Juil arriv.d ... hundr.ds of boys' wash suifsl A qualif seIdom found priced anywhere near $1. Compare themn with suifs selling for almoui double this sale price and you'lI immediataIy recogniz. thoir mernt. W. believe th.m tfob. the. most outsanding wash suit vaue w. have ever pr.senf.d., Men't and Boys' Shop--St ruet Floor çlyed and guava.,teed mot t. shnRL. *S i x.. fun-Mtt S fions; ages 5.10. *Thé. Vary m.wes# pattens and col«s com.. binatlons. go Trimmmd ln motek. Inq a n d c.nmfastm tomes. Always Sold at $ 6.95 Now aReal Bargain ies 3 to 7. Man's Hockey$ or Racers.. 4-12.' 0 m! A For,-Girls $1.98 IOn Devis Stu"t JANUARY 241. 1935 CONVUNI~NTI Wlh 1 sa