Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1935, p. 3

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ing riotous comedyr, êCrazy Politics,'1 to be given under its auspices at the Wemnan's club, 'Monday and Tuesday nhtFebruary 18 and 19.. The cast *ill be composed cf local Plyerswh;Ose outstanding talent bas been displayed in moi-ethan one cf these aànal -ve;ts Already, it is saîd, tbree separate partiesý have, fied nominating petitions for mayoialty candidates. There is the à4People ys Party, which stakes ail on the popularity c f Mrs. ý Coutine Van- Dyne, coupled .with thé pi-acticality -of ber camrpaidn manager,., theî canny _Jim Froley' (net,.Farley). UOd Guard» t Evidae. The *'Old'Guard" crowd,.diehards cf the firut water an d long in thie saddle, pins its faith te Spider McGinnisi a Pi-actical politician of the cicR scheol whose knowledge cf vote getting, tbeMi fiurwili. put. him out lin font wherr, the ballots are counted. Spider figures that if you feed 'em you cau vote 'cm, and he bas ample evidence tisat the system will work. Spider will be bis own campaign manager, net alone be- cause lichas confidence ini bis own abil- ity, but becaàuse the cawpalgn manager handles the cash, and things cani Re doue witb cash by canmpaign managers. And e "SUciahstan The socialists bave chosen their per- ennal candidate, Ivan Awfulitch, foi- mayor, to beat bôtRi McGinnis and Mrs. VanDyne. Tjmey are banling on the fol- lowers of Uptown Sinclair anid Dr. Townspend, to say nothing cf the ad- herents cf IHùey Long, Gev. OIson and the bolier tItan thou brain busters, to inake the votera itcb for Awfulitch. It's going te be a red hot campaign,, àay the managers, with plenty cf mud slinging, and thie resuit will be in doubt uni aein the evening of Fermai-y 19. Tickets cati noir b. procured front members cf the Chamber of Commerce, or any cf the local organizations who are participai m in the proeeieds of Fiston V. Tübbs, of Wilmette, well knottm ini Chicago educationci circles, luis been elected -secretary- treasuirer of the recenttly organized Phi Beta Kappae association of the Chicago 4rea. Mr. liubbs tws formerly suf'rrintetvden of -New Trier Higk school and more recent-. ly has been associaied zwth the Chicago public school system. Health Center to Get Funds Prom C. C. Show The Wilmette Heath Center will benefit from the proceeds of the play, "Crazy Politics,» to be given by the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce at Wlmette Woman's club Monday and Tuesday, FWebruary 18 and 19. Alil the members -of the board of man- agers are aiding the chairman, Mrs Howard J. Uickey, ini the sale of tickets. Anyone wishing to see this comedy production, and by se .doing- assist the Health Center, is invited to cail Mrs. -erank Dowd, Wilmette 4376, or thie Health Center, Wilmette 2402, for tickets. ASSISTANT RECEIVEIt Stuart I. Drum cf 255 Hazel ave- nue, Gleticce,' bas been appointed by Progrant Wilmetté moi-chants an- nounce today thut the desire for "Bucks, and more Bucks" on the part ')f Wilmette residents bas created a new "mld"popularly known ais -'Buck -Pever." Reports cf manyý Wilmette mierch. ints indîcate thie symptomsg to, be quite 'noticeable and easily diagniosed -ýkeen interest in, buying in larger q uantities than usual when shopping. in. 'local 'stores, window shopping 'toe decide just wbat merchandise off er- ings for the big. Auction Sale willý be meut desirable, and the conclusion cf ev ae ta n'action with thie pop- t ary qu es tn where' s MYBucks ? "- these and other similar smtosare Vahuable items of' merchandise, in- cluding a Magic Chef Table Top gas range, two boys' bicycles, two girls' .biycles' ' a Philco radlio~, n~a jestfe, radio, a Ha-Dees hot water'car beat- er, and an excellent double blanket (72x84) and a hundred other -useful tlungs will be sold to the highest bici- der at the Wilmette Buck Auction, Sale. Several of these items are on display in the Public Service store windows. The sale, which wiIl be beld in the Masonic temple o n Mondayr evening, February 25, will bring to a close thie Buck program, sponsored by the Wilmette Chamber of Com- merce in cooperation with WILM91Mw Ln. Théi auction, it is announced, will be in-tRie foi-mcf the common Public auction s'ale with the distinct, difference that no money will be used --only thie "Bucks" as lssued by more than 60 W'ilmette business fi-ms. These certificates are issued at no cost to the consumer in connection witb purchases made pioi to Febru- ai-y 23. Residents are advised to "save your Bucks .-- and watch WîLMmËý LinE for further details." Mme. Schumann-Heink, one of the greatest contraltos of moden, tintes and a marked favorite as 'a gand opera star" concert singer and radio artist, will be a special guest of honor at the mothi--and-son banquet which the-.T.i"Ship Boys' 'club will givé Bat New Trier.High school on.'Thursday night, Febi-uary 7, in the ichool mess hall. A committeof three boys. rep- resenting the Tri-Ship, club-Paiul Dénmpseypres ident of thé. organiza- tien, Dont Kurtz, secretary, and Bud Barber, chairman cf the dinner com- mittee-called upon Mme. Schumann- Heink at the hotel. at which -she is staying in Chicago last week to r-- quest ber presenceý at the di nner> which the New Trier boys, give every two years for their mothers. The famous singer, whose son died on a submarine during the war, and who in 1928 gave her estate, near San Diego, Calit; as a refuge for stir Mt4d disabled veterans cf the World war and their families, accepted the in- Wi Speuêliand qin Mme. Schumann-Heink iu fi-e- quentîy' called "&mother" by many young men cf America whe served in the war, and the New Trier boys felt that it -weuld be 'particuîarly ap- propriate to have ber appear at their mother-and-son banquet. She wIl respond te a toast in speech and in Song. Five bundred and fifty persons can be acconimodated in the mess hall, ,and it iu expected that every place wIl Rie taken at the dinner. Ne*r Trier beys are ýgetting their ticketsý for the event fi-cm the Tri-Ship rep-. resentatives. the Tri-Ship. club includes ,al bey3s atteuding New.Trier. ýMothers and fathers ef ethe ,boys ai-e entertained by the club at a dinner iu alternate years. This year it's the inethers'- turn. ,18 planning anoth-renfertainmient for its February party. TRer. mere about thirty-fivo lu 'attendance this mopth. Note: Uoonom lo a o4çu by tbe Wmas lub f WlbIieutte Pages: laYE evenlng 'oftitis week. was Russili- F. -Mleyn, Optimnist Internatioalt. mr 0f

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