ANNJVERSARY 0F BOY SCOUTJNG North 'Sho r e A re a Council Holds Lofty Position ini Na- tional Movement T he North Shore Arça counciÎl rates ,anong, the -very best, of A 'the 530 local Boy Scout councils in thé United. States. 'rbat is the importMo the'statistical news .beiîig ,flashed. from National headquarters-news wbicb comes like a birtbday present, to, the north. shore as the -Boy-Scoutsof America pre- pare to observe the week of February 8 as the twenty-fifth anniversary of *their organization that las directly buit cbaracter in approximately- 6,500,000 boys since ifs incéptiôn.; Rank Higli ln Scouting Witb dramatic emphasis at this * silver, jubilée of the Boy Scouts of *America, tbe scouting prestige of the. north shore is enbanced and con- firmed by figures just released from the National council, sbowing tbe comparative position of the North> Sbore Area council-as of the be- ginning of the fourth quarter of '~1934-with ail the other Boy Scout counicils' ini this nation. The North Shore area rariks sixth in the list of the 530 councils in-. the matter of registering boys ini the scouting program. This fact-as well as the other vital statistics just re- leased-is revealed in the "index of accômplis hment." te pter.c e ntil e ,measuring rodof, wbat Scout cotin- ýci:ls.are, really doing.ý On tbe.basis, of ,1,202 Scouts as of September 30, the north shore has attained an index of 99, based on a perfect 100i. By December 31, the number of reg- istereci scouts had grown to 1,440. Harnony Grouli to Session Monda y Chairman C. E. Drayer, of the Harmnony convention, announces that a meeting of. the full convention will be held Monday evening, February 11, to receive tbe report of the committee, on candidates, whicb is. said to have completed its work. The meeting is Ilot open to0 the public. T he* committee on candidates, 'of .Wbich Jose 1ph W. Lechner, 1445 Wil-, mette avenue, is ch airman, is said to bave secured. a completé roster of candidates. for Village ,offices, and Library, and Park District boards. This report now goes to the full, con-I vention for its approval,- or sucb. changes. as it may. determ ine, to The committee on candidates, it is asserted,, bas had the cooperation of pr mn nember.sof the variouê boards to a bigbly satisfactory de- grec,. giving evidence tbat tbe bar- mony convention idea bas challenged the support of citizens in a measure not heretefore attained. This, it is added, may. be due in part to the spirit in which the entire convention bas carried on its worlc. Its mem- bers bave grasped the underlying principles of-the idea, and recognized, that it is only througb its successful operation that campaigns detrimental to the' best interests of the village can be avoided, and ollkcials of out- standing ability brought to tbe public service in the years to come. The report of the convention is awaited with keen interest by every citizen concerned witb thewelfare of the village. ChÀlest Association Seleets Directors At the annual meeting of tbe Wil- mette' Communitv Chest association, HONOR GUESTI (Goodale-Blgelo photo) Madame Schumann-Heink,,most beloved of singers, will-be the guest of honor at the Mother angd Son dinner at New Trier High SchooI. tonight held under sponsorship of the high school. Tri -Ship club. Requests Holders to Redeem Warrants Announcement was made this week by Township Treasurer F. A. Andrew that a number of New Trier High school tax warrants issued -against. the 1932 tax levýy,,whiicb were called for payhent some time ago; have nlo t been presented for payment by the holders. Warrants-that have flot been'_pre- CLUB Authority on Pa r Eastî Will, Pr .esent IllustratedLecture on February 10 Clark Hallam, buisiness man,, news- writer and traveler, will be the speak- er at the Minmette -Sunday Evening club Februarjy 10, in. the First Con- gregational church. }Iis lectur~e will concern the Par East and will be illus- traied with motionT pictures. Mr.. HalIam is an American and bas been. keenly interested in the Orient aIl of bis life., He attended tbe Uni- versity. of Wisconsin and later Colum-. bia university. In both'universities he was a leader ini Cosmopolitan club ac- tivitinaand nmade wany iriends amoug the, Chinese and Japanese students. Prof oundly interested i the ancient -cultures of the Far E~ast, be delved dëeply into its art, literature 'and phil.i osophy, assisted in translating Chi- nese verse, and wr ote-Toideira ble oôriginal poetry in the Cbinese forms. Wut.-s-eDs Iuwurance After several years in business he nmade bis first world tour, planning a limited stay in the Orient. Having burriedly visited China, and on bis way to Japan, lis journey was pouf- pouied by the Japanese earthquake. T h i postponement unexpectedly gave him the opportunity for the real study of China be had always longled- to make. An offer to act as corres- pondent for the American and British newspaper'interests of China and a proposition fromn an insurance com- pany to introduce the newcornmoditýv of insurance , to 'the Chinese started him on.a series of adventures which lasted formnyy ars ad took hlm. 2,000 miles into the interior of China.> Coming in contact with ail classes,. Hallam received an extraordinary in-, quarters at Stafford, near Phog He plans to visit t he Arizona Sc for Boys at Tucson, of whicb Ge Harper, a brother of Supt. J, Harper of the Wilmette pi schools and a former teacher at Trier. High scbool, is. principal. and tbey were uiot disappointed. TluLùk you ail so rnuch 1 -Mrs. A. L Grinneli, chairman Note: Nconomy Shop is conducted by 'the wpmanps club of Wllmette., Junior Làife.............. 4 Musice............... 30 .New TirNw... ....8 N. S. P. ........2 R.eretion ............44 Scity Pages.....3-1 Itained outside of Chi .1day. ich can be ob-ýý ta or te-ui