Business anId Supply H-unan beings are accustomned to- look -upon business and supply as tbings of their owin origination and of their',own.responisibility, Christian Seience,,shows that-thiý mental atti- tude, is a Ipitiable mnistakle, which a s at the bottoni of our dfoundering, pro- gress., our fleeting success, and none too infrequent losses and desi»ur. Christian Sciencé teaches thaï. the only real business is ýright activity, the activity of divine Mi'd. It, shows that Spirit, >true substance, is the only real. supply. Tt avers that the Iaws of Cod are just as availaàble -and just as pow- eriul to pràduce resuits. in thc reahn of lbusiness and supffly as in re;gàot,;. ethics, and health. Humanly, speak- ing, then, good business -and substan- tial supply cati be found only by refecting the activity and qualities'tf God, Spirit, in ohedience to the laNvs of Love. Speaking of God's activity or busi-. ness, ýMrs. Eddv tells us that"dvre Love always has met and alNa%-s will meet everv hurnan need" 'ýSciencc and Health, 1p. 494)>. Could there be any greater, an y more noble husi- ne'ss? As an, inrlividual reflectioju.of divine Love, our,'business, then. is toý ineet everyv hunian need. Jesus,, sent bis, disciples forth to mneet humn needs, saying to thein. "Freelvyey ,have received. freely give." Jesus knew the divine source froni which bis disciples inust dramr to meet bu- mani needs rightly. This business of refecting the Fathers inexhaustible supply of strength, of intelligence, of love, of rigbt ideas 'to those in ' peed is true business. Tt is vour business and -tuv business, Ail thiat is hielpful. colistruictive, and * vorth' while in the worltd's business today is founded tapon service,' the Christian hasis of meeting, hunian nPeed- of. reflecting divine Love te' our f ellow men. Whoever is'consciously or uncon~- sciously working ýon this basis is iudt %vorking alone; hé is bemng sustained and rewarded in ways hie knows not of. Not a sinzle hurnan beinz. lhowever intich ôr little of this world's «oods he may i 'ne God. more I TEE WEATIIER'S UVT TIELIP1ONE to go an~d onstrated in ourselves the mind that was ini Christ Jesus,. our salvation ýs assured. 1God's work is done. Our part is* in the 'traflsformin. of our 'thoughts. Our deeds, not our words, show what 1 LLI N 0O1 S BE LU E LE p a ON Ec -$--"$VEYORUC$"4-