lr$1.70 value, Ame.89C STEMWARE BUYSI Aberuby, green-, goblefs. sherbets, hghballs, tumblers. Values to 35c each. 14 While they, lait . GLASSBAKE WARE Oven1proof p dates,6C Vlus:ete 49C COLONIAL T U M B6tL E R S. Amber, cré 1en. rose; $1.50 value. $ 9-ounce siz., dëz...... CRYSTAL STEMWARE. Optic design, wine, cherry and port. 7 13cvale a........... LUNCHEON SET. 32-piece; floral, de. sgln. Service for 6 $1.98 Oufstanding valua ......... REFRIGERATOR SET. 15 piece; genglass, now*. 98c 'OL - FASH IONEDS. Cocktail glaeses of cut crystal. 8 $1.20 value at, doz. 8 c Tb<rd Floor; Eaýt ko COMPLUTE 8;; DOWN-No ca t - rying charge il'. pald Iln 90 day-ý. Comploe.Service for 12 Persons. China in, Exquisife Border Deàsigjn. Footedi Tum blers in 2 fine, cutti ngs.: Value Unequallecd in Ali. Evanston. The ch i n a i;,of. an unb.Ii.vabIy fine ýquality and the decoration is in charmn-, ng style. 94 pieces, genui imported Noritae.ware. And wth itis nclud.d a dozen shapely, foofed, cut crystal lumWn 41s f a-e£lr, rigfng latity Sogthwar d JCa s/½o01 fSouth You Roamn . . . Or Stay at Home Here'1s a Grand Collection of Hats! 10 Whe,' Frday, January a+t3.p.m-. *Are YoL I lth ln Our Apparel SItops Jnuited? Beau: y Salon-Second Floor. West'I Apparel Shops-Second Filoor WJEBoLD' VANSTON O. Davi ssr.. 'the pices of our imerchandise to<U be added an amutapprooe<mateiyWiv , 10 J;AN U ARY 10,, 15 Ho!