Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1935, p. 52

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Rates-25 conta a line. Advertisements run in ail three papers. MIINIMUM CHARE~ ONE DOLLAR. Average of five words te the Unse. No black face type used. 20% discount on ail cash advertlse-. moentO when brought te our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilnette, or .561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 10% discount on ail advertlsernents run four Classified -advertisements *Il be ac- ..cns- epted 'up to Tuesday 9 P. 'M. for W ILM 'E LIFE or a il three papers; W e sd ay 9 . M. r WINNETKA TALK, and Thursday 5 P. M.. for GLENCOE NEWS Tolephonos: WIImette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000 .,(Winnetka 500 atter6 P.M) Greenleat 4300 or Sheidrake 1216-1217. LStw AND vPUNS ROUND RING WITH 12 KEYS LOST vicinity Lincoin and Elm, or Hubbard Woods shopping district.* Reward. Write B-74, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 3L38-itp IJ. OBT-LOGWOOD SMAL MUFF,'FR1- day night, vicinlty of. 9th and, lake in Wilmette. Reward. Phone Wilmette 482S.. 3LTNSI-ltc *bUSriESS SVICEK j os.F Kuss, Optometrist ifo long oxperlence in the fttlng of glis. Broken lenses replaced. Prames ropaired on short notice. 547 Chestnut St. Winnjetka 3671 ODIpogitë the gpost officeé 16LT1438-tfc WISCONSIN SEASONED FIREPLACE WOOD - OK 7.5, APLE $10.50 TON DEL IL Maglund. 514'Blreh Wtnnetka 2108 _____________16LTN38-ltp WELDING. BOILER ýtpotive machine shop and TLIK BROS. CENILWORTHT 280-820 PAWnTINS AND DECORATINS Paint, .Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP sANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. .Rm. wailpaper cleaned, 75c; bathroojn enameled, $5 Up); kitchen palnted, $6 up. 5 rms. lirs. washed, varnishcd, $8. Stucco finish, outsido paintln.g porches, $15. Windows, SOc. Rets. iýree elstirmngtes Materlals furntshed. Melvin Skolnik Wil. 3413 421A8-tp QUAI4ITY PAIN1TINêG AND DECORATfING We. make old floors Me ne¶ yith, ojo-, trl isttfilIltie. 1qat rellbl'a Yýery 'teasonablo on exterlor and lntorfor work. W. cover entiro North Shoro. Fltmates cheortully givon. Fred Broberg Bri. 1061 42LT1N28ttc RM. PAPERD $3 UP 1935 WASIIABLE PAPER SAMPLIES on hand. Ceiling Cale. $1 up. Kitchen washed $2-$3. Antique walîs washed $2.50. Appreclate caîl on any amount. LE WlS-Wilmette 5034 creçary, 64LTN88-tfp Frank% Domestic Bureau 421 Richmond Rd., Kenilworth 2nd FI. Village Hall Kenllworth 5221 IF' YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING A, change ln. Your, domestic employees, consuit ,us. We -have reg1 red em- Ployees- with Year8e t Se ce and Ref- erences on the North Shore.. NORTU SHORE: EMP. AGEXCY HELEN CHRIMES General inaide, seconds, malds,'cooks, nursescopes. No;OARG E TO EMPLOYER., 12. DePterS.Univ. 0934 OOLTN38-ltp SITUATION WANTP--pgnAL COMPETENT HELP N1 O uflBTo UIêplàoyU» Eflient Service for North Shore Homes WIS INVESTIGATuE REP'ERENCES WB ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Empi. Agency WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite 'W' Ter. 68LTN25-tfe EXPERIENcED HELP WBSPECIALIZE IN fflGH GRADE WAfomstic help, ail nationalitIes. No charge te employers. References ln- Veatigated. l7nder State supervision. Mrs. Montonaro, Kenil. 1951-Là.undress, day work. Mrs. Connloy-Kenil. 1108-Laundress, day work. Mrs. Phlllips-WIin 3474-Laundresa, day work. Ethel Mejtonaro«--Kenil., 1951-Clerical work. Any further, information can be obtained fromn Mrs. Hugh Petersen, Kenilworth 2616. lEmployment Chairman. 70LTNS7.m4tp, CONTACTING A N D ANALYZING domnestic personnel Is our specialty. When ln nced.of such service eall Gien- Coe 160i We have now àaalable expcrlenced: male and femalo help with excelent North' Shore references. FRED'S MIP. AGENCY HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. H. E. ALSUP, MANAGER 70LTN8-.1 te Frank's. Domestic Bureau 421 Richmond Rd. Keni Worth 2nd Fl. VillagelHall ICenilworth 5221 TO ALL DOMESTIC EMPLOYEMS, tha.t are eontemplatIng a change con- sult us. We are ln contact with the best omesand - positipxp on,> the Norh EXPERIENCED PAOTESTANT COU- ple, fond of children, good l'eference. Man, gardener-houseman. Cati drive.. No washlng. Tel. Wilmette 4814. 70L38-ltp HKLP WANTED-FEMALE PAULINE,'S-WILMETTE GENERAL MAIDS, SECONDS, COOKS, couples. Positions open now. Uood wages. Pauline's Em pl. Agency CI DR. 0' Chiropraq Manipulationi Ceids, Rheume ani Ui. 0844-1612 romt 'ALKER Zapropath ,hts. flelieves bago, Arthrltis les. Ave., Evanston 17LTN37-tp B*REED YOUR ICANARY! BREED- ing cages complete with female bird $1.95. Others 89c up. Al supplies. Da- vis St. Pet Shop, 1025 Davis St., Evans. Greeneaf 8832. . 44LTN38-ltp PIANO TUNENQ FIXPERT PIANO TUINING $3. RE- pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chick- ering, ]Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fair- view7 Ave.,. Park Ridge 699-RL W ~ J 4 h5A >L Wil EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED 71L'J Ne Charge te Employer COMPETENT WHITE HELP WA Lindgren Empi. Agency wit oo efrncs Apy in. Etabllshed 25 years 663 V"ernon Ave. Gien< 799 Elm St. Wlnn. 1047 71LTI 68LT19-Vc E CAN USE ALL THE DOY Ahclp we cati get. Goods Carlsons iEmpi. *-igency S-I-WA-Y, 14.W. Washinrgton St..,' 804 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3328 9800, or 109. E. Oak St, Superic 71L7 RELIBLE ELP WANTFID - EXPERIENCED Ail dQmestic positions for generai housework.' Swedýiç NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS f'r.pw must h......,- -4- fust b. bargain. 4OLTN8S-ltptu.-. ' al N3 -ltp sF aU ve, y 5oulr. Wlnnetka 1029. readin at h, 4OLTM8-ltp 69LTN38..tpî WIimette 178 $1AVE TOUR BUOKI$I"-S.m e Pog. 3 This Issue Wilmette Life: I~ADATEWITH -LITER- fl'nd does tYPing and proot Onme. lsual rates. Phone 74LTN38-4tp PHONE 1744TN39-tfb 1 1 icuphoyuRNI AoÈiîcl»

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