Nijss Clark is a gràa<lîatc (IfNrt- %vtnsten university and a i:uvmber of Kappa Kappa Gamnma srrt.Mr. 'Zimonsis a graduaic (if Kvinvonl c heein Gnbe,( l .andi e- 1cqng' tDelta '[ ivl uia, frat rpity. o cl aft. 1)a Iw 1î< (' 'ç for îli< w<ci Junior Auxiiry fo, 'Gve Recprocity ea 'ei.uior auxiliary of tht Xoiat- Cluib of MWihîettw will. holld its animal t( poîvtea Sunda3y, Jantar% 13. ttweeîî thet heu)trs of 3 anc] 6. rhi. ]Pu> i'lact as hostess to the Junior -tùxliarit-s ini the Fedleration o)f Clubs- Af itenith Conigressional IDistrict, of. ilni A11nong the gliests of h0,or >,ii1 bc M rs. A. F. Kluinder, ridt (ýf IlleSenior club, whio will receive ,'11tht juniors MsKennèéh Wil- soit, j'ior adVisc<r o cf tuelieth dis- rotand Mr1 llri)ert. V. Wtecd-Presi1- >nt <1f ilic'[entit I )Nîricî. Nir.and rs. . E.Bcire~.927 ICcîcin rod, nteîaieclîwesav .ic' t .SI-yn<)Ur "1%.1 of jIis's 1br;aiic.ç,,(la(rk oj E7'lnston and< Ucl.ç.i,, o f A':iIhort/u WiM çaliVOuc;c<' 'y lc lefoiruner's par- Young Moihers Meet 'Fi '[il uug NMOi ltr'ý Chub ()jXVI- nîettt miet j anuarv 7, az the homne of .Mrs. \V. S. Cloud. 625 Park avenue. A uic programn, a violiin duet, w'as given bv - M 1",s Betty Biesemeier anld Mrs, C. H. Lerch. Mrs. Lenoir 1-nod< N!.iller, of tht Suinshine Corner Nuir- ur -vsc hcol, wa, tt1wspleaker. 1Jw trie LNCv. john KIIeenayi of ,t. rran- ta...%tpuiii'..iie caS&14141 dli cis Xavier church, and officiating a t aI later national vice-chairman of na- blessing service that f ollowed i in the tional defense through the patriotic chapel of St. I.uke's church in Evans-i ediication connittee of, the D.AR. ton werc the Rt. Rey. George Craig She blas also worked ini the interest Stewart and Dean Gerald G. More. :of p)reservinlg hAeran ontt- After the weèddinig a reception for about t ii. mncd-tat'n'neit 150 fritnis and re1adithat anyone ielter- 150 rieds nd elatveswashti atested, is iniviter to hear Mrs. Sissori the Georgian hotel. speak, on "Wo'irld IPeace and National '[he bride's dress' of'hite satin vas ecri.' [îmetnwllegnt fashio.ned with a. long train . he wore 2 i<cok. a. long white tulle veil and cariried a _____________ bouquet of liles of the valley, grdnias ESOA R and m4hite roses. The only bridai attend- e eOCLD 191' PROESIOAL ant wvas Mrs. C. G. Voser. wlho-w--oreè- turquoise bline. velvet and a, shouldler corsage of orchids. 'Mrs. Budinger s gown ýwas of. violet colored velvet.RR ýMr. aid Mrs. John Herrick (Gene- vieve. Forhes) of Wasington., D. C.,' came to the ntorth shcyre for the mar- nage of MNrs. Herrick's brother., COMMERCIAL ART, ADVERTKSfN4O AND COPY, After the %vedding the hride, and PHOTOGRAPHY,, LAYOUT LETRIrlNG AN» lef hvnioor or \'ahin- DsIGN, pHOTOIr-RFTOUCH GN, DRESS DESIGN, bridegroom FASHION ILLUSTRAWahin- -TIONÇ, INT. DECORAT[ON. ton by wva ' <îf tht southi. '[Iey wihIdwi-.Yea~r Entrance-Jan. 14, 21,.28, Feb. 4 niake their. hoinc at 2109 F street NA%. 116 S. Miq.ign BIvd., Chicago. Dept. S. MARTHA WEATHERED SHOP ALL SIZES IN THE DRAKE A r1 regardedi Ail merchandise remaining from our fail and winter collection must be disposed of to make space for aur tremendous new stock cf meort fashions. Importer C.* D.< Macpherson, 1570 Sherman Avenue hic., SMALL SIZES MICHIIGAN AT OAK Decorator Evansion, Illinois i ' nuary **ie FiNE ITALIAN LUNNS flIc C1,01,11~j (l~îîî n<'iu <'% PIN<4 th Point de Venise $700.00 nlom, $U50.00 S% h 4ineh v f*F EFILET 'JM ITI. %hite 35 0. 00 now 1.5.0 è2,bY SO-IncliCLOTIT slnd Twelle NAPKINS.Iis< Linen iih Embrobiiery , 500 no%% 42.60 fl~ ~ ~~~~liss 1< O.nhCOIBcLiuien w 11h Delha iteohhllaà Emholdry50.00 nom 2ri.0<1 to3 1, CLIr, Fine Flet and i Cutork 90.10l0 'A 386.00 51 t5qinch CMJi. Fine Filet lti ('u1twc<rk %îilh point de Venisce 10 o%.00I4» 45.40 Ib5 i.'40lt LIJFine Filet and Cntwork 60.00-fnom 30.O06 20 hy D-nch .NAl'KN«S, Fine Filet and- Cotworklie1,r dozen .48.0 m- 24a.0,0