MEBROF it ishîc tzedl as Anierica's .premiei-,pecd niarvûl. CHICAGO SUBURBAN QUALITY CROUP the fastest steai propelled train i l lc worl(. C>ýhago Offices- iot6-ioi8 WiLLouQIHEYTowEirR Making its initial trip \ithout ai,yiy uto\war(l Tel<>Aone CENTRAL 335S events to prevent a record,. the "400" conipleted il)( SUESCRIPTION: $2 PERVEAR SINGL~E COPTES 5 CENTS run a littie ahcad of schedîtle. which called for 4(K miles ii 400 minutes. l'lie souitl hound oiaiîi Ail COMMunkcations and contributionsitended for publi- train made a re cord e.<îallv- as satisfactorN. tation nut bear the name and nddressa of the auth or, not ilecessarily*foôr publication, but for Our ilee. Such matcrial m ocr sfetoe u at la hsf. -1.most reach. the. edtor b 1V.Tue;sd.i3e noon to.he in.time fl or train traversesr. the noýrth shlore (<liriiig.thie atr n the current le sue. whien children arc beilig rvleaý,ed froini school, tîtti sÙpposedl v incËeasînjg the hia ard ofcrssngth( track.A In thk ,coriiection iit is oteottitth CHO.RITeRS '400' d>es nt ai 1tain its' high sedunitil after lU« TheWimeteSudavf~enîî cli aiî' l~ las passéd ibrotiglithe notlî shore villages. Bt-- highly conmended 'for brîinging ntoie n<citrtli.siiore wecVhewaî h <ut eteei ee next tftl(;gfù-dctlti-,thePa 'îlst fffer efficient .resistance to- higl: Sî~da eenîî, te iûlit honstrs aniit sncel. -'n1cilicîibstale the1w -ve witc]; choir, Which has, no equal ini Anicrica. if. inree<l. le inet Asa>>u.ter r t.he entire world. The club. directors alm), have tIR svrltanh.asn livîhog bsctî tlîank-s of nortlî shore rt'sidents .for prcs-etitin tiL c ht everltaiiei, n whicl trae .rotgh ti i "ori,( proczram at Ncev Trier 1-1gblîo .giving oppor- ;oala,,o1aqdK-th'40" tiiiitv £..f(r a:L ureatý tti~ n fih.r ()f1Ç ,,.., * ei. il, ' Ilya a ascistw :4 rare treat. s i~ch oir.mhiclî oc , i gîc11ea at i ;-itricuin 1 i n choral ilayt. is conposed of .75 mniand hIc.[t wa> onganizcd iii Chic.go in 11004.1) ' Faitler Vlii, .wlîo tciir-ecis its dirctor for foiiruiîeC;t rs. Itfi ov. eu lifidcr the' direction of Fathor<Mae. A utei citc ates that thiee rc -e hir' likt ýthelie aulist Cionistuns, in- this cc ifnt ry. aîîcý i fç% Ieadlers ý i lt Ithe patience and ahilitv to takeu groups- <if ois iidtrain thfetîin i thé arti.ofelnbe anci stnýilosiing, adduig thmat the direet r '.f hî gr-ctp, as,.rcacliI lau cc'el'W Ihl~ -i, Ia r Thé ppaaneof the Paiti tCl,risie-r. t',c i\t cd by i v -r'clp (. o rtli .l"rOul <*~ t! \\xvil!- iN flh -'illiitjrltliii's capacit'v. TîIRiig ftt t-îtusovi (4,111(fti tait wvater.Qgas and c(tricitv is a wel '11u on t' 1 <(Cltriof the incrtli shc ru. Lacli c'fltevla. sla %iuncia Vater puîinping planit, îaid iinposîJtoiï min the 1ýa!es tax woul meanl an additioîal ,>charge ilo cotiniers. Tha t thiese villages werc àaIse rtleieveîl f the expinse of carrying thie proiest thîrough lit1ic co)urts is another niatter for conîgratuîlationî. 'FI'1tu larger utility companies opposed the ta, .s'pposed at the time the suit -was instituted to hie an occupa- tiriotignuut Uthe Oiflhiii3' Perhaps the 1'ederal Housing admiinistration pr-- gramt lias exertecian influienc 2inigetting. ,tfiingý started..hy. bringing property ownens to- the realizi-- tion that oniy by keceping properties in nepair cari investments be protected. Whiatever the cause, the resumption éf buildingis a sure harb)ingen,--of heier tintes to corne. I)1EP1'RESSION CASUALT) depression thani the freo public library, wbicb ha' hbercuii)re penhiriic uçhauiipotaîit part i t)h spreacliîg of.edutcatioîîi aiiioig tht' pcoplc. Maux' of tliebe îtstîttins haeiceen unable tw al! ian, xew boioks.or peridls sinice 19,31.. andI