~nq. mitA. Il on ai ix, 4' '~a eIç ch. bas been remodeled and redecorated. We. will re Fruits and Vegetables ... also, Centrella Pure- te~ th the highest quality. Od * Chargeý Accounts S.oIicIted Fresh PEAS '. Sweet, tender. Celifornia. flOCCOLI Al buds. Vegetables. 21b,. 33c large bunch I19C CARROTS Fresb, E Tender., lunches i11 C MIJSHROOMS Whte, No. I's. box 28c.- DRUSSELS SPROUTS Tender.qt. box 21c, NEW POTATOES. Florkids. Mediumsize.4 Ib.29c Con ned Vegetib les, ASPARAGUJS TIP SmolI whtfe. cen 25c. 12 s$2.75 BEETS Wholeý. ,Cenitrella No . 2123~~C grand. 12 cans $2.69 PEAS34 Centrella Brand. i2 cons $3.40 PEAS 2 Sifted Early June. No. 2 can 2 c Centrella Brand.. 12 cons $2.45 TOMATOES No2 n12 C Ex. Standard. 12 cons $1.40 I gIYATIE Traymore. Ex. Standard. No. 21/j can 17lc 12 cons $1.95 CORN Golden Bantem. 1 Centrelle Brand. cen 1 c 12 cons 52.00 GREEN BhANS Tiny green. 1 Centrella Brand. can 22 c Groceries SILEX JR. Glass cof.. meker. :8-cup ýs0re. .(With purchase of 21 $1.89 LBS. of COFFEE) OLIVES Super: Colossal. Ripe. >,Pt n37c -3for $1.00 JELLIES Tee-Garden. 6 varieties. 4*$1 .00 Large jars (1 5-oL.). ljaisI 12 lars $2.9 PRESER VES 2-1b..nj-oz ar ~ 2 jars510 12 lors $5.50 MAYONNAISE or FRENCH DRESSING Old , Monk. pt. jars LIC PECANS Jumbo. Healves.l.59 MAPLE SYRUP Pure Ohjio sap. 75.lc ICentrella I Brand. No. 21/2 can 12 2"C 12 cons 51.40 CRAS MEAT Import.d Jaopaese., No.can4lc Don .Ç.«54 each,