Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1935, p. 1

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%0 %- - L LJ w - i W.&* 016 e bp. J. ifor Village President Anticipate Capacity Audience for Barrie Comedyin Now Trier Auditorium The faculty cast of "Dear Brutus" at, New T rier High school bhas re- hearsed--the stage is setm-the fault, dear public, is yours ifyu fail, to attend the performance on Saturday e vening, February' 16, in, the high school auditorium.: Proceeds will beneit. thel New Trier Dramatic club and the faculty clubs. Under thé di- rection of Miss Elizabeth Stanwo od and Gordon Van Kirk of the Eng- lisb department, the cast promises to give you an interesting eveningý ."Dear Brutus," by James M. Barrie, concerns itself with a group of guests. at a house. party. 'Their host, a modern Puck, arranges for ecdione to get wbat we ail wish-a second chance. The results are disconcerting to say the least. TaIetd Cast The cast ineludes the following: Mrs. Goode, Miss Alice Burchard; Miss joanna Trout, Margaret Black, Lady Caroline Laney, Frances Bred- in; Mrs. Alice Dearth, Helen Ma- loney; Mrs. Mabel Purdie, Louise Hantilton; Margaret, Mrs. Bailey Shearer; Lobi, Alma Hurst; Will Deartb, Matthew Gaffney; "James" Mateyf, Frerick Kahler; Jack Pur- die, R. S. Peierson; Mr. Goode, C. Russel 5maI!. New Trier faculty members are no mere amateurs. The members, hav-. ing had parts in niany productions, have gained for themselves an en- viable reputation as' players extra- ordinary. .Matthew P. Gaffney, superintend- ent, was in niany one-act plays over a period of five years with the Firé- sidp Plau'ers of White Plains, N. Y., t P'eople" and "The . Sf1.' A Kahler, dean of boys ai r, is an experienced player. Dntinuedo».Page 10) Hcrry C. Kinne, Village tru.stee, this weck zwos unquelifiedly rec- oitiended for the office of Village President zchri tlw Wilrnette Har- mon v conivention unantmo:&sly ap- Proved the report of ifs canididates' Cotlrnittee. Mr. Kinne, who lias bec»i on the Village board for the past four yearç, is a tttell ku 0t01 t-, torney, andformerly candidate for ProbaWe judge. rhe complet e siafe of candidates ojproved by the con- vention is indicated in another col- umn of this issue of WiLmETtE Lire. Redeem Tax Warrants, Sehool Treasurer Asks Announcement is made by. F. A. Andrew, treasurer of the New Trier jT. L. D. Hal, phone Wilmette J1252, will be glad to caîl for thern. He.4 L.O 9Conneil as Post master Herbert 'L. O'Connell, 933 Linden avnebas been gppointedý acting postmaster for Minmette, and took ôver. thé duties of the office Friday,. February& *Mr. O'Connell has been a résident of the village for- 16'.years, coming he re directly after his diecharge fromn te nay, following the sigigoth ar mistice. He: saw service for 23 monthe on board the U.. S. S. Kansas, which was engaged in convoying troops across the. Atlantic, being de- talled. to the engineering départmént. H*e las been a member of Wilmette, ~Post. No. 46, American Légion for 15 years. For the past four years he has been a'deputy sheriff of Cook county, serving under former Sheriff Meyering and Sheriff Toman. He resigned from this office to accept the acting postmastership. As a niember of the firm of O'Con- nell Bros., building contractors, Mr. O'Connell was identified with that business on the north shore until re- ceiving his appointment as deputy sheriff. His education was secured ini the public schools of Chicago and the, Bame-Griffith Business Academy, also of. Chicago, ini which he completed a. business course. Hie bas been idein- tified with the local democratic party for a number of years. In informed circles bis appointment as acting postmaster i5 considèred tantamount to permanent appointment. joseph E. Shantz,> from whom Mr. O'Connell takes over:the office, bas served for twelveyears,.in the posi- GOINC ADROAD J. Tracey. who residi Harmony Convention -Aooptt Cmmùitte. Reporton Garni plot. Village Siate The Wihmette Harmony conventio4 conipleted, ts',work of selecting m+n didates for various offices, to be, 611eo at the coing sprîng elections wh on Monday evening, it receivýd thé report of the coimmîttee on candi- dates, headéd by Joseph Wi U-hner 1445 Wilmette avenue, aud'liami unanimous approval. The,.MI hl-ate for the local boards is as follows: pr«widmt of ViDag: emear Harry C. Kinne, 1324 Elmwood ave'. nue. Village Trut.. Mrs . Est ' er D. Bower, 1316 Asli- land avenue. George F. Iliff, 924 Linden avenue. James B. Hoffman, 1510 Washing- ton avenue. Clinton B. Cochran (incumbept), 1605 Walnut avenue. Michael P. Spohrer, 2210 gç»i4 worth avenue. Nathaniel F. Webb, 441 Hibbard road . Viage Tressuer Harry W. Miller' incumbent), 823 Park avenue. Village Ci" Nicholas P. Miller' (incumbent), 1775 Washington av enue. Park Isard Miles B. Geringer (incumbent), 1000 Michigan avenue. Percy B. D. Idier (incumbent), 932 Ashland avenue. Garrett B. Jobnstoni, 220 Maple avenue. Library B.vid John F.' Hoffmann, Jr. (incumbent), 1927 Central avenue. J. Hugh Foster (incunibent), 921 Greenleaf avenue. AV8IW .............a New Trier New& ......24 Il;ecr..tion .............. socioty Pages ...;.....34-41 with the lowlers ....... S Bower is à -experienceq e ini the 80$ 1 the villagfý re43)

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