitv of Rochester. A daughiter,' Aune4 'wa.s'bonit jair- uary 2, 'at the Evaîmstoîî 1osptal to) Mr. a .nd Mrs. Phillip Callanenof Chi- cago. . 'rs. Cahlanen is tire former' jacquiehinie Ham.xhurst of Kenilworth. L~J