andi arc their I BôONioKS l LIBRARY Do'iIy Caleudar' Diaries For 1935. For Bqsinest. $1 md Home, School .ndCi olleteS 2 1724 Orritg*o"-, Av.. Gri.. 0227 ALMWANAC For 1935. 60e Pocked ready 1er mailing CIIANDLER'S Fountain Square Evanston oy NorthnbnoreivMan -a" -- Ret4etoed by Verui I»Prts' reminders that hi'Pl' ovlco- lite %inter termi of thc departnient An\i antho'logy of poetry called' test will close on' Februarv 1. They of education' of the Chicago Art in- GaIax-l934 has been comp'iledIl'y say that manuscripts have beeil coin- stittute began pln January 7, 'and Sev- Beatrix Reynolds and James G'abelle eral niew subj'ects in 'the scrie o I ndwa pînedinNvenber bv'teîgi rrneeysaei the Uin popular lectures for laymen wvill bc Giayren Press. Ridgewood, N. J. Th.e and.l one or tWO. front Honoulu.ts One ofrd uMna îrig ti poems wý,ere s'elected. fr4)t .'varloui; author lia~s ubmitted eight matn-Ithre re %lI he informai talks in tir, *ad nu 6 tetscripts. galleries on thte current exhibitoh poetry magazines, ard on Mo ïndahcul eveig a :5tilr ôN Frilîs, Please." wvhich,'kN printed ponMndyétliga 61thr in another colunin on thispage. is hy The iudges ini the 1934-1935 contest leacorenthpauig n Theodore Petrie; who is now living ti are Louis ,Bfroinield, Dorothy Can-1,tire permnanent collection of painting,~ Ev anston, but who %vas a residtiît of ield and Sinclair Lewis.: Any author iln),l '>tiesdlay miorný;ings at Il a ýtir Glencoe for a n'umber of years. ,lgbefrtepiewoi ver>' of Oriental art, .îIllustrated. wfith The editors have inade a broad andl i(lC, wl esupeeted by gallter) ~vis seecton f poetry,. and soute of citizen of, the United States and who tus0 h retlcletos > the verses that particularly appealed lias itot. publishied a novel iu book Tiiesdav veîigs ait 6:30 the surs t. to rie were "Portrait of a Poet" by form prior to January 1, 1921. Onily 1, art -hich began in October w'Ilf Atfle M. Robbins ; 1u*nAt mnsrpso unpublished .okIContinu(, With a discussion of the art". Graveyard'f by Georgettet Con.nors stibmitted to Harper & Brothers 'be- of tilt Romnanesque and (Gotiî 'Shershin; "Whllett Gray fCeese North- fore* February .1, 1935, and acconi- ward. Fly by . Robert Tad Phillips panied by, the declaration Of tire i'I'klrs1day' cvenlings at 6 :30 tlwil *Wishing" by Cailla Drew: *. Favor- author that the manuscript isý sub- Iîd wrso oeo h rt is"by Rose Akin. x\ hich beins- mitted in competition for the prifze, tmiasters, of painting will beclt~rt' 11 think the wind mnust love. the sýpot shall bc conisidered. Ail înianuNcriipts a idl the Itour Ilîu given over t, th, Wbere willow.s grow ;ý and "A Toast., submitted ini comipetition -of - ork of <mly onrie artist at- a 11111t, to tire Hoosier State" by Loren Pi - Ifered to Hlarper & Brothers .for pub- )n Fid 1 avniorniîngs at Il the lccturt', lips, which is lyrical and fuitl of color. lication oin ternis to bc arraniged be- \\Ill cover soTuie of. the lcvs f'ailûij" It is onir "lite-e'n ines lotngt. 1 dtal tween the atthor and pptthhsher 11Wl'lt phases 'of art 'which are no lu,,iîtt quote the first eight scesu work shall bc choseýt froni , .,tillg >causc îess Weill nw Here's to the liand (Oftit, »ga.\,wild i rse Al ,ofth aov.,.î '..l-bc1- The land mwhers, the lusim"ts ia),itWýt,ý f grows 'thfts '<ii'ti arper & Brothers for. >iblit '11t by Miss Helen Park'er, heçad of tiir, Where t .