the i1zimi wCar Aid teàr haî'e aken iia Onct o f circulation. Faceil withqo 0per cent redulction II hihc')inl aýcand ý2f) per ceuitIuîcreae in circulationmux lirris have beetad put nt Ifit to iaintain aîîvythivlI k-t, na! N cw lcs t1htIllinois I.ilmrarv soiijyuwt a v 't(t> thu state legislattirc' fo r twtalpr pua tion tosil aszis iii keej3iig the Ireulir in iiastaùdi(- arl'an!Ot wîll ilîsunre cniunsr t(, tlw eaî piublic. Onee measure cal! S1wcranlappropriatoionai $(OO0,000 fqor .thipse (4f- l c and pict'iodicals for froe Sta-suipportt' hbrrî'.iii al] hairt. <if tC state. Anothier ;provides fi cr 4îîan p' c riiî<' ,,1000,000 fo etnlîeandimniiîa î ilr In mfi1pôrt cf thie muasures'it is serei tît hr ,-re two uîitlh n people inI Iliniivhîc ' Il >are wihu anx' sort qf .fnee ilinary service 0f thest. 1318,000 live in Cotok cîîut i.,;isalso() tatud thi t terv art; ten ilcounities ý'ii tlîe stateu vhiclî have. ni) ibraries. T1'ese enibrace rtural conirntuîitiecs *witlî a populationî of nmarc than 860,00. It is proposed to accônîplîs li e prpo-scs of tlw masures without addiol taxation the fumîd, to be drawn from fthe genteral fund. \Vbether 'this, Those Anuerican. citize ls whb trekked to the Saar Basin to vote in thie plebiscite, may face two unpleasant predicaments. They miay lose their American citizenship, and the plebescite .may o be held- for several-months. In either ýcase,nom American silould. be voting in -a foreign côun try. it fel 1 a few weekS ago, cli and bit of shiruibery? Well,1 the darned sttif now. Ctistoms bfiiI ave reftised, to admit scvt ta: bosand magazines. to ýthisq country on ýthe. erbund that they -are Rt theýv c give- the. names of 1en1. T he north shc>mi waS honored over the wv ,eýnd by a visit fronit the istinguished cxý-presidcn? Herbert H oover. who~as .entertaineci hy t e Arc W. -1as f \\inne.tka. The gréai drainlit OW being cnacted at 1hi ington. N. J.. is challeuiging the 'attention of tl.. entire %vorld.- Not tlle leas t reason for thiýs sik fact tha't two of the major figures in the piece, Col. and ,Mrs. Lindburglî. are coý),,,ndiuct-. i>nig theniscî ves luina uaimer te wvin the approval oftlîe popui- lace. Its .Sympathy ' tcy a]- ~j .re a (1YpOssessed. s8hunnilig the limelîgh.t, the%, give ilhe ~ appea rance of ])eiljg cqst iwi * an "appeanantct" ro)le. \vit11ôut "spekin paTs. his ant ex- ample that wouhi! afford greit reifif followed h-V nianV m~en .and Wornen ntic.11)Illthe Public eye,. iwhlo. fgrtvl spcakiig. go abollt constantlv gazinlg into amir- rer iîl onder tlîatt h1-%- may flot fonget for ee a in1gle ccstatic 111011eli, how great thiev ai,- Bujreau1cr.ats are cpe ýaIv i\-en to this le' itrahi pstnl, sthe\, trjý,ej Up .alnd dçoxîn tlî colintry, seeigte iliîpness' tie cnmnhr witll their st1eîasîp s'it an-y wondeIr t) 1 ai tht'resrvei, oclstretrngdemeanor 7,of. the .illbeli0s att-racts' attentionw-len tlîeN àr ab<uîttheonl tgures in national if(. di~'l iL t lns(clîra t'ri, t lCs lnging to e.verv tre- look at what's left <Jf Th ciiprdutin ontrol provisionj, thili N'IA erehîhdimîald y tle United states* Sui- preluecout Onday, holding the section ht.)hbc an înonsi il delegation of legislative poix r7 tC, the President. 'Thi, ilte, rtofth a i c. ase tackirig tlhe New Dealilegislation om con- stiutomalgro-uiîds to reat'h a dlecisimi Ib-c111( lîîgfrcouîrt, The goverfiment of the Province'ý of Ontariu. Canada, hias set its foot down. It will flot permit the Dionne quintuplets to bé exhibitéd or sub- jected to anything else that mighit "interfere with their hiea-th or probability of adult life." That 'sounds like old-fashioned comnmon sense. l'-IF PTANI-YOMRPOT.