Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1935, p. 40

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Maternity Center Many Winnetkans. have taken boxes or groups of- seats for the, opening night of "Continental Vatieties," with Mlle. Lucienne Boyer, Monday, February 4, at the Studebakcertheater. This is to be a benfefit for the. Chicago Materntity center. ýEscudero*, te Spanish dancer, who appeared two years ago in, the Artist-Re- cital secries, wiIl dance in the "'VaLrieties." The local bxholder nudMr and Mrs. LeslieL Cooke, Mr. ani Mrs. William B. Hale,. Mrs'. Wil- liamn G. iaibbard, Mr. 'and Mrs. J. L. Houghteling, Mr. and Mrs. Clark J. Lawrence, and Mr. and Mrs. Ulil- marna, The French -consul nd 1rs. René Weiller have also taken a box. Among those who have bought groups of seats.are: Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris Barber, Mr. andi. Mrs. Norman Har- ris, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Dennison Hull, Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Davis, Mr. and' Mrs. Theo- dore Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. John Eliot Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Langdon, Pearse,. Mrs. Stewart Johnson, Mr. and I&rs. Gordon Pi.rie, Mr. and Mrs. Rutheda L. Pretzel,, pianist, uith Lolita Bertling, soprano, aitihe lef t and right, res>ectively, are two of the tisree young Peo ple gizeing a lecture- recital on Massenet': opera, '<Maon»' at tise inrning meeting of thse Woman's Clu of Wilmette next Wednesday. Miss Pretzel >lays tise score and comments uiPon the opera. Miss Bertling u'ill sing tise soprano arias. Wilm.t. Women Work GauIf-Telefacfor 1.1k for Hospital B.nefit and i Aid Deaf-Blinc and Dremo Program Hold Catholic Club One resolution passed at the meeting ofthe Womaàn s Catho- lic Clubof Wilmette last Friday afternioon was. that the, clùb, (in response to the, request of Car-, bon P. Dubbs, president of 'the Village, of. Wjilette), would protest.against'the "liquor con- ditions" in No. Man.'s Land. Additional club business and, re- ports and, announicements cameý be- fore the club Friday afternoon, when. the first vice-president, Mrs. He nry Dalton, presided in- the absence of tbe president. Among other* an- nouncements, Mrs. Frank Oelerich, American citizenship chairman, reïad comments describing relief work con- ditio ' s, her pup opse in so doing , she said, to disclose the situation, feeling that "each one should do ber part to express disapproval by writing to bave relief corne back to respected citizens of the communities." Mrs. joseph Joyce, Iegislati've chair- man for the Tenth district,ý Illinois Federation of Women's -clubs, read tbe radio speech she was to -make Wednesday of this weelc from WCBD in Waukegan on outstanding mneas- ures coming up in state and nation, a Many of the parties will be in tbe balcony, wbich,- it is said,, wilI be quite as fashionable as tbe main floor. Among those whô are serving, on the committee are Mrs. J. L. Hough- telîing,, Mrs., Clark J. Lawrence, and -Mrs. Ernest S.-B allard of Winnetka, -and Mrs. Francis. Peabody Butler of Winnetka ami Chicago. The few tickets stili remaining may be ob- tained from Mrs. Houghteling at Winnetka 84, or from Mrs. Lawrence atWinnetka 1621. he afiair wi11 be held in the ýFrench roomn of the Georgian hotel, with five outstanding artists on the progr-.m. .Mrs. George P. Ellis of the Georgian was recently elected president of the auxiliary and has lost no time i organ- izing this benefit affair to aid the hos- pital. Mrs. Samunel P. Whiteside, a niember of the First ýMethodist church of Evanston, will serve as chairnian of TV UUD v jaludu 44 iorineoenetoaui.y against the repeal of tne Iuit- of the Anierican Institute for the Deaf- nois Sedition law; thirdly against, the Blind. The streets were icy, too, but United States joining the world upwards of 150 persons came together Court. to hear Dr. Gauit give bis lecture on. Mrs. Charles Broad gave the first "Listening Fingers" .and to denionstrate club programn of 1935, a moving and the Gault-Teletactor. deeply dramatic interpretat ion'of a, Candies furnisbed light for the ýeve- tbree-act play of stage and screen, ning nd tere ere lazig 1using her own cutting. Deepj within ting handther wr ba 9' lg on her is a power for emotion and the the harth.talent -of an actress *which enabled At the close of the demonstration her to extraçt the very essence of the Miss Berenice Viole played brilliantly play itself and carry ber hearerQ 1t-uc. it of cakes, of Briarcliff school, Bi and other N. Y., is to be in Chi to shoppers Friday, and Satuirday at the Stevens hotel. Wilmette chapter, Order of East- ern Star, will bave a pot-luck supper sieton Monday evening, .February 4,. at siet6 o'clock, ini tbe Masonic temple, for fanor, members and their famnilies. Reserv- rsday, ations are in charge of Mrs. May .week, Saville, Wilmetté 4296, andare to be made by Saturday, February 2 ureh. about

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