ni*y of Parking Spce No W.ItIng-Pa'mpt OdiIvery THE MARKETS -ARE FULL 0F GOOD THINO.S TqO' AT Real Engllsh Muffins Fresk. "tift and lrge.--,Made ïespecsally for us. from a real English' rcipe- 5 6 for 25C. NAVEL ORANGES, No seedi, large size, dz swe and juicy. J 7 3 c, FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES', Juif the tking *for 'the orange juice is a fine. antidote for colds. breakfast juice ar 3d0L.59<C 3.50-haif-case 1.1 IMPORTED FRENCH ENDIVE Crisp and fresh, eat just as il 2 c- or serve wtb French dressing.IL2.à Sweet Cider: Clarif'ed-So good and so rsfresh- ngwhr, served with. freshcookies or wth àa julicy appte.- ga.-4 5 BON ELESS VEAL ROAST Delicately tender, serve -with mashed pota- Planning menus these ýdays is a joy. For, shere are s. many pala table things f rom svhich 10 .nake seect: eus. Why not lan the W:eek's menus with these aîtra<eive specials in mnd? Brin g owtn the cost of yens- breakfasts, luncheons and dinners. by building , hem arouvd our attractive "bu ys.». They are top-notch- quality and ail prices mn»clude deivery. Extra SmaII Rosebud Bot Packed in jars-Why cook th.m wk.n they con u'9gh tt1-oz. like this? 2ar 3 1C BROCCOLI, Trim and Peel thei . water haîf an hour before cooking. staiki. then soalc in sait 2unc 1c *For Breakfast Muffins, 100%, Pure 7c~.3 Mapi. Sap qt.73--p.3 Unversityq.3C.2c Srup, t 9Cp'2 Pure Cla.ver l9é Hoeycomb 22 j. GREEINGAPPLES. For sauce or pies,. bushel 1.89. 3 16.17C ARTICHOKES Large siz., a d.Iiciousvegetabi. to serve witb roast frS FRESH SPINACH it brings ros es *to the cheeks. NATIVE ROUND STEAK 3-ibk19 C SIJtVMER SAUSAGIE Fine to keep on hand for a lb. E W#~ Deliver Io Yen Ne CarryLwg ti. V. WILMETTE 402 Lndon Avenue WIlmi.tte 180.111 WINNETKA 71lS lra Street WIietkm i LAKE YIEW 3959 Broadway BuckighamE200 ROGERS PARK Oir rq:i esDe 508 arvî 1 A Along #à# North SW.. Rogers Park $114 JANUAIRY 10, 1935 Fresh Prunes in Syrup. A rich, juicy plum-Fine for breakfast. or for dles-. -serfs - Especially No 21/2 go.ughly cIdI!e. 3 c ogo henthr nd c IN.r