Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Feb 1935, p. 46

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Bat., Marel 2 iloors Open 10:80 A. 31. LAUREL end..HARDY "B.llAlSSIN TOYLANDO UMyBteiloutalW' at matinee Saun, Non, Tuei4., Match s8-4-6 CH CINCHOW' Wed. OaIy-Igarcia I, REiTuJam BT EEQITYBT, Bear Jan, Niepura a"ali oou u iAx KIEPV uRA "SE MINO TONUGHTr. Toêy (Thur*.) I.»t Day! ~ URINE DUNNE SWIUT ADULIMEOI tIogh Merbet-Ned Sperks - RI PISAlI, SUN M - DOORS OPEN - JSATURDAY J jat 10:30 a. n.J [iCOME EARLY!j KATHARINEa inHEPOURN InSrJames M. Barrie% players present the tunra c hi series of plays for younýg people. Que of the most interesting parts of the play will be the vrery unique costumes which the cast ýwill wear. The play takes placé a t the timc' when ail the wcomen, even the very little girls, wcre busties. 'So ail of the women ini the play, from old Gramma Bascom down toi tiny littie Phronsie,' the you ngest of the. Peppers, bas. to have a bustie. Ail1 the boys wore Long peints, toc. Tbey were ligbit colorçd and1 tight, and with them the boys wore short littie jackets and big bow ties. So al of, -the- Pepper. and Whitney boys in -*Five Little Pieppers" wear these suits wbich look so queer and uîicomi- f ortahle to us to-day. Ail of these costumes are absolutely ,authetitie,. and. "in terest bth chil- dren and adults. As far as possible, the materials, too, are the samne kind f rom which our grandmnothers and grandfathers and great-granduiothers and great-grandfathers had their ciothes made. These plays for eidren have beeti se popular that Miss. Poley ba.s been prevailed> upon to present a mod- ernized version of "Ciniderella" ini April. . Tickets anîd information mnay be secured f rom the chairman, Mrs. H-. A. Stormis, or aiy . member of lier committee.-Comîtribisted "Firat Legion" 0.pen on Stage at Harris Monday *Probably no play in recent years lias created as much discussion' as -~The First Legion," the comedy ro- manîce of faith, which begins.,a limit- ed'eiigagemenit at the Harris theatre, Chicago, on Monday evening, March 4. Bert Lyteli of miction picture and stage faine is the star and bis asso- February 18, *Dy té otii>nr Better Film council regarding the bookings for the latter* part of Feb- ruary and the month of March at both the Teatro del Lago and tbe Vil- mette theater.- The occasion for the verdict was the* reguilar. monthly meeting -whicb the better filmn council holds at the Wilmette Vïilge hall. Kine out of thirteen pictures scheduled for, the Wilmette, theater, were definitely classed as family filmns, th ree were. fouid suitable for youtng .adults, and onie for maturer audiences. Family ratings were accorded the following pictures to, be shown Fni- days and Saturdays ini the.near future at the WVilmette theater: "Kid Mil- lionsis." "Broa.dway Bill," "The Mighty B arnum" a nd. The Little Minister." The Teatro del Lago. it was found, is devoting Fridays and Satur- days of the itear future to the fol- lowing family pictures: "Romance ini Manhattan," "Bachelor of Arts," "'The Best Mani Wins," "W\est of the Pecos" and "The Little M\inister.". Another Teatro picture which the better films council praised iW "Charlie Chan in Paris." The coun- cil agreed it has "fine entertaininent value of aduit and young adult suit- ability." Garrick P layers WUIl Present "Street Scene" The Garrick Players of Lake Forest college will undertake the largest dra-, matic production iin their history ýon the evenings of March 6 and 7, when they present Elmer Rice's famous "Street Scene," in the Art Institute on the Lake Forest campus. The cast' for the play will be announced next. week by Prof. R. C. Toinlinson, direc- tor of.the Garrick club. "Street Scene" is not commonly at- tempted by the smaller theatrical Prtarl . iç,yle and John, Garrick i i a scent' Ira n *(*i4~chi;i l:o:ýt,," colo rf id Britiash zversioi of AU Baba .-and 1the Fori r Thieves, shing a,)1q I. the Valencia 11î4alerSwdaý-, Ài-: day and Tesa..larc h.3-S. Fr-i1z Kortkier, Gerieait star, and Amni MVY a r ~yceaIso'xeleta leadin'q roles. Another big event at the V,.aleiicia' is the request retturn engagement Xednesday. Nlarch 0, of "Be Mine Tonight." This gei of a musical, featuring janý Kieptira, tbhe Polishý opera star, will he enjoyed more than ever: Thé Valencia's improved Wide Rangesound system is the reason. Right now is the tune to see "The White Parade," showing at the Va- lencia tItis Thursday and Friday. It's a heart-stirring picture . of nurses in training, with a Cind rella love story involving Iorc.ta Yotng and John Saturday, Nlarchi 2. 1hrings "Babes ini Tovland," a deliglit.fo-r the kiddies and fun for. the gon-p Stan Latirel and Oliver Hardy contrihute * ~fOUfld I Read ýthe Want Mis Cose .65IM md UP P hone SEN IRICKSON WiIm.tt. - s ~ 8iL. i UM A throbbing picture of the struggle DOG CHASES DOLLAR cf New York's millions for life and Skippy, a wire haired terrier born happiness is realistically presented in Hollywood three year s ago, isi the RKO-Radio's "Romance in flOW, making $150 a week in films. Manhattan," featuring Francis Led- He was known as Asta in "The Thin eretr magnetic international star, and Man," and Pon-Pom in "Lottery sintillainred-hed ige 4I i. j,

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