Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1935, p. 52

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Dediuefo j g»Cassified avesmnts wll e r- WILMIVnT LIFE or ail . three papers; Wednesda.y 0 P.. for WINNETXIr 1,LK and Thursday 5--P. M. for GLXCON 'NEWS Telephone.: Wlmetté 4300, Wlnnetka 2000 <Winntka '500 atter 6 P. M.). Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 1216-1217. Loi"T AND P@UND LOST---BROWN LEATIIER PURSE IN or ,near Knltting $hop Linden Ave.. Winnetka, containing glasses, tickets, etc.. Reward.. No questions asked.ý Ph. Wlnnetka 1561.iL1-t LOST - SCOTTY PUP, FEMALE. Little girl', pet. Answers te namne of JTeannile. No questions asked. Reward., PM.Wljhnette 1837. 3LTN41-1tpi LOST ý- 7-MONTH-OLDý TAN 'AND white partly colored- cocker spaniel. 811 Forest Ave., Wilmnette 3696. 3LTN4-ltc DOGý LOST IN HUBBARD WOODS, 3 months old.. White and bla.ck wii'e halred terrier. Rewerd offered. Phone Glencoe 1542. 3L1TN41-ltp SOM1ETHING WRONG WITH THE-1 stairs I buli lth e D X Service sta-J tion, Kenilworth. Guesa w'hat, and I wil!. give you a. good fountainpen. $udge F. Pavlik, Jr. 5LTN41-ltp »SUINES SEMYICE Jos. P. Kuss, Optometrist Lit. long experienee in the Sittlng of- glasses. Broken lenses repia.ced. Prames, repalred on short notice. $47 Che.tnut St. Wintks. 3671 Opposite tlie poat office = Il DREBMAKINS COLLETTE -SOEURS 1SIGNEWRS AND, MAXER.S Oiginal-Coipled---Retyled.ý-Atered 833 I Elm t. Winnetka 1011 -22LI'6414tp COATS 8IT.DRPE5SJCS, ALTERNE>, remode ed. Ï38 day. ,Your .home -or j 'mi e es. Ph. Wilmette i645 *or 2718.I e2LTN40-.4tp PAIM U ODucu THE FARM H4OUSE BETWEEN EVANSTON AND WIL- METTE AT RAILROAD AVENUE You r dollar will bring you more ln value for FAM iHOUSEBU-TR Eff and POULTRY, we'believe, than else- where. PAR~M IHOtJE EGGS are absolutely strictly freali, they are not warehouse, but come direct to us every other day f rom henneries ln Wisconsin. PA*tM HOUSE BUTTER also comes, directiy from Wisconsin creameries weekly. Our roll butter ls sweet and fresh and. HOARD'S BUTTER from FORT ATKINSON needs no recom- xnendation. FARM ROITSE POUT!TJPTcom di WII<METTE 3413 42LTN41-ltP Quality Decorating, OLD FLOORS, MADE LIKE NEW wlth electric mnachine. Neat reliable, and very reasonable. 'We finance your work through loans from the National Hoüsing Act. Special early spring rates. PRED BROBERG 42LTN41-tfc, DEC. NOWT-m,50%,,OFF 1935 WASHABLE FPAPER A~ LOW AS lOc a roil. Expert wk. WelI recom- meënded., Apprec. any âamt. of wk.: LOUIS, ý.WILMETTE .5034 42L41-ltp FOR PAINTING ORt DECORATING PHONE WILMETTE 2718. .LC. "BOB» FORSTER 1608 WALNUT AVE., WILMETTE 42LTN41-4tc SEALYHAii TERRIER, MALE, VEAR old, pedigreed. Home raised. House biroken. Excellent 'value. 2310 Cleveland' Ave, CgoPh.Dlyrse 6827 .veu4&.a and eek-nds.44LTN41-ltp IRIS!! TERRIERS, AL; GES, 0F winning stock Wonderful companions for children and aduits. 1047 N. Ked- vale Ave., Chicago. Beimont 7297. 44LTN41-1te FOR SALE - PEDIGREED WIRFX Hair Fox terrier pups. $10 and up. Phone Wlhnette 5004. 44LTN41-ltp PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. RE- pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chick- ering, Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 P'air- viwA -iark Vt. idoA AQQ pioyeus LUI i Cal! Wrank's. etive' em- ýe ýhomes. COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE T0 EMPLOYER mclent Servie for North. Shore Hos WEinV ISTIGATE REFERENCES WE ARE TIIEOIINA Pauline.'s Empi.,Agency WILMETTE 2171 PotIr.ti and Lnden Opposite ';L" er EXPERI.NCEDHELP. wm iSEIAcliq N HGH GRADEC domesi bell>, ail nationailtes.1No charge to emplyr.Rtrne n lveutz«. tlde Sttesuprvsin. M ý Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Wlnnetka 3399 6ILTN2à-ttc flDOMESÏC ELP MSP. AND WELL RECQMMENDED NO Charge to EmploYer Lindgren FEmpi. Agency, Bstabliahed 25 years 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047 68LTN19-tfc Carlsonps Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WTINNETKA 33U8 RELIABLE HELP SAIl domestlc positions NO CHARGE 'rn EMPLOEUi FOýjSTER NIS OIL BURNER SER Ail burners at all hours. Plastering Stucco 1BASSMENT-WHITEW Geo. A. Thursby E-XPERIENCED CARF Repairlng .Small boa.t work. Rea W. C. PAGEWN Cement - MING Ii; LAUNDRY 4UNDRY WORK TO DO AT 1 iy experlenced laundress. Stii shore references. Phone WiI 9R UT. Itte TYPEWRITERS -FOR SALE-A. NEW WOODSTOCK typewriter. Reas. This machinehas MEnever been used. Enquire 1120 Central ood. Ave., Wilmette. Dr. Barker's office. tte 57LTN41-ltp lip ~î. WEARIV4G APPARgL ir 4 FUCE. TWEED SUIT, SIZE 46, $12; - D &.Ze m __£--1-__- fimV I ' 4 1 t A- ClU STRNG, CAPABLE WOMAN WO1ELD liko, housecleaning and laundry. Can give first-class service. Best N. S. refs. 7.10 Center, Winnetka 1530. 68LTN41-ltp' EXPEIRIENCED) WOMAN DESIRES bal! day, work - servlng, taking care o! children or any other -work. E. Z., 1511 Lake Avenue, Wilnmette. 61LTNII-ilp ÎE-FINED, CAPABLE,YOUNG COL- lege won>an desires position as tutor and 'companion for children. Experi-. Onced. Best references. DAVIs 7718. ,e 3 This, Issue )OIJR IUCK$I".e Lfe. 'l

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