Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1935, p. 16

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,ton Nashi compêuy bus grown to such m ektent that it'is .»W the large st dealer in tbe Nash organizatien, which basý neàaly 3,0 derners and repre- memittives in 81 countries cof the D.K. V.g.dlm woid. .rue local <BernIe) cosnpany is cou-n veniently located on Benson avenue, fac- ing the elevated tracks, a. block north of Marsbal Field's parking lot. The Evanston 'Nash cempauy occu- pies oeeof the largest service institu- tiens cf its kind, 22,00O square feet be- ing devoted te sale and servicing of. N4ash cars. Mr. Vogedig lias been wit1the Nqashi about the Nash car. When ývisiting the Island of Malta in the Mediterranean hie was greatly surprised to mec tbat Nash cars were the only cars on the island; and ini Athens, Greece, W. was reminded of Kenosha, home ýof Naush, so poplar were tbe cars there. The royal bouséhold of, Roumania favors Nash. In Switzetrland and in Sweden, Mr. Voged- ing mates, Nash cars are f requenitly mme. -Prized souveniir cf Mr. Vogeding's travels is a picture of -the Nash he used whilei j m !n rusale. It carried license plates in tbree languages. Mlrs. E. M. Hu nt, '142 Abiugdon avenue, Kenilworth,« accomfpanied by bier daughter, Mrs. A. R. Rettigand children, of 'Evanston, left Friday te, spend the remnainder of the. winter with hier other daughter, Mrs. Harry, ý,aso, Texas. ~UXEYW*DIIGW.11 I - 4F aistant points. The show, as ini the past, will be of national importance, vying i. that regard with the. other hi g show at Grand CentralPalace in New Yoirk, iWhch occupies the limelight from January 5 to 12. -Presidenits and other executives of leading automobile companies have. miade, reservations, at the dowhtown hotels duriùg show week They will be augmeu"ited by a great- outpouring of dealers, distributers,, branch and zone managers hanidling ail makes ef1 cars, along with thousands froci the garage, service,. acces sory and fuel, industries. .Announcement is made by H. T. Hollingshead,, chairnian of the show committee, that the doors of the Coliseurn will remain open on Sunday,. january '27, se that the show wiii have a run cf eight days. This cus- tom first introduced several years ago proved successfui and is being con- tined. ht gave aui .sportunity par- ticularly te eut-of-town motorists who otherwise might find it inconvenient te visit the exhibit. A previewing of the show on Fni- day, January 25, will be climaxed by a banquet to be atteuded by leaders ef the trade, Who will efficially "touch, off" the 1935 season. For the first time, special accom- modation's for metonists wbo drive Up te the show wilI be provided in masterpieces ef virtually every pas- senger car manufacturer-new 1935, modeis representiug an investment of $lO,000-will be iined up in a dazzl- uu-g array. Against the colorfûlà background cf the hôté1%s passaggie, east and west lounges. and seuth rooni and ail lob- hies, readsters capable e1 o 00-mile- an-heur speeds will vie 'with beauti-, fui sedans and, limfousines for ,the public eye. -This year's 'Motor Salon is the. oniy oeeoutside the one heid simultaneeusly at the Coliseum. Its purpose is te previde the first giimpse, in the cases of many niodels. cf thie engineering imprevemeénts the makers are off ering for 1935. Cut-, away workung niodels will demon- strate the last word in steering safety and comf ont, four-wheel brakes of bôth mechanicai and hydraullc types, all-steel tops and various metheds cf independent wheei suspension. the forni cf indoor parking along with a plan for delivering theircars after an inspection cf the show. 1A large neanby garage bas been secured and telephone connections with the Coliseuni iustalled. The visitons, ac- cordingly, will be able tQ step out of their carsý in frent of the exposition doors, and the. automobiles will 6e reundte theni there when. des ired. LOeCK SHRRIDAN RD. (N ~sM.Irm & *P uS e Sr m"), iowrooms ai Benson Avé. and. Clark St. Just 11/2 Blocks North of Devis Sret 'V' Station EVANSTON Nash Has Everythung in '35.. $585...and -Higher. i

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