-a-tid'int hip renteand the oultright 1rizesilialltlie l il, - tlepartuiet tof education, *itl t ie le woodland bh'ugh dition to and ii'i(epend .letit l t Ilj epto 'h uve fOina r .And pot ar.M folind lil'a.ui .tht. jtl"wv. eto inte ure o O ipal r- Ir&'t<i tllw tall h*.» tiê seîIl>i5rpalt%, to he arrarîged. for in the tistial wih~ilb ie yMs ee t1wa l>' Mackenizîe, curator of thc,,t-hlrî' 'id th- 1î ks.,iîg~a i,5t iiy iy Thîe'decisioti of t lit jud ge" xill h uisun. "The sertes i,., etito all Whr-the' &aLurî*, t>t tlti't t )eW:'îh:tsh * . I ~~~~~~~~~accepted oit alq(I]st ioits of eigibitity-.un toitrqreeîti<lna 'And s~ i1erdstw h'iun.- ti'interpretation or ioiiaiiiof tire bc- entered. at any tià 1e. Frrt ir Mi giow, aciveein'ito neet u reîîQitiiiýtatWe,. toriatioll i ill he gi yen ucît111)(m ii' The, book bas an attraciv iig~ of black anti 1lvc~rad ii tinîerotisi an'd their awvard ýt. dl 1w f'inal * tiouii to the departinrt. lutoîcuin i tutý 1v Leandt r I .ttner i T'le Harper ' rizc îtl i 'klosen " - %%I hi Il lend .a turthcr' (lecoratie quai tfor Coli spic'tit.oVi met ad li tier- No Frilis,' Please 1t\> t1,tho ctdîtîou Honý .there îgp' s ..ti wrji ()gv/> 7JodePt-- iirt 1 n1ttrlbe.r of sad t', pogral)!ilcal j r lit .'t îI ývuss~ a ritet sltoutl ivha e en i t-rrecte.d hy thie fo'ititd ?1'xid îd ie t. ilicc. ou 1h , Y ' ft.1 -m t ,'îjt tOO i.: > e4itor ifunilevi M ..îtdthte 0 rigliiatl tCe\, it't 1,tt ilto t i l tev A~'E1 MU(T'Si' .A N 's.:trI:Su, t.'11t î ..iî. .I , î 1 ro> illse C0111(1 have lîceic rct i n .'ithe Mlîd -ît4eit d 1'ti,ý ji tt'ltS('f-t, îd i<t' ________ - - - ore thrait 25 N:certrs u hi a ;l \V21w x Secure Publishing Rights eîîB îycd ptnl1ccîces. Il nigtîgirl*L(H. ~ > "î tr ' .\fter spirited bidding bc t vexi ithlIrc >u'lk ' 6f t he s e ltgrp iie s a:vau 1 >îp .ot'IIit~tw( weh ki> in Lttiouipstli~'ies. hos 'able today as-; whett witten. tnoder.îi 'W o-_ io q1. ' it'-w' rpi ettî shappened tu bc * in 1tvsearch bas iuîcvîtablv iniade modîfi- Pý*,.r' it'kio \e\N, ork ,at the ni. tîr he ut 1îg- cations nflcesýar'. IFric. Blom, author lth plhsîg riglîts t' t I uopa 1and musical iritîî bas carefultv re- 11 .s/iondb' (t 1 .o v the n n n' to t. I b'.Robert Briffat tvised and reedîited the. te\t Like- LS o;-ak .nthiîk 0a n Uîojjghl 1which Chlarle, "Scihtvr's Sous., Nill Wise, tvpe, paper and hîtiding hav.e ait O, untpunl dt ttsthml'i puibltsh tn the ,,,pitig .e re st.iured undergone marked nuproveinit, ad iqai,, othi t îsouil by I-arrap's o ot 'idoîi throttgh pniy of the lhîsýýtrattoîîl, have ibeen I/w i tqh1t ai-t , a i George G. H rrap of that irrn. The imTproved bý' îlft tt t t 1 ls i. r , 1..i >, Ile tr-ited.% ith i 0to-'rarîî. .nh 's ii ,'l,.1 lîh ratc i , 4î toz' frYOUR EES BtIi ereul Wo»r1- G ntra a t egit Phone G re. 2600-2601 CO.OPF Orirlngton Motl iBIdg., Evanst*on Going and Coming Louis ' Broîtiiîd(, wli, lta> a ' tcw îî'"l'The liaitlIji>, h 1 (ud /Ï i r-, tliqon the spring hîst 15 <ion 'is 'way to Atierica f ront France. Shieila Kave- Snili will ar-riv-e itn Ne\%r'York tat.e in Jaruuary for lier first vi'sit to, Anierica. Fduia St. :'1it'cent Miltay anid ber litnsband. Faugetie Bovissevait, a re. ont tfieir wav to tlie Virgiti Ilt'ds,. -whicdt carry Leé's career froiii Chancellorsv.itte tô lus death wIilI 1 published sornetinie i, Fbta First Edition Exhaust.d Accordiîîlg to a report frotu -Cliar 'lé, .Sçribnier's SMISthste first editiori of 84,000 copies of Herbert Hoover" Tite Chalene at't»Liberty -is entirel> .exhausted, aîî.d a tiew large priutimz is ttnder way..