Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1935, p. 3

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retail store. Luncheon wifl be served at, 12:15.. Members and visitors are r e q u e s t C d to make- reservaions through the secretary, Herman T. Reiling, State 6246. John P. flallman, -1524 iElmwood avenue, president, emphasizes. the point..that. any citizen of Wilmette, man or womani, will find a hearty wl corneat these informai luncheont gatherings. Tht organization, found, its, inception in a few çitizens, inter- * ested in civic affairs, -whose,,business takes. themi into the city daily, meet- ing for the essential. noonday lunch and exchanging views and suggestions relative to affairs of thet'village. It î s pointed out that-there are hundreds of citizens similarly situated, who would find both pleasure and benefit in occasionai or regular attendance. ?etent la t Ladeh. Friday's program sbould prove of J more than usual iiiterést. For ont thing, it presents home talent in the discussion of subjects of vital im- portance toalal citizens, property, owners and otberwise. Tht new Village Manager, Boyne H. Platt, will make a brief opening talk on a subject of his own choosing. Following this C. M. Osborn, 812 Oakwood avenue, former Village manager and niow chief engineer of the state PWA, wlll discuss the. pub- lice worics administration, from an inu- side viewpoint. ,Ht lu eminentiy qualified to present the aims and probiems of that vaut federal activity, and ptnhaps to dispel some illusions it may have created. D ScusSJooi L.gilaton Herbert B. Mulford, '835 Elmwood avenue,. me mber of tht board of edu- cation of New Trier:High school, wil expIain suggested and nwch needed legisiation designed to take the hobbies off tht achools of the state and, give them freedom to save their While tht entertainment. wii bc sponsortd.. by the. Chamber, an op- Portunity is.given for any. organiza- tion in tht village, desfring to raise funds to participate in the proceeds through the sale' of tickets, which begins ths weçk. Actuallyr, it is la coopérative enterprise in which every organiztation is invited to join. Any grôup not already approachedl may secUre information by calling Secre- tary.Clifton at tht, Chaiber .of Com- merce,. Emil, A. Nord, or Mr. Pearson., Tht cast will *be made: up of local players; prof essionally directed, and past etraliet given by the Chamber guarantet the excellence of "Crazy Politica."t Charities I. T1leme at "Tht Greatest Danger of the. Modern Word" wili bc tht subject of the sermon to be given by Rabbi Charles E. Shulman at North Short Congregation Israel temple ini Glen-i cot Sunday morning, January 27, at Il o'clock. The tlheme bears refer- ence to the work of the Young Men's Jewish Charities of Chicago. Music at tht service 'will be as- follows : Tov- LHodos............ Goldfarb Borchu .........Schlesinger Shèa ...........Schiesinger Michomocho..........Schlesinger ,Tzur Yisroel.......... Landsnian Kedusha .......... Tyler-Idelsohn May the Words.......... Idelsohn Anthem: "He Watching Over Israel"............Mendelssoha Solo: "Des Kindes Gebet" (Chul- dren's Prayer....... Max Reger S Miss Bernice Taylor Va'Anachnu............... Binder1 Largo................... Perîmaan Elohenu .... . ............ Stark 1 WOMAN 18 INJURED1 cnaumet a i n e w £iTIÇA wIneI me second semester opens, on Pebruary 4. Between 20 and 25 students are on the mid-year graduating list, but other students comîng in ut the stat of tht stanester will talce thir pilaces. The number of incoming studentý s l flot expected to exceed 40. Enril.- ment at New Trier on October 1 was 2,28. The senior clis l unusaily large thus >year- and, about 50 are expected to be graduated next june.ý The- first semester ends Wednesday,, January 30.:No classes wrilI be hMd Thursday and Friday of nekt weelc. Canididateés for Village Posts té Be Selected Soon The woek of thre Wihnette MHai- mony convention is fast reaching the stage when the roster of candidates will be complete and ready for- an- nouncement, according to its chair- man, C. E. Drayer. The committée on candidates, ehairrnaned by joseph W. Lechner, 1445 Wiloeette avenue, has, it la said, been doing excellent work, which it expects to complete eariy next week. Its recommendations will then go to the full convention for atnurowal or suetitute gara to group ataions and stricty upon the basis of qualifications. Tii.. candidates' committee. is demonstrat- ing a very high type of civic spirit in its work, it is said, resulting in a devotion to duty that presages the choosing of candidates that will en- list the confidence of ail. Many rumors are afloat as to the' personnel of 'the varicus slates, but it lu stated that as yet no candidates~ have been definitely chosen. Since the announcement of the ,Wilmette "Buckc" programi in lut week's WUmmm - LiV* "Bucks" are being distributed far and wide in the. c-ommunity. More than sixty co-oper- ating business establishments in, Wil- mette are actively enigaged in dis- pensing tht valuable "Buck" certifi- cates ith theit sales, and an. unusûal amounit of enthusiasm has been re- ported on the part of tht, recipients. "Buücks" are being, given fret of charge with purchases mce in., the. majority of local stores, and -will bie used as , "money" at tht Wilmette Buck auction sale which wili be heid in the Masonic temple o n thé evening of Monday, Eebruary 25. At tiiauc- tion sale, large quantities of valuable merchandise, contributed ' for the occasion by the participating mer- chants, will go under thé hamm«er to the highest bidder-in "'Buckls"-not. money. Mauuy It.nw cm Dispiay Several of the items. to be offered at thei' auction sale are now on dis- play in tht Public Service company store. 1Many other offerings are displayed individuaily ini the windows of par- ticipating merchants in the varicus business districts. Residents are requested to "asiç for Bucks" whenever purchases of any kind are made. Wilmette Bucks, are sponsored hv Severai members of tht regional committee of the Girl Scouts, aauong them Mrs. Katie Lee Johnson, who lu head of the Mid-West region, * i- structed a group of twenty Kenilworth women who are connected with thé Girl Scout council last Monday morti- ing in the Scout rom at thç Joseph Sears school. Tis. was t ht first time that tht dlass had been fiéId i Kenil- worth. It was followed by iuncheoai. able damüage. buti tander control. s spounro Note: Economy Shop is c onducted by the Wouian 9 Club of Wilmette Nursery Governess UEXCIL N. S. POEIJ1IWi. Ho-apital tralnlng. Winii. 000 J lcuglianda

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