1 hp Nrthwesterfl unwivehy. OWbis pIBy'1ed eadi"" parts in. Pl.véO piodUcims under Char- Wfte lhoepaug the Children's theatero tii. Wounan1ms'sCub of Wil- fltO id tii. LOYOl CommuhIitY thute. h. studed abroad durin thme smat f130udr'Prof essor Leveton ii Zglan, Autria, praimeSwitzflhd, ltaly, Germany The principal' it the cast of "The Thc 'o.nerslare aIl ,outstandmng leadrs t New Trier Hil co. BerilHiainer bas had many leading parts in operas resented at the high sçhoot usmuely Ioianthe" and "on- doliere."Thtis Year, bis senior year, he '10 preiltt of, the Ds.am.cçub- In bis second year be secured his players certificate which iMot un- â.ual besides recerving a TNT mnedal wbich is givea as the highest honor for excelling in Il-round activities. The Players Certificate is given only to the. person having appeared in twelve major parts, so0 it cati be seen the part of the Prince is pro- ficently filled by tItis experienced youth. I"&* iaUi north. shore school will debate on the home platform. Coach Chester E. MacLeanoi-New Trier said lie planned to use Mar- jorie Wood. as second affirmative speaker un the Hammonld' debate in , ae of Jack Leslie. The Other two members oéf the affirmative team, Gerald Taber, first speaker,. and Sid- ney Craig, third speaker, ill be the s8mO. Provisoi, which was to have met the New Trier debate ,teamsL in1 a Big Twelve, league, dual match last Friday, asked for, a postponement -until Wed- nesday. of this ýweek because of the illness of its coach. .Mr. MacLean of New Trier, Who lu president of the league, stated this week that another H-ammnond high schciol, the George Rogers Clark geol'latbe ditdtýebr shlp. Supt. 0sf ney Will Have Important Role in Play Supt. M. P. Gaffney will have one of the leading roles in the New Trier faculty play, James M. Barric's 0Dear Brutus," which is to be presented on Saturday night, February 16. Mr. played the ed inthe it IUUUJW"'Mr. Loacle, rre-aerick Ar. znier a play "Captain Applejack." SIte 's Matcy, Miss Alma Hurst as Lo b, also a member of the New Trier Miss Helen Maloney as Mrs. Dearth, Trio. Mrs. Marion Hlamilton Shearer as Florence Haganah, -the queen in Margaret, Miss Margaret Black as -The Three Spinners," bas had inuch Joanna, Miss Alice Burchard as Mrs. experience in play work also, havîîng Coade. aidý Miss Frances Bredin ,as the direction of the Sophomore Girls ILady Caroline. tItis past season. SIte is aIse a mem-________ ber of the Draffl Club and on the INTERVIWS STUDENTS program commttee. Dr. Ira M. Smith, dean of admis- second semester opens an ïtniuve subscription càpign is to be in- augwrated. Trhe' general makeup and contenti of this yeWs' book wiil be muc.hthe same. as that o other New Trier. annuaIs -of recent years. The prob- lent of selectngthe. typen of material to be used ýii the. bookc is less difficult than it once was becatuse yýears of ex- perience, have -indlcated what New Trrier students mie to have appearin the annuaI. jim Donovan is.,the editor-in-chief this year. Hie staff editors, and assis- tants ýare busy with their sections, of the book, Richard McLaren is assis-- tant editor, Bob Nickel is business, manager, Bill McFadzean is circula- tioni manager and Mike Hutchinson is advertising manager. Robert, ftrpetiter M frheEnglisit department, who for a number of years bas been the faculty supervisor for the publication of the annual, is continuing the work this year. Hildebrand Orchestra to Play Tri'Ship Dance -Tom- Eildebrand's orchestra will' play for the Tri-Ship club acet vacation . negins atter .classes: are dîsisised next Wednesday. Jim Donovan, Tri-Ship club dance chair- man, is in charge of arrangements for the event. The girls, for the second tinte this month, are doîng the "dating." At the juntioi' party last Saturday .night tItis plan, a* novelty for ntost students~ now attending New DCII by unanifouS vote. Atter the reg- ular order of business Mrs. 0. R. Smith, promlnent north shore music teacher, gave a piano solo. Miss Eulalia Barker, Wilmnette dramatic artist and teacher, gave two read- ings. Mrîs. Howard J.. Hiclcey, presi- dent, then introduced the guesf speaker of the afternoon,,Mrs. Glenn. E. PIumb,' newly elected trustee of the University of 'Illinois, who se .rved as, county commission«r for the past four, y ears and bas been active. -i Democratic party circles for sèmne time. Mrs., Plumb emphaslzed, the im- portance of women talcing an active interest in politics. Shie also ex- pressed the thought that most wom- en do not take enough interest in their 'own community and do -flot realize that, even though they dislike politics, it regulates their entire exis- tence, even 'to the price of a loaf of bread. Mrs. Plumb appealed for ,,Iueie4earted support of Presieà Roosevelt's policies. Mrs. G. Sinsheiner ways and means chairman, announced a des- sert bridge party to be held at the Shawnee Country club February 5 at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Thomas .. Lynch, %vif e of the district Demo- cratic leader, was co-hostess for the afterno-on. F hrstaiScience1 Whurces "Life" was the subject *of the lesson-sermon in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, january 20. The golden text was, "The life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew untô you that .eternal ýlife, which was with the Fath- er, and was manifested unto' us", (I John 1:2). Among the citations which coi- prised the lesson-sermon was the MBUEo'aa.n âf Jg M - !RudI let Weàn-Ïsday toi1 Florida. They wcnt downtoatn wiil attend a homeparty t the, latter's 1a convention at the Boca Rotait club Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Spiegel, 140 idatir ht eT cur t« Fia.. car 1>41. Beach. Melrose avenue, Keitilworth, returned i on Tuesday front the L<ake Shore ~ I TOU IU K$I'..4...4sn. Drive bote! where they had ben since