iuncneon bridge club iasr onday. I~ We Wl iac and ýBuild' ýYour Homne. We are startin g to constretci one home, in Keni 1 worth Gaàrdens am ndeop n Highland, Park. We will build:your home and 'finance ii Up to. 75% of the total value. You ahould have the bal- ance in ca sh or its equiva- bot in land. References Requured and Giaen NORTIIWJESTERN RIEÂLTY & &DG~.ÇQO. SU8 D0ehStr..î ~v~toS uNJeersity 95m, Start in New Year' Tuesday, january 8, began the new year with a bang for Troop 4. Al the Girl -Scouts camne back laden with resohitions and fun for 1935, There was nearly a. 100 ýper cent mark-up with -tniforms, only tbree girls being, without. We inmm ediately started out with some exciting Girl Scout games ,thich kept the place ringing with tnirth. The games we played were like this: First we .played land. air and. water. and fi re.- This.-game is:: We al>-it in a circle on the floor while -one is in the mniddle., This girl ruts arou nd the circle'stopping inffront of ,bom she chooses and says either land, air, fror water. If she'savs Water. tbe girl she is' talking to. must say the name ,ofa dénizen of said.eleinent. If the girl counits to 10 befc>re b er victim cari think of the answer. the- girl sits down; the victinm goes to thie middle ofthe circle. T'his goes 'nWitla -land and aia, bu~t if she says fire, ber victim ,must sa%, water or else go to the middle. Several other games were played. Our flrst meeting of the year ended with "Pae"-a% Jane' McCue, scribe. Girls Bring Big Smile to Year's First Meeting in Leadership By Mrs. Ira ReymoldIs (DePuty Comnmissiner) T hrougb the Regional, office of the National Girl Scout 'organization. Miss Alice.Mulkey spent the greater 'partof the. past-week in giving io Girl Scout leaders a màost interesting and illuminating course of leadership trafining.. No person is> commissioned for leadership- in Gi rl Scouing unless she. has had the proper amnount of, justý such work. :High calibered wo-: miel w orking long hours, giving of themselves untiringly, enthusiastically help to carry out this forward-look-' ingi %well-balanced, program. There. is a force of approximately one hun- dred persons. who well know the needs of this youth movenient, who %vork oenstantly keeping 41is eutline Seeks Full Develoffl.ut Far fromn being a play proraul alvne, this Girl Scouting activitv looks to the balance and full develôprnent of the hest girlhood our country has to offer. Under present-day condi- tions xnucb leisure time ofteii brings unhflappiness and waste. Scouting is. peculiarly fitted to fli this leisure tirne to great advantage, flot only for the girl, but for the commnunity in for clrnerent classes. i.ater on, w went to patrol corners, Then we forrned a good-night circle and sang., We 'closed the meeting with "Taps." Thus, the girls have started another and finer year of Girl Scoutinig.-- Vivian Snith. scribe. LEADERSHIP PROJECT ippa Kappa Sigma, business e,, l ;ianiation. 2nnoufnces wo- as a W ~innetica, iseniwortn and i vv'rette. Held in the Girl Scout room in the Methodist cburch, the meetings were attended regularly regardlless, of *ýeather conditions. Council mn- b)ers and mnembers of Girl Scout troop 'oinufittees were also privileged to .Miss Mulkey's belp, and it was time %vell spent. Membmhip Below Quota Wilmette has between two and three hundred Girl Scouts and Brown- world which designate February as NATIONAL THRIFT WEEK International month. The eighteentb annual observance of National Thrift week is scheduled E. B. Rathbone 'of Clevelanid. Ohio, January 17 to 23.; Each year these left Monday after a week-end with seven days celebrate the anniversary his brother and famuly, the john'v of the birth of Èenjamin Franklin, Rathbones of- 520 Abbotsfor<l road, k-iown as Ameérica.s apostle,.of thrift. Kenilwôrth.