Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1935, p. 29

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in an exhibition meet in the Shawnee pool1 Friday, February 22. Chicago bas already turned in im- pressive victories against Wisconsin., Purdue and -Indiana,. which confirms the pre-season 'reports that Perry McGillivray has a fine. team this year,. He has a number of sopho- m or e swimmers whowere formerly state, champions and now promise to be con ferenice, cha mpions. Competing for 'Shawnee: will be several former Big ,Ten swimmers f rom' Wisconsin and Northwestern, ably supported byr a number of prom- ising younger swimmers. from. the north shore. Upholding the prestige of former Conferencé teams -will be- Kerber, Troupe and Diamond 'of Northwestern;? Lange, Davis and Post of Wisconsin, and Walker and Christy of Michigan. These men will be aided by Charley Ullrich, Don Oelerich and Haldane Wilson in the free style events; Bill Lynch, in the fancy divîng; Eddie Kaye and Wil- liain Beebe, in the back stroke. These men are well known on the north shore for their past performances. in. swimming meets and have shown con- siderable increase ini speed over ast year. In addition, two 1932 Olympic team swimmers, Bob Kerber, in the back- stroke, and Christy, in the distance swims,. will perform in the meet. The University of, Chicago waâter polo team won the Conference chatu- pionship last year and will offer a strong bid for the titie again this ea;Also these men were runners-- up to the National A. A. U. cham-ý pions, the I.A.C., last year. Shawnee has a good team of former Big Ten stars and should give them a, real battie.> Water polo, like its land brother, equestrian polO, 15 sfast, thrilling, and at times a littie rough. You will enjoy the game and it promises,. obcb full of thrills and action. Pauqie wieders since the iungarian, teai invaded Patten gym early in an-, uary. OfficiaIs of the Glencoe Table Tennis-club sponsor of this cirent, ,pre- dict an, evening. of fast and,'thrilling action. Fushimi, Clark, Condy,, and 'other ranking playerswill appear iii the mensý evýents. The appearanceý of Piushimi assures tbc spectators a -spectacular. match.ý Considercd AmeriWas greatest exhib 'itionist,' Fushimiis famous for bhis colorful play, especially higs sensa- tional retrieves of scemingly. impossible shots. Fushimi snares the bail out. of the, air, scoops it off the floor,. and seems to get the bal back on the table f rom any point within:twenty or thirty feet fromr the table. Clark NationalFigure Coleman Clarkç of Glencoe has beep, a national figure in table tennis for many years, a'nd was the leading pioneer in the gaine in this country. He reccntly managed the nation-wide tour. of the Hungarian team, and with McClure was thet mainstay of the American team. His latest triumph was the winning of the Western doubles cbampionship last' week at Indianapolis. A match be- tween Clark and Fushimi is inevitably a thriller, witb more fast action than is seen i ii any sport with the possible exception oi ice hockey, Bill Condy is New Triers contribu- tion to thc Chicago roster of nationalI stars. Althougb be 15 in bis teens, Condy is a veteran of the game. Holding the title of Chicago district- champion, hé is the country's leading exponent of the pen-holder grip. Womn uStars Comiag Women players will be represented by Trudie Schnlur and Jay Purves, 1934, and 1935 Western champions r espec- tivel3r. This wil1 be their first North Shore exhibition of the present season. In addition to men~s singles and doubles, Dr. Ray O. Wykhsd, nadsi director of! educat ion and reloton.- ships. Boy Scouts vof Ametrica, uiéô is to addres . more than 200, guesti- -0f the North Shore Area council at. t/wMeScout LeadeWs'Appreciation emner W,*dncsday, Pebruary 20, at Razinia ;chool. In addition to the message by Dr. Wyland, one of the most brilliant men in the scout movement, other highlights of the evening will be:ý presentation of. Ten-Year Progrant awards to q ualifying scout units andý also to the North Shore Area coun- cil; presentation of the Silver Beaver award to a scouter selected by a special conîmittee for outstanding, service to boyhood, and the annual council. aneting at which oficers for 1935 will be eleted. Track Team Shows Promise W hile It Is Taking Defeat New Trier High school's track teamn lost to Oak Park by a wide margin in the Oak Park field bouse hast Saturday night. Individual per- formances of some of the New Trier' boys were outstanding, howevcr, and Coach John Nay believes that bis team wiIl show much improveinent as the seas.ôn progresses. 111 cars wjii, UDebLstAeIK[VIeU k tlte ut- door season by the addition of sev- -eral stars in events that are not on the indoor programn, such as thé jave- lin, discuts and broad lump. The- Wildcats suiffered . heavily through the loss by graduation of six lettermen, four of whomn placed in the outdoor. conference Iast seaà- son. They"were 0111e OisonandMal, Read, high jump, 0111e Diggins, con- ference loiW hurdies. champion; Art jenis, high. b urdIes; Chuck Rudolpb, pole vault, and Hal Goers,ý riscus. The Purple lettermeit are Capt. Geo- orge Farley , mile, Jack Fleming,- haif mile, Ernest Pleschnier, high Jum and, Bob Stephen, shot put. Farley, who placed third in the conference mile last year holds the Northwestern record for this distance with a mark of 4:23.7. Fleming, a sophoinore last Irea?', laed third in the conférefie- half mile. His best turne for the 880 was 1 :54. Plescbner tied for first place in tbe conference high juuip witb a leap of 6 feet 17X iches. A trio of minor lettermen froin last season will. be on hand for the winter meets. They are Rex Adcock, quarter; Ordway Hilton, mile, and Lou Kras- no, pprints. .S"okoro.Hqld Promis. Týhe sophomore . contingrent incliades for the spr: miade quitc scbool. Bolb will also coi 1Another possibilities competesq il He throWs His special an event in,. none of the rints, an event in which he ea irecord at Sehni high àSwisher, spcedy halfback, >mpcte in the dgishes. foothaller witb starring s1 i Vange Burnett, who, n the shot put and discus. ;bbc shot arouzd 46 feet. Ity is the discus, howevcr, *which he i8 expected to be store eleven years r has resided ider two clas gymnasium the toilet roorr in ual traini built by CI Coole of CI y. a resident ol Monday on a1 be' tbe guest angs, of 333 ýA and .work lbr nrsseri-w Ackermant Wilmette. ber sister-tu-ýlaw.

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