Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1935, p. 43

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Mrs. Henry W. Austin of Oak Park is tbe chairman of the generai> commtteefor the Chicago region, which bas issued the conference cati. Sinilar conferences will be held in *ten cities. Eleven organizations are represented in the national, commit- tee on tbe cause and cure of war. "This, will be no pallid gathering- of idealistic pacifists,. said a. spokesmnan of -tbe çomi ittee, "but a- meeting of, people of miany different convictions ivho will .stud': the subject of war and peace'from practical,,,hard-head- ed and well-informnedstnoit. Speakers and, discussion, leaders .wilI include Dr. Walter Van Kirk of the. Federal Council of. Churches; Quincy Wright,,.professor of interna- tional law at the University of Chi- cago; Carol Binder, editorial assist- ant to the publisher of the, Daily News;' Fred Atkins M oore of the Aduit E.ducation Council of «Chcago0, and David Shillinglaw of the Amer- ican legion. }fradqiiarters. wil be at the Drake, hotel. Garden Club Will Have Talk on Color, Design H. Stuart Ortlcif, author of many garden books, will lecture to the Gar- den Club of Illinois February 18, at the Palmner House. on "Color and De- club, advises the imembers to go "pre- pared 'te be giveru a rich f east, *artned with notebook and pencil, and some re- cent previcus study." The books in the club's library are loaned, at no cost te members,. for twe weeks to; an indi vidual, or for once month to a club, whicb nmiay borrow.several at a,,time, according to Mrs. Scudder. useu by tuns chapter. Because of an unfortunîate acci- dent, Mrs. Knight Blancbard the new chairman,-was fotable to attend, but sent b er written greetings to the association. In Mrs. Bianchard's ab- sence, MUrs, W A Kendrick, first vice-president, conducted the meet- ing for new business;. The gatbering of another.mile of pennies was voted toe begin >'with, the January meeting. The continuarice of, the Bock Reviews, was voted, the next one to, be given Tuesday, Febrqary 5, at 10'in the morning at the, home of Mrs. James Shedden, 1215, Cbestnut avenue. The Menit system is based upon 200 points to be considered an A classa member. Points are gainied for bè'ing an oficer divided according to duties; meetings attended; serving as host- ess; going to the station; garments finlshed nt te meetines ', parng dus within the by-laws limit; attending book reviews; filling the bags with pennies and wherever you bave defi-. nitely belped welfare credit wiil be given. Every member desires te be Class A or a good and worthy member and this places such an att'ainment with- in the reach of every one. Mrs. A. E. Hall is chairman of this work and wil see that the marks are kept for each. Soloisf a+ Meeting Berenice Viole, pianist, gave a con- cluding group of piano numbers after the lecture by Dr. Robert Gault cf Northwestern university, on his in- vention, the. teletactor, presented in Hubbard Woods on Tuesday evening of this week. Miss Viole has severai andu white.Miss Vnraan iParker sang several operatic arias in a Voice distinguished for its resonance and clarity' cf tone. Afterward, charac- ter teading ýand carda eûtertained those who did flot Joie the dancers in: the ballroom,. where Kelly's Or- chestra played until midnigbt. The party,,was. informi and gayi and congratulations for its success were offered te, the, foilowing comn- mittee:. Mrs. Geiorge Sunderland. chairman, Mris. Robert F. ,Dëeeel, Mrs. Matthew J. -Hickey, Mrs. Harold Voltz, and Mrs. Emil A. 'Stake, of Wininetka; Mrsi Wilii J.:Scbnýeid- er, Mrs. Walter A. Rooney, Mrs. Francis Bonner, Mrs. Edward H. Younglove, and Mrs. Francis J. Sher- win, of Gience; Mrs. Matthew Lii- Iig cf Wilmette, and Mrs. William P. Kelly and Mrs. Robert D. Hessey, N. S. Smith Club l'o Have Program Jan. 30 The Evanston-North Shore Smith' College club bas set Wednesday, January 30, for its next -regular meeting. Mrs. George W. Pearson Arthur M. Betts will play piano se- lections; Miss Margaret Stout will report on "Junior Year in France," and Miss Rhoda Minkier, on "Junior Year' in Spain." Mrs. Donald Jones on Wednesday of this week, bad a meeting of the- Evanston-North Shore club board at her home, inviting some of thei Musicale and. Te& Mrs. Burt J. Denman is open:ng. ber home at 21 Linden! avenue, Wsl-. mette, February 1. at 3:30, for a tea and musicale sponsored by the Alui- nae association of the National Col- lege, of Education -forý the benefit its scholarship fund. The program is an. outstanding one. Margaret Farr of Lake: Forest, in ber brillant style,, wiIl givetwo piano groups,' and Fiora Hardie. Burdett, of La Grange, is s5inging two groups in her rach con- tralto, range. Mrs. James Aider, 931 Greenwood avenue, returned Tuesday from a' week-end visit with her father, Louis Kun, at bis home in Manitowoc, ws ---1----- Give your son of 0 college education reduced cost I Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lambert of Wiimette announce the birth cf a son, John Phjlip, on Saturday, Jan- uary 19, at the John B. Murphy bes- pital. Mrs. Lambert, the former Lii7- -han 'Hoar, is the daughter cf if r. 'and Mrs. John Hoar, 2510 IroqUcisI road.. Write for Uteruare

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