4. Tickets are now on sale et Coa- munîty House and in the nortb shore scbcools.- The matinée performance at 3.o'clock is for sttudentsand teach- e rs. *Adults. are invited. to attend the evening performance at 8 o'clock. Since only a litti 'e over a, week, is lirft. those -who' plan to attend are arl- vised to get their ticketsinitnediateIy, for the seaing1 capa city is imited tol *450. The, intense interest. aroused snce,,' Abraham L.incoln" was an- nounced is due to its fame.as "the greatest'historical. drama ever, writ- tep,' and also due: to the fact that no professional Company bas played it in Chicago on tbe stage since the original ç *ompany gave it :at the~ Allackstone nearly. fifteen years ago. This generation of school, children has neyer had the opportunity to sec Drinkwater's play, and many aduits missed it. 'Many north shore theater-i gioers-WhoÔ did e h re tÔôkihg for- ward eagerly to renewing acquain- tance with the drama. Highly Recoummndd Educators realize the value of theý Play, which so thrillingly makes the, period of the Civil war relive, and they.are urging school children to at- tend .the special afternoon per- formance. Carleton W. Washburne iead'of the, Winnetka public schools; Perrv.Dlunlali . mith. hë~adm,.a. fi Central schooi and a number of teacb- ers in various scbools have sigifiied Alieur active interest.a Parent-Teacher associations, al- ways cooperating in ventures, sucb 0 as the recent performances of the 0. Globe Theater, wbich are of great 0 educatio'nal value to children and 0 adits, are giving the coming per- Named on Board of N. U. critics anda public. Charles Colins. &f the, Tribune said, "Trhe Lincoln, of .Howard' Cox was a true likeniesa .aad his manniers, and voice were. ex act, ac- cording to the descriptions, of, Lin-. coin. Lloyd Lewis of the Daily News wrote, "The Lincoîn of Howard_ Cox. was lifelike." Constance Heron is to portray Mrs. Lincoîn; Charles .O'Neal, . William Seward; Ivan Chaplin, Robert E. Lee; Helen Dare, Mrs. Goliath Blow; and marie Kinser; Susan. There are twenty-eighi charactersin the cast, and by doubling. in ýroles twenty-one actors will take parts. Orsuilaf OUI CLýAA BELLa DAIUU Ofreterw SERVE l!*ý. For breakfast- With egs or wafikls For luncheon- In a welI baked Idaho potato, For dinner With spicy fried apples. Rtogers Pei*110.7 Rvmuuo., IlMusis HEATINO SERVICE VO. F 011 Durme >er voe I A~MmSI HYG RADE Pure Pork Sausage Tihe choicest of fresh young pork . seasoned to suit the. most exacting of lestes, by just the rigbt bleàding of sait and spices. Hcoi ;i;; find an apart- the Iast three A Real rea .Mrs.1 J. K.f ment. Yearsi Frleyv u~ Theéy in. Aubiu --»Mt