er o; tne Wilacats is 32 years aid, one year y ounger than Coach Noble Kizer of Purdue. Wâldorf, who graduated from Syr- acuse in -1925 wbhere he ýwon -il-Amer- ican honors as a tackle, cornes te Northwestern after nine years of sue- cessful coachingi ,the-.south*est.. During that'period he, was affiliated with Okiahoma' City university, the University 'of Kansas, Oklahomia Ag- gies and. Kansas State. 'He was head coach at ail of these schools with the exception.of the -University of Kan- sas, wbere be serveci one year as liine coach. Recruit StrongSstaff Burt Ingwersen, who will join the Northivestern coachingstaff as ie coach, Ws a famniliar figure in Big Ten- football.. He was a star lineman at. tht University of ;Illinois where be graduated in ,1919, After several years as assistant at Illnois, lie be-t came hiead coach at the University of Iowa, where lie served until 1931. For the past tbree years he has been .assistant to Biff Jones at Louisiana State. The remainder of the coaching staff will consist of Maury Kent, head freshmnan coachi; Waldo Fisher, line coacb, and Dutch Lonborg, assistant backfield coach. Lonborg. . who is hakthal coch. s t he sedi a In his mi(ne yeàrs as a head coach,, Waldorf's teams bave won 60 gamnes, lost,21 and tied 10. His coacbing rec- ord follows: Oklahouma City UIvrslty 1925-Won 4. lot.6. tied 0, 1926-Won 7. Iomst 2. tieed 1.7 1927-Won 8. ot 1, tled 2. Okahoma A. and M.. 1929-Won 4, lot 8 tied IL 190-Won 7, lost 2: tied 1. 1931-Won 8, lost 2, tied 1. 1932-Won 9, lost 1 tied 2 soulri .Val< were atate Aggies won the1 rnpionship twice >ins four times. -1 CVér rNebraska on Ânanlcsgiving day. !Emph.ais5cm eev. Waldorf's coac'hing system is based upon the single -wing back type of offense. lie varies tbis attack- by use of the. double 'wing back and, a bàckfield.*boxt formation, depen din9 upon the nature of bis materiaL He, Is a strong beliéver in funda- mentais and stresses 'training of re- serve players. His rmotto is that a. tearn is no stronger than ýits reserves and as a consequence spends much o bis own: time as- well, as that of bhis assistants in training the second and third string elevens. t4athew Francis. A.. Uitd A ri Photegrapher RYTEX-RCO"-Fn. quallfy staflonery îwh "soutli.m atmosphre" linumort nsw colon a ndd sfy. $ or»e la. two-. color 'combliafions. 50 -nv.ops JLLOYD HOLLITER INC. ,36 Central Avenu. I _______________ ~-;--~--------- il _____________ nome F au ua UV AWrnaE, w VZ8is tll 7uU mhtE011JU U*U1 clean, evesl, nailing. She is happy and healthy i ber oil-heated home even in the, coldes't weather. Exctiv Offices, 1801 Fullerton Avenue, P'hone Diversey 270 SIX PLANTS CON VENIENTLY LOCA IED SEl VING MHE CHICAO AMIA THEY CAN TELL 'YOU ABOUT DEPENDABLE HUAI You men in your warm offices ... how about your wives at home? Are they as comfortable as you? The rellv deeir - a- p-p ul