This tact is revealed in a repori which Colector Hale bas just re- ceived from the county treasu ,rei showing a total collection in Néi trier township Of $1,011,069.41, fron November 28,to December 26, Whcr he received notice to return the books t o the office of the county treasurer for the regular audit. * .Colector. Hale announced. this week that within a week. or teil days ail tixifig. bodies- will receavc checks to. complète .the payment of monieys coliected. and due the various taxing bodies. t ý it isaiso announced. that beginning January. 16 the penalty of one per cent a month on unipaid real estate and personal property 'tax wiii bc applied and that the second one per cent will be applied February, 1. and thien'une per cent per imôtth there- 0f the tôtal of $1,01069.41 of .1933 taxes just collected by. Colector Haie, $833,405.86 was for real estate and $17,W55,for persona] p9t4erfyý The 933total tax buis of the township amounted to $2,981,278.75, Of which . $2,486,915.74 was real estate and $494,W6.01 personal. The total amounts colected in eachi ai the several villages of the town- àhip were approximately as follows: That part of Evanston and GIeflvl.w withli New Trier townsip, $36,464.51. Gltncoe, $211,396,29, ofwhlch $177,- 507.65 was for real estato and $3,828.74 personal. .Wilmete,. $267, 816.04, of whlch $215,- i22..Ps wam'for real estate and e52,093.06 Q)rchestra to Play cetafor Sehool Pupils " New Trier High schooi or- cetaand aiumnae wilI play in the Glencoe Central School auditorium on Friday afternoon of this week, at 3o1 oclock, and at the Skokie schoolinii IVinnetka next Wedavln aftrnin Thie Ametican Legion Auxiliary r lield its regular meeting at the Ma- v sonic temple Monday evening, janu- a ary 14., A large crowd enjoyed the a fine reports given by the' chairmew eofthe variotous ommitiees, particu- r larly the- Christmas acth'îties. 5 In keeping wih the nation-wide Y recognition* of january,,as legislative >month in* the.,American Legion aux-; 1iliary,. Edward W. Parlee, past com- mander of the -Rogers Park. post, has outlined the Legion, program for the year, with special reference to the legisiation the Legion wiIi ask from the presenit Congress.. It is commonly knkown that the Legion will ask for the immediate paymnent of the adjusted service cer- t'fcaes-ommnoniy and erroneousiy calied the. bonus. This demand. will be made ias a. sound recovery meas- 1re i ne with the governmntal policy, and as a method of removing mafny veterans from the ~èrelef rr'Is. The. other legisiation anticipated includes: a demand for the universai draft iaw, long a part of the Legion policy; strengthening the national defense; and federal protection- for widows an 'd orphans of deceased World war veterans. Mr. Parlee stated the Americanism program will be made a primarv activity of the Legion in 1935. Pars of this program that may reacb the iPrerequisite for 'naturalization,; that American home owners receive pref- erence over aliens in~ home and farni I bans; that teachers be required to take an oath to uphoid the Consti- tution of the United States; that aliens be obiiged to bear arms int (lefense of1 the flag, and that the recognition of Soviet Russia be re- icinded. The Legion bas rcrularv %i r AL MTHEM MESSAGES OF our Advert isers ADVERTISBR Ae Motor Sale, 'idams Eleetrie 8110P..... AlbrIght Eeauty Shop........4 ilird k W mames. . . .. . illehiip, A., Fur§ .........8 flann PI.wmaey .............. 9 Bol, ................... .... 1 Book Noqh.................. 44 Braun Broq. 011 C...., (.avo Qroweag of CaIltorala . .. 1 ChSUdlbrt'g............ ......41 Chiego h& North Wetru 17.' 4 Coliumabus Motel .....:......... 4 à Iutea. Mil Caudi,. a7art, aCamp ôFeu .. 2 arme ....1 of Christ, ... . . . . . . PAGE ADVERTISR, Matbew, Franels. .....8 -mereer Luie ber .C>p~i Marine co. ................. 44 M*rpbylflles 011 0ýý.......8U Nou oaTheatre............ 'North S bore QumnrLyJaumlul.81 Nrthwstru euty &£ Uufllug o ,... . . . . . . . . . . Qulama. h Tyieu........... EligAven, Phriaay.....8 Eoaey Piasca motel .........87 RobrJ. T .............. â2 arY, 1934, Mrs. Hager had made hçr grandchildren. The f uneral - sevices ,home with ber daughter, Mrs. C. R. were held -at the ichapel at 6959 N. ShePherd, at 1531 Central avenue, Wil- Clark street, Chicago, BuciaL wa. ai mette MrsHager. ýlth reuld Meoial Parkoemectery. Liberty Loax Corp . .. . ... .44 LIebsehutË Br"s..-......... . .4 Llu.lstromuss LoekSbe1a ........ 8 LiadwaII, M G0. ....... ......4 Lord% .... ... Lyman..PIarmacy.......... , 9 W00 -Jayi ............ ................ PAGE