Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1935, p. 20

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place on sale a quantity of merchan- dise that Will be discounted 50% and nmore. These are rare values taken- from both Qur, Chicago and Evanston Stores,- comparable to our Dollar Day offerings of-former years. ,As -we W'111flot participate in Dollar Day', this merchandise will be placed, on sale tomorrow... This. sale will continue onôly as long s there « are good values to be TATMA-N 707 Church St. Evanston CHURCHES 0F CHRIST, SCJENTIST GLENCOE, WILMETTE, AND WINNETKA, ILLINOIS ANNOUINCE A I',FR11E LECTURE ON. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ENTITLED: "CHRISTIAN, SCIENCE: THE REVELATION 0F ABUINDANT LIFEII BY ingz the Proviso affirmative at Win- netka and the Proviso negàtive. team winning at Maywooàd. The debates were part of the Big Twelve league sciiedule. David Ëarly,* Bob Goodwin and Clarence Lineberger', comprising the Newv Trier, negative team, carried their school to victory on the home platform. The decision in New Trier's favor' wa s given by- Prof. Harold 1,rotzlheimer, former coach of de- bate at Northwestern university and now a profegsor. in. the school of commerce there.- .Although the New Trier affirmative team-Gerald Taber, Jack Leslie and Sidney Craig-4ostý at, Proviso,, Ches- ter E. MacLean, New, Trier coach, praised their work. Jack Leslie, sec;-. ond speaker, was, given special men- tion for his fine showing. New Trier's Big Twelve league dual debate with . Hammond High school, scbeduled for last Friday, was post- poned until Wednesday of this week at HammondI's request. Coach Mac- Lean made one change in hus lineup of speakers for the Hammond match, using Marjorie Wood in place of Jack Leslie on the affirmative .teâm, which debated at home. It was announced this week that an exhibition debate will be given by the New Trier teams before the Wil- mette Rotary club on Wednesday, February 13. The same question will 'be used as is being- uged for the Big Twelve league debates, "Resolved, tlhat the federal governmeîit should adopt the pQlicy of equalizing eduica- tional opportinity 'throughout 'the nation by means of annual grants to the several states for public elemen- tary and secondary education.' Table Tennis Titi.e To, 'Annexed by Bill Condy" Bill Condy, one of' the country's 1leading table tennis players, was prcssed to win the school champion- ship at New Trier last week. He de- will Gip... ~a#.k Ave. Winne$ka:. 571 Lincoln Ave. Wim.tp: 1148CenralAvoe. - StJBSTITUTJE OFFICER WIND UP qËMESTER The duties of Lucy jane Keeler as- The. first semester at New Trier vice-president of the freshman class ended Wednesday afternoon of this are being taken over by Nancy week. While students are enjoying a Palmer during the absence, of Miss vacation until the new semester open$ Keeler, who recently underwent an next Monday nior4inig, faculty',mcm- operation for appendicitis.- Miss bers are busy making up grades and Keelerý wil be Out of school ýfor sev- completing the scmester's work. era1 weeks. il lim ",ý Tatman"s tomorrow California as one of t httngn scnools upon which Trustee scholarships are' to be conferred, it was announced this week. Last year the college inaug- urated a plan to give public recogni- tion to fifty high schools which seem- ed especially repreentative of the miny insttitutions. which are ef- fectively upholding -theý standards of secondary education, and, New Trier was one of the schools selected. Upon these fifty schools the trus- tees of, the college conferred honor- ary sc holarships permittinàg each school>' to send.as.its personal rep-- resentative to the college one of the outstanding members of its graduat- ing class-to study duringher fresh- man year with young worncn sponsor- cd by other leading secondary schools. The initial, list of..schoolu upon whièh the first Trustee scholarships. were cônferrcd was made 'public last- spring. Ruth Anderson of Wilmette, representing New Trier, is new in re&Ïenceon the.Mills campuse. In the new,-honor lisi will be schools in Canada, Alaska, the Hawaiian, islands, the Philippines, japan and China, as well. as al parts-of the, Ujnited States. To each of the schools awarded the Trustee scholarships the college grantsý the.- sum of $500 to cover tuition fees and part of the résidence expenses of the- school's. Ëepresentative.- The award is, foi the freshman year only. The selectiÔn of New Trier's rep- resentative from this ycar's graduat- ngclass will be made soon, Supt. M. P. Gaffney said- this week. Boys Elated OVer Visit by Mme. Schumann-Heink New Trier boys are elated over the ..fact that Mme. Schumann-Heink, world famous singer, has consented: to be a special. guest of honor at the mother-and-son banquet 1which .the Tri-Ship club will give on Thursday, February 7. The club entertains the mothers onie yearand the fathers the following year. This year it's the

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