'Ft.wackSnydpr. fty imd meNwumèfi and Publicist, to * 005v.s of Day Inconfoirtnity wit h the annual custoin of aHusbands' night, given by the, women of the Neighbors Club-.of 'Kenilworth, the party taking place on, Tue s- day evýening, January 29, is to be a regular men's affair, With a speaker who appeals particular- îy to. men and a supper of the saine caliber. Mrs. Allen Bulley is the hostess of the evening, ashe bah poised to repeat as nearly. as possible the, supper of last y'ear. a big spread of cold meats,; sandwiches, bot coffée and chocolate, and cakes, for the nhen- found it so very mucli tÔ lheir liking. The speaker 1 of the evening is Frederick Snyder, who has chosen as bis topic, "IÇeeping Ahead of the Headlines." Mr. Snyder is termed "the verbal newspaper," for each of bis addresses. is made up like a newspapr, with some sensational beadlne facts, an editonial of inspira- tion rab!mpOrous column, and some advertiserncnts urginq action. Frankly and fearlessly hee ives an unusual stant on premeut. day probleins,,botb national and international. 1He is a New York newsmn anad publicist, and is considered witty and lceenm The husbands of the Neighbors were treated to an. exra evening this year' when th<ey were invited to hear Cbristopher Morley, who took the place of. Gertrude Stein when she. repudiated ber'contract. Mr. Morley proved ýsuch..a refreshing Éubstitute tbat the inen were deliglîted at this mathi"-v xrancesPhoto .4 tImotic' Mder icacher of dramtatic art and coach of plays is Mn;. Chsarles .Broad of ,goon of drama for the Woman's Catholic Cluib'o! Wilmnette Priday of this week. Sse u411 give her own, euItting of a ly Mrs. CIrnrles. Broad on Dram. Program for Catholbc Club The Woman's Catbolic -Club of Wilmette is to have one of its own and active 'members give a drama program Friday after- noon of thîs .week. on the occa- sion ýof the, regular january meeting at 2 o'dlock. in the lounge of the Woman's club. She i.M'o- ('-haur road, whô is Wilm.0. League- of Women Vot.r tPremi* Mm .Quinçy Wright in Cours. of T.iks 28, at 1030 oeclockr in. the ùmotning-. TeWilmétte,,,league *invites thé women of Wilmete ho>areter ested in good governnient to vital and interestîng1 talks by well-versed Speakers for each subject discussed. At 1:0Prof., Ernst. .Hahne speaks on "Taxation ;" at 11:45, Mrs. Bernice Van der Vries, on "My IIm- p ressio ns of Springfield;,' at 1:1,a tour of the new building will be made, and.:at* 1:15, luùncheon will be seredý. Miss Helen Thayer speaks at 1:4.5 o'clock, on "Whiy, Be Militant on the Menit Systern; at 2, Mrs. W. W. Ramsey will speak on the "«Use and Abuse of Civil Service." Reservatiolis ray be made throughi Mrs. S. E. Wells of 1508 Forest ave- nue, Wilmnette. Club Juniors Have Splash Party Tonighf SThe Junior auxiliary of the Wotn- an's Club of Wilmette "I have a splash party, Thursday, January 24, (tonight) at the Shawnee Country club. Swimninng will start at .5:30 and dinner will be, scrved at 7:30. For those who do not Care to swîm, there will be' ping pong, 'bridge, billiards. A very entertaining evewing is be- ing planned with Miss Claudia Eckert' to entertain the Juniors and their guests with exhibition swinininig. Verbal Newspoperý national chairman of teLeagu,.: ,f Women. Voters' departiment .f.governmefnt and inte.rnation'al coopera tion,wilI give a seri es of-' talks on1 current events begm- n ing. February, 13,, at 10 <>)'clock. in the n iorning, in the Wilmiette, Baptist church. The lectures are, under the auspices-of the WVil- n'ette League of Women Voters. Mrs. Wright, .widely tralveled ln Eu .rope« and the Orient, the wife of Quincy Wright, professor of interna- tional law at. the, University of Chi- cago, is well îiformed on events botb at bomne and abroad. Many will wel- corne the opportunity to hear ber again, thle1age dcftYC8. ý"Save. the dates, February 13, 27, March 13, 27, April 10, 24," the league requests. Tickets at, a nominal fee, may be secured tbrough the' following women: Mrs. Arthur M. Long, 1106 Green- wood avenue; Mrs. T. C. Moulding, 1004 'Greenwood avenue; Mrs. Ar- tbur L. Fuller, 915 Tenth street, Mrs. Frederick H. Bird, 515 Eleventb street; Mrs. A. H. Howard, 1055 Wil-ý -mette avenue;. Mrs. Ralph F. Pottet, 1925 Chestnut avenue;- Mrs. William Wurth,' 1232 Forest avenue; *Mrs. J. ,MeWille Brown, 738 Eleenth 'street; M rsJ J. B. Whidden, 1009 UÉlmwood avenue; Mrs. J. C. Baker, 347 Manie avenue; Mrs. F. W. Merrifleld, 1014 Elmwood avenue; Mrs. E. E. Gra- ham, 2819 Iroquois road; Mrs. S. M.' ISinigletont, 1104 Foest avenue. Invite Res'idents fo Hear Mrs. M. H. lieber- of' 1607 nthse I. A. ruw. ject of hi$ con 0$, "-ft-fHwOl p29. <'Keeping unpes' i tte mb- st on prese nt <ay board of directors of the SisterhOQ<I of thé, North Shore Congregat ion Israel ,will bbeeld -' *he Teîpl- ai, Monday mornng, P.bruasy 4, at 10 o'cloc'k.' At 2:15 in the afternooln Mrs. Ansi Kuper will read one of the outstanding' current plays,' "The Children's Hoir," writtetfl 'by Lillian