WiII Be Civen Hérs Saturcoyi, February 2 "Raggedy Ann" and "Raggedy Andy" will corne to Wimette on. Saturday afterngon, Febru- ary 2, at 2 o'clock when the Jack and Jill Players present "Rag- gedy Ann in Cookyland",at the, Winmette Womian's club as the second of. their series of.,chli- dren's plays. With Raigdy An will corne .ail the cookies- Strawberry Cooky and. Lemion Cooky and their mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. C ooky. On the sanie program; the young actors wi11 present "Walk the Plank," a frightful pirate play in one act. This play was written and directed by Marie Agnes Fil UU4: 1 fitful f-x citement and thrills. It tells of the capture of a rival pirate ship, and the division of the spoils in the camp fol- lowing the battle. Much commnotion arises when. it is discovered that one, of the pirates who has been masquer- ading as a muan, 'turns out to be a womuan. The plot is based on actual history, and the young heroine, Mary Reed, was a real woman. IQ çQnnection with the plays, the Womazn's Club of Wilmette is con- duct'ng a poster contest. The de- taill of tItis contest wili1 be announced by Mis )oninelly of the school art department. All cbildren who, wish te enter it will be eligible, and very ifterestitig prizes will' be given the best posters. The boys and girls who will receive tiiese prizes will be chosen by a very competeut committee se- lected by the Woman's club. Tickets for these plays may be se- cured froni the chairman, Mrs. H. Ai Sterms, or any ,nembèr of her cern- mitte which inchides the following women: Mesdames Frank Adamsý liarrv Finnev. A. F. Hall. Clifford Valentine Bric and Fashion Mrs. Knight Blkuchard, al the 141t, and Mrs. Conirad T. Frykrnoni, are. respectivcly. the ritcozittng apid outtgoirg-presidenits of the 1Wilmette ceniter of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago. Inistallatioli of off icers zîas Monday. Jantiory. 21, in the 1ouvtge ofphr tic omt's club. St. Auguslintms Circles ln Session This Friday 'l hic four circles of the Women's PA ssociated E uilds of St Augustine's Episcopal church are tQ 'be in session Friday of this week, three of themn meeting at Il te speud the remiainder of -hie morning sewing, and ail hold- ing an election of oefilcers after lunch- *At the: Anùnu al Valentine Fasbion show% and Bridge tea of the junior auxiliary of the Womnar's Club of Wilmnette to he held at the club bouse on' February 9j at2 o'cloék, ar- rangements have been niade for a string ensemble to, bring mu-, sic te the. fashion viewers. Every feminine mimd turns with interest to this evenit because of the way, in which it ,is presented each year. For those wbo are not, at lib- erty fo indulge themnselves with a trip to Florida at this .time of the. year tbe Fashion sho)w, wbicb is a forecast- of the spring and summer mode, cornes as a balm te brigbten the re- mainisa a lys umil spring. _______________________- The juniors urge that you purchase ~* ~ your tickets early and be assured of 'New Afllls' Is SuDI0Ct a choice table position, ofGadn lbSPog Mrs. John Young is chairman of the ways and means committee and The Wilmette Garden club will is being assisted by Miss Marion. meet 1Friday, February 1, at 2 o'clock. Cook,* co-chairman. The committee at the home of Mrs. T. E. McElroy, is as follows: 357 Sunset road, Winnetka. Mrs. Fashion show-Mrs. John Young,, J. B. Scbaub and Mrs. S. G. Brooks Miss Marion Cook andi Mrs. W. are the assisting hostesses. Austin Eliniore; tickets-Miss Laura The subject. cf the. afternoon's pro- Lou Reichmann, Miss Constance gram will be "New'Annuais." Mrs. Bersch;- program-Miss G eor gi a W., A. Kendrick, chairnian of pro- Sto-mPe; clubhoutse arrangement- gram, is desiroits to have members Miss Myrtle Lundqulst; stage st- bring clippings about information re- ýting-Miss Medora Bright; prizes- garding new atinuals or anything that Mrs. Charles Higginbotham; refresh- has been gleaned in any way on this ments-Mrs. Kenneth Bergen; pub«- subject, so that informai taIk or dis- licitY-Mrs. Cari A. Reeb and Miss cussion may be stimulated. Medora Bright. Ex-officio, Mrs. SPreparations have begun for the Charles M.: Williamson. Illinois Garden club's Garden and The proceeds of the affair wifl go Flower show te be held at ýNavy to local charitY.--A.R.. Pier, Chicago April' 6-14 inclusive. Miss Clara Nourse, 1137 Greenwood aveue.isin charRse of exhibits of the, Junior League ýOpens, efrequetit use of ttesicat- lirs. C H. Poole and MEr. S. A. Rothertuel of Glen- claiWe of outdoor sports of las: week Musa DagIt," Tuesday. MOaZ v at tinfii 5,, on bride, th here frc Myron H. We st of ýnue will be at home yr afternoon frozu 3 çf their son and his J. Wests, who are baigu this week-end. Mrs. StepIien Harrington, who. has ,noied f rom Winnetka to Chicago, has the rote 'cf the witch. Others Ïin the cat are f rom Chicago, Evanston, anýd farther north along the shore.