Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1935, p. 40

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Annual Meeting Next Wednesday Women'a Amiimy i Sesion in an Infant Welfare center which Momning; GrWace Abb > p&kg works for the support of Seward Parkstation. The contribution of. ini Affernon Kénilworth center in 1934 was $1,599 forty-six -volunteer workers at Seward The Infant Welfare %QcetY Park station, and 1.120 garments -for of- Chicago will bold its annual the .babies. Kenilworth center will meeting on -Wédnesday, January be represented at the January 30 30, in the Blackstone hotel. The meeting byMiss;iNona* Jane jandi-t> >worlc of Evanston, president. Be' meeting of the .Womans auxil-. ides the w6rk' of, the center, Kenil- iary wil convene at 10:30 in the. worth is represented in Chicago's In- mnorning, in the Maàrbie roomn. fant Welf are society by Mrs. Et. F. Wilete enorandjuio cn-Snydacker, who is a member of the ters of the, Wotnan'a auxiîiary,bodofircrs which sporsthe Alice'H. Wood station of the Infant Wel- fare society, will be represented WeleIsey Circi. fo by Mrs. Conrad T. Frrkmatn, president of the Wilmette sen- Meef in Evansilon iors, and by Mrs. Durwin Gilles- The North Shore Wellesley crl pie, presient of the. Minette hôîds lis hext imeëtng Tuesday, cJai- juniors. uary 29, at 2:30 o'clock, at the homne The two affiliated Wihnette centers of Mrs. Fred E. Smith, 1426 Forest last year-raised $1,480 to carry on this avenue, Evanston. Mildred Smith child health work at Alice H. Wood and Florence Smith Davis are the station, the members miade 1,262 gar-. assisting hostesses. Miss Marjorie nients for the babies and eighty-seven Billow iA to give a report of Alumnae women froîn Wilmette madle the trip College. Elizabeth Donovan of the to the station at 1964 North Halsted class of '26, wiII talk on Sumîner street, ninety-nine times during the Institute, of Social Progress, 1934.> year, summer and winter, regardiess of the weather, te help in the work M.':. Radph Huiffof Wilmette, as social cisairman of tihe North Shore Alumnae association of Delta Gam- mu, i., in charge of tise luncheon ,ext Monda>, at thse home of Mns. Harold Clark, '1630 As/stand ave- loue, ivanstoin. Delta AlIumna. 20 Canvases on Exhibit at Club, By JEAN FOX Residence on the. island of Majorca .in the blue Mediterran- ean and residenice in Frane f rom which, the artist bas re-I cently'returnie d,>bas ýsupplied th-el subject matter for twen ty-two. oit paintings now on èxhibit, at thé Wôman's Club of Wilmette. The artist, Carl Lind'en,, 'and Mrs. Linden were guiests of hon-. 'or at a tea and reception bel ,d W'edn.esdlay, january 9, %when the exhibit wasforrnally opened to the public. That Mr. Linden has purposely striven to paiirt the bceiity spots of the islat)d retreat, and at the saine lime something more-the lives of its people-is evident. He gives us, for example, pictures of an old Ma- jorcan woman spinning in ber home, of young Majorcan wonien washing clothes under outdoor shelters or in rivers, and of stil others cooking in outdoor kitchens. Admiration for the substantial simplicity. of these people on the-part of the artist is apparent conferences were over.. Every bit of volunteer clerical work that is donc by the members of the, center releases the Infant Wejfare nurses' time for work- which only the nurse can do, so that these volunteers have had'an im- portant part in keeping Alice H. Wood station babies well. Last year at Alice H. Wood sta- tion- 1 ,770 children and exiectat gregational churCh wil have ins monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. James W. Aider, 931 Greenwood ave- nue, Monday, january à, with.lunch- eon at 12:30 o'clock. Assisting host- esses are Mrs. Clarence E. Drayer. and Mrs. A. M. Anderson. Heods W.if ore home l'or the next ,meeting of the to, the dé North Shore Alumnae association of. which M Delta Gamma Monday, january 28, moment. at 1 o'clock. The luncheon is in charge Pro of Mrs. William, Alderman, with the Pelrs th assisting hostesses, Miss Frances. colort Halstead, Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, Mrs. ani lr J. A. Shedd, Mrs. B. F. Lewis, Jr, and the Mrs. A. W. Mosely, Mrs. Joseph Hal- shine of t stead,.and Mrs. Ralph Huif. lorca," "( Road at Mrs. Robert Wyness Millar, one of ization ai the members of the organization. wifl .conveying. at the nally we favor: his stronger he startling contrasts of light, k in "Womnen Washing Deya, 1 bright Mediterranean sun- the landscapes "Deya de Mal- 'Outdoor Kitchen» and "Low Deya." The compact organ- and strength of composition, il ry- .BlSoomn Photo lurs.JDavid mnette Mess Nona Jane Iiandwiork of Mrs. N. J. iiem- hFzwtston recenily <mw elcied road, Wini y and President cf thse Kenilzeo t/ cen- Roberts at as ter 01 thse Infant Welfare SôcietY noon Mrs. o*- cf Chicago. lier. ined Mrs . Mr.,Linden and his Wlife, the for- Iday aftèr. mer Barbara Groves of Glencoe, a tea for. âved in 1Fvanston bef ore going to

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