W. Cive Bucks on t'he Following:V CG-wodyear Tires Tubes- Service Sinclair Gasobline 01ks Pèest-O-Llte Daittories a.d'Servoice' Ignition end, Carburetor Service 'Waluug- ofor Anaglyzer - Giresitg Large Selecfl#. of Automobile Accetsories WiMelteBstery îEecric Service 740.Twelfth Street buoes Wilmette. 691-444 Y OU tae. no chances when you buy Consumers Cool or Coke. &Mý ton , is.ld wifh our uneondionelguumee o f 41gW quaiN, ,correct weight and cusiomer satisfaction . It must satisfv you-or we wiIl remove it and re>'und your money. When you buy fuel, gel the besf. If is cheaper in the long mun because if confains more boit, less ash and impurities and lasts much longer. GUARANTEED COAL - COKE FUEL OIL, WILMETTE 1300 SWINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE 75 Y AR D IN Y0U N EIGH BOR HOD of asbeptos and cernent; it is as .weather-proof an~d v days are rcqured to cov'er the walls of an average nurbed while the work is going on. on ànodernizing your hume with Carcystone Siding- A CO N SU M E RS